Is this real?

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A/N: Hello! So this is the first chapter of this story everyone, enjoy!

Is this real?
The hard packed snow crunches underneath my feet with every step I take. I stare up at the immensely large oak, pine and birch trees as I pass them, my breath forming little white puffs in the air whenever I exhale.  I shiver do to the cool wintry air, subconsciously wrapping my pink cardigan tighter around myself as I continue on my trek.
I'm not exactly sure where I'm heading to, but my feet seem to know exactly how to get there. I continue on.
They lead me to a small clearing in the middle of the snow coated forest. I lean my head back as I shut my chocolate brown eyes, drawing in a long breath of the fresh air. Holding my breath for a moment, I listen. Silence. I let myself exhale, slowly reopening my eyes as I do so. I stare up at the brilliant blue sky, which is now partially covered in puffy, light grey clouds that are sure to deliver some fresh snow. In fact, I can feel it start to sprinkle upon my face as I stare up at the sky, head in the clouds.
I let out a breath of relief, it's so peaceful here.
Suddenly I hear a pair of footsteps crunching loudly in the snow and I snap out of my thoughts. I bring my eyes down to scan the clearing I'm currently residing in, only to land on a certain boy standing about ten feet away from me. He seems to be around my age, with his dirty blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes.
I smile creeps onto my face, my already rosy cheeks growing even more red. Nolan smiles at me too, locking eyes with me and standing tall. Snow flakes land in his hair where it sticks out from under his deep green hat, but he doesn't seem to care.
I run to him and fling my arms around his neck, breathing in the scent of pine needles and cinnamon. As I exhale I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. His arms wrap me in his warm embrace, something I've longed for for as long as I can remember.
After a few moments he pulls back and takes ahold of my hands, looking me in the eyes. I get lost in his, so lost that I almost miss when he finally speaks to me.
I snap out of my daze and search his face, a puzzled look etched into every line on my own. It was definitely Nolan who spoke to me, but it also wasn't him. It didn't sound like him.
I definitely saw his mouth move, but it's not Nolan's voice. It's someone else's, but I can't place my finger one who...
Suddenly I'm left staring into his eyes as I feel myself starting to slip away and I can only form one clear thought. This isn't real...
My mothers voice.
That's who wakes me from my peaceful slumber. I groan and roll over, not wanting to go to school.
"Come on, Jane, get up! You are going to miss the bus," my mother practically yells, shaking me gently.
"Yeah, Jane! You're gunna' miss the bus," my older brother, Lance, mimics with a snicker from somewhere nearby.
"Them let me, I don't want to go to school anyways," I mumble into the sheets.
"Jane," my mother says sternly.
"Fine." I huff as I roll back over into the middle of my bed. I hear more than see my mother exit the room, still having not opened my eyes.
Slowly though, I open them, revealing the plain white ceiling of my bedroom. I sigh. Time to start another day.
I throw my legs over the side of my bed and push myself up, starting towards my closet. I glance up at the wall clock. 8:15. I have ten minutes.
Nope, no, not gunna happen, nope, nada...that's what I think as I rifle through my closet in search of a decent looking outfit. Eventually I settle for a pair of blue skinny jeans, a black and white top and my black Toms. After running a brush through the messy, dirty blonde mop that I call hair, applying some light make up, and grabbing my cell phone I decide that I am ready for my day.
As I enter the kitchen, I can taste burned toast in the air. I round the corner to stare at my mom, who has a rather guilty look plastered upon her face. She holds up a piece of charred toast. I shake my head with a frown. Looks like I'm not eating any breakfast this morning.
Tossing books inside, I zip it up and sling my blue backpack over my shoulders. With everything that I am carrying back and forth to school these days, it must weigh a ton. It definitely feels like it does.
"Bye, mom!" I call, walking out the door. I stick some earbuds in my ears and listen to the first song on my playlist, C'mon by Ke$ha. Turning up the volume on my cell phone I attempt to block out everything else around me. I would rather live in my own type of reality. My own perfect world. My imagination. My dreams are always perfect, why can't I just live inside my own head? I would be a lot happier there.
I reach the bus stop just as the bus pulls up and sit in my normal seat about halfway back. It doesn't seem like it's even been five minutes before the bus is pulling up to the school and I know that I will have to face reality once more.
Reaching my locker I quickly input the combination and retrieve my books for English. I rush to my class, trying my hardest to keep out of the way of the twelfth graders. They seem to like to pick on the grade nine's. Especially me.
No sooner have I thought this then my books get smacked out of my arms by some cocky senior trying to be funny. Papers fly all over the place, scattered among my other books on the floor. I groan as I kneel on the floor to collect my papers. Could this morning get any worse?
First I get woken from the perfect dream, then I don't get breakfast, and now some senior thinks it's funny to smack some books out if my hands. What's next?
When I reach the a English classroom, I slip inside a take a seat near the back of the room. Most of the class is already seated and talking with one another. Stragglers come in and take the seats around me, but I don't pay much attention to them. I'm too busy being lost in my own thoughts. Class starts a few minutes later but I'm still not listening, which is probably why my grades aren't the best. I zone out completely, thinking about my life, my friends and family. What would happen if I lived inside my own mind? So I sit through class, pondering this question, and very much wishing that I was still asleep, living in my dreams.
A/N: So...first chapter...what'd you think? I would love to hear your feedback guys so please don't be shy, leave a comment or a vote. Or both if you want to. ;) I know this chapter was kind of short but the next ones will most likely be longer than this one. The next update should be soon, so until next time guys! Thanks for reading! -Ella :)

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