o. when it rains

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THE PHONE RANG ONCE, twice, three times before the girl finally answered. For a moment, Ofelia stood in stunned silence, golden eyes locked on the bustling streets outside the apartment window. She hadn't expected her to pick up, not after so long, but Alice Cullen always enjoyed proving Ofelia Torres wrong.

"Ofelia? Are you there?"

"Alice," she breathed out at last, briefly meeting Beck's expectant gaze in the window reflection before averting her eyes away. "Hi..."

"Hi," the girl laughed in response. "I've been expecting this."

"You have?"

"Of course," she chuckled, her amusement evident. "What? Did you forget I can see the future? I saw this happening months ago, Ofelia. You're actually a bit late, if I'm being honest--"

At that, Ofelia let out a scoff. "Yeah, yeah. Well, I'm calling now, aren't I?"

"You are."

"And you know what I'm going to ask."

"I do."

"Then are you going to tell me?" Ofelia scowled, her patience stretching thin. Subconsciously, her foot started tapping against the carpeted floor, an anxious habit that Beck eyed knowingly. With a grumble, Ofelia forced herself to stand up straight, waiting.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, Alice gave a thoughtful hum before replying, "I'll send you a text soon. Now, go and pack your things. I know you haven't even started."

"I think I'm going to regret this."

"You're won't, I've--"

"Seen it?"

Alice sighed in content. "Oh, how I've missed you, Ofelia."

Ofelia rolled her eyes, though she couldn't deny that a fond smile had tugged at the corners of her mouth. "I suppose I've missed you too." Beck gave a pointed cough then, catching Ofelia's attention. "I should go, Alice. Beck's hovering like a mother hen."

"We're going to be late if you don't start packing," the woman in question was quick to defend herself, arms folded across her chest like a parent scolding their child.

Having heard Beck in the background, Alice giggled. "Go on then. I'll see you tomorrow morning. 9am sharp. Don't be late."

And with that, she hung up the phone. A second later, the device buzzed with the Cullens' newest address. Alaska.

"Well, Beck," she began, unable to bite back her smile as she pocketed her phone and turned away from the window. "Looks like we're heading to Alaska."

Beck's eyes brightened with a mix of anxious excitement. Immediately, she latched onto Ofelia's hand, half-dragging her through their apartment to where Ofelia's room was located.

It had been four years since she officially met Beck Herring, Carlisle's old 'friend.' Three since they moved in with each other for what Beck called 'Ofelia's trial run at being an adult.' It was definitely rocky at first. Ofelia tried to flee the therapist's house three times in the first four months. Then another two times in the six months after that. But Beck followed her every single time without fail, reminding Ofelia of everything she was working towards; more specifically, who was waiting at the finish line for her, and how disappointed she'd feel if she didn't turn back around for him.

As hard as it was, Ofelia came back again and again, like a moth to a flame.

For this very moment.

The time she came back to Jasper Hale.

They left as soon as she and Beck had packed up Ofelia's room (which didn't take long considering Ofelia barely owned anything but the clothes on her back.) With Beck's car, they'd arrive in Alaska right when Alice expected; 9am. Ofelia felt nervous. Like butterflies in her stomach kind of nervous. She knew in her heart that nothing had changed between her and Jasper, but her mind always knew where to hurt her the most, painting images of him turning his back on her. She sat in anxious silence the whole drive over, routinely switching with Beck whenever the older woman got bored of driving.

And before they really knew it, they were pulling into the driveway of an elaborate-looking home. It reminded Ofelia a lot of the old house the Cullens had in Forks; freshly-mown grass, perfect flower beds, a wrap-around porch decorated like something you'd find on the front page of an interior design catalogue. The only disruption to the otherwise immaculate scenery was the pixie-like 'teenage' girl bounding down the porch steps with a radiant smile, and even she fit right in like a model stepping off a runway.

"You're late," was the first thing Alice Cullen said before she pulled Ofelia into a tight hug.

Frowning, Ofelia glanced down at the watch strapped to her wrist, then promptly rolled her eyes. "Alice, it's 9am, just like you said."

"Ah, correction," she huffed as she stepped back. "It's 9:01am."

"Oh, wow," Ofelia scoffed. "I'm one minute late? The world's going to end!"

From the other side of the vehicle, the passenger door slammed followed by a laugh as Beck watched them with amusement. Squealing, Alice rushed around to engulf the older woman in another hug, murmuring excited words in her ear that Beck responded to with fondness. Sometimes, Ofelia forgot that the two had already known each other, way back before Ofelia even came into the picture. But in seeing how Alice looked at the woman like a child reuniting with their mother, she remembered.

"Where's everyone else?" Beck asked after another second of hugging. She tried not to let it show on her face, but both Ofelia and Alice could see how nervous she truly was.

"They're out hunting," Alice explained as she helped the two of them carry their bags inside. "Only Esme and Renesmee are here right now. They're excited to see you, though. Renesmee insisted on baking you cookies... I think she forgets they'll taste like dirt to you both..."

At that, Beck laughed. "It's the thought that counts."

The inside of the house was just as immaculate as the outside. Forest green curtains hung open on the windows, allowing the natural light of the pale grey sky to shine through onto the sleek furniture. Immediately, Ofelia picked up on the differences this house had to the last one. It seemed that this time, Esme had gone for a vintage look instead of a modern one. There was a grand piano sitting in the living room, taking up a whole corner alongside a Persian rug and two ornate bookshelves full to the brim with an assortment of novels; medical research for Carlisle, history for Jasper, fashion design for Alice, mechanics for Rosalie, sport for Emmett, music for Edward, the classics for Bella and Renesmee. It was sweet to look at. In a house so perfect and pristine, it gave Ofelia a personal touch, a reminder that despite their ageless bodies, the Cullens had things they loved; hobbies, passions.

"You'll have a chance to look around later," Alice said as she ushered Ofelia away from the door. "Come say hi to the others."

The second she stepped into the kitchen, an excited heartbeat began to echo in Ofelia's ears. Ofelia tensed but didn't have the chance to react before a body slammed into her torso, a pair of skinny arms circling her waist as a high-pitched but soft-spoken voice chattered into her shoulder.

"Aunt Ofelia!" Renesmee exclaimed. "You're really here! I thought Aunty Alice was kidding when she said you were coming."

For a moment, Ofelia was at a loss for words. Only four years had passed since she last laid eyes on Renesmee Cullen, but the child of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan looked to be twelve or thirteen-years-old already, and she spoke with the intellect of a fully grown woman. Ofelia had known this would happen, but the surprise came nevertheless.

"I made you both cookies," Renesmee continued, oblivious to Ofelia's stare as she moved to hug Beck. She'd never met the woman, and yet she greeted her like another one of her family members, rosy-cheeked and wide-eyed. "I kind of forgot you can't eat them, but at least they'll be nice to look at? I followed one of Grandma's recipes, and I happen to think she's a lovely cook, so..."

"Nessie," Esme cut in with sweet laughter. "Take a breath, darling. Ofelia and Beck just got here."

"Right. Sorry."

Still, the young girl immediately moved on to another topic, babbling away like Esme hadn't interrupted. For a moment, the group of vampires merely stood around her, Ofelia and Alice exchanging a fond look as Beck and Esme lingered opposite each other, a whole lot of emotion between the two. Beck hadn't spoken much about Carlisle and Esme Cullen, but whenever she did say their names, Ofelia always caught the softness behind them that Beck just couldn't hide. It was cute, in a sickeningly sweet kind of way.

"Why don't we show Ofelia to her room, Ness?" Alice said at last. "Let Grandma and Beck catch up."


Ofelia only vaguely paid attention to the tour as Renesmee pointed out some of her favourite spots in the house. She couldn't stop thinking about Jasper, of how close he really was to her. She could easily smell his scent coming from the room opposite hers, fresh from being there earlier that morning. Alice knew where her mind had drifted, for she filled in the silences Ofelia left with more distractions for Renesmee, until they heard the familiar woosh of several bodies sprinting through the trees towards them.

"Mama!" Renesmee cried as she spied Bella and Edward through one of the windows. "Papa!"

Without another word to Ofelia and Alice, she turned and ran down the stairs. Ofelia hesitated to follow her, and it was at that moment that Jasper appeared.

"I'll give you some privacy," Alice said before quickly disappearing into her room.

The second her door clicked shut, Jasper closed the space between them, hands hovering on either side of Ofelia's face. "You're really here," he breathed out, a soft smile curving the corner of his mouth. "I thought I was going crazy when I smelled your scent outside." Ofelia didn't know what to say in response, so she surged forward to press her lips to his. Jasper was quick to draw her closer, re-learning every crevice of her body. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," she responded easily, a mere murmur against his mouth.

With obvious reluctance, he pulled away to rest his forehead against her own. "And are you here for good?" he asked, not wanting to get his hopes up. He'd seen the luggage in the foyer downstairs, but he never really knew with Ofelia.

She nodded slowly, a tender hand cupping his jaw to prompt his eyes back to hers. "For as long as you'll have me," she said.

"Then you'll be here forever."

Ofelia smiled. "Forever," she tested the word out on her tongue. It filled her with a sense of hope, of longing. "I like the sound of that."

It seemed like Peter had lost their bet. Ofelia couldn't wait to rub it in his face.

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A/N: And that's a wrap on When It Rains! It feels so surreal knowing that Ofelia's story has finally come to an end, that she's finally happy with Jasper at her side. I hope you all like the ending that I chose, I had several planned but I couldn't bare to put her through more pain. Feel free to let me know what you thought and what you're excited for in Beck's story when I finally post it. You'll be seeing bits and pieces of Ofelia throughout! I honestly can't thank you all for how much love and support you showed Ofelia and myself while I was writing her. It really means the world to me. So for the last time, thank you for reading <3 I hope you enjoyed!

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