Chapter 9- Puddle of Blood

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Wills P.O.V.

Chiron chuckled and gave Annabeth a grin. "And you thought you were no good at this" The blonde whips her head in his direction, probably making a face at him I can't see.

When she turns her head back at me, her face is full of truth and sincerity. "So I'm guessing you have ADHD? Dyslexia too?" I stare at her in awe. How did she know? Does she have some mind reading power like how Nico can teleport?

"I'm taking that as a yes then?" She inquiries and I slightly shake my head. "Pretty much everyone here has both of them. The Dyslexia is because our brains aren't meant for English. They take a liking of ancient Greek, what they are programmed for, due to our parentage."

I let myself relax noticeably. Taking in a deep breath, I let her words sink it. Maybe they're not as crazy as I previously thought. I can't help but wonder what my reaction would be if I was getting this information from Nico.

"The ADHD is actually battle reflexes-"

"Battle reflexes?" I interrupt.

"Yeah, like Chiron said the Greek gods are real. Unfortunately for their offspring, us, that means the monsters in Greek mythology are also alive, ready to attack us for a tasty snack."

I just stare down at the floor not knowing what to do with this information. It must be why everyone here is armed. I was quick to judge.

All of a sudden the door to the room is blown open taking everyone by surprise. A guy with short blonde hair with glasses on stands in the doorway with a panicked expression taking that over his face. With worry in his voice, the words that come out of his mouth stab like a knife.

"Nico's Hurt"


(Play song)

In neck-breaking speed Annabeth and Chiron are out the door following the blonde guy with me on quickly following behind. Running to catch up with the others, I mentally yell at myself. If I hadn't chased him earlier, this never would have happened! This is all my fault!

In a couple of minutes, we come to a stop in the middle of the woods. Catching my breath, I look around to find Nico. Sure enough, he was there, and the sight made me wanna cry.

Laying in a puddle of red, bleeding heavily, was the small black haired boy. Cuts and gashes covering him head to toe like an art gallery. A bite mark going up half his leg. Deep red scratches on his ghostly pale face.

I let out a silent sob. Funny how life works. I constantly kick and punch him at school making his life hell at my own hands. I never stopped myself even though I knew what I was doing was wrong and disgusting. I did nothing but hurt him, but seeing him like this was killing me on the inside. Why was this different for me? Why was it causing me so much more pain? Not once did I listen to the voice in my head and I curse myself for it. I'm a worthless human who doesn't deserve life. I should be in Nico position. Lying on his deathbed.

I run over to him not sure what I'm doing. My hands seem to have a mind of there own. I put my fingers to the side of his neck checking for a pulse. I sigh in relief as I feel a faint beat but I know it won't last long. Taking off my over shirt, I rip it into pieces so I can use it for multiple wounds. Using the three pieces of torn cloth, I tie them above the most severe cuts to stop the bleeding. One on each arm and another on a bitten leg. What could have bitten him to leave such a mark?

Wondering why I'm the only one doing anything in the urgent situation, I turn around to yell at them. Instead, I find them staring at me. Their eyes drift slightly off mine, and above my head. I naturally follow there gaze to what they're so interested in instead of a the dying boy laying next to me.

I hold my breath as I see a golden lyre floating above me. Confused and panicked from the situation I try to hit it away. I focus my attention right back to them all yell at them to help. Somewhere along the run, Chiron must have changed again because he's once again a white steed.

They snap out of their daze and run over to the assist me with Nico. Annabeth kneels on the other side of him and analyzes the boy's injury's with worry written on her face.

"Chiron, can you carry Nico on your back to the infirmary?" Annabeth ask. He shakes his head with deep emotion. "Of course" The girl looks back to me, signaling to help her lift him up. Once we do so, I wonder how he will even stay on his back without falling off.

Turns out I don't have to because Chiron pats his back, mentally telling me to get on. "Make sure to keep ahold of Nico, alright?"

He bends down allowing me on and I climb up. Right before we take off I hear Annabeth yell at the glasses dude. "Go get the rest of the seven and tell them to meet up at the infirmary!"


Carrying Nico bridal style, I carefully hop off Chiron and run into the infirmary. The quiet and clean atmosphere slightly calms my nerves. The bed creaks as set him down on it and go to look around the building for someone to help with his injuries. I sigh in relief as a curly brown hair girl walking my way. She doesn't look old enough to be a professional doctor but she good enough for the moment.

"Excuse me, my friend here is hurt extremely bad. I did the best I can at the moment myself. I'm extremely worr-"

"Of course. Where is he?" She cuts me off looking extremely worried. I lead her to the bed I set him down on and hear her gasp.

"Nico?! Oh my god's!" She rushes to his side and immediately starts treating him. She rubs some kind of ointment on his cuts and starts bandaging them. I can already tell some are going to need stitches.

I watch her hands move in a certain flow as she does this when the door burst for the second time today.


So I'm not dead if that's what your wondering. I just had stuff happen. First of all, my phone broke and I had to wait like 2 weeks for a new one. Second, stranger things got me hyped up. Season 2 my dudes 👌👌👌👌👌. Third, my sister moved out. She's in college now. Forth, my friend got diagnosed with this disease that could kill her. There is only one cure and she's allergic to it. FIFTH, My bffs hamster died. (R.I.P. NIBBLES.)

Yeah, things happened. I'm so sorry 😢😢😢😢😢.

Consider this a Thanksgiving Eve present...if ya aren't from America and ya aren't shoving ya face tomorrow, well, here is a random gift.

Bye my patience smol beans ✋✋✋

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