Episode 4: 私たちが失ったもの

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Everything went still when the double doors burst open. The sound of heels clacking against the polished marble floor was the only thing echoing in the chambers of Rin's mind. He turned. And his jaw hung open.

Hye-jin, clad in white with a veil over her face, walked towards him with the brightest smile he ever saw on her. The weeks of planning didn't prepare him for this. Judging from the stillness of the audience, Rin wasn't the only one feeling like the world was slowing down.

And slow down, it did. A watery haze filled his eyes, and he did his best to blink it away. No. He must witness this, remember every single detail. This scene—where a thousand petals fluttered in the air and showered down on Hye-jin, the light fixtures giving it their all to make sure the place was glowing, the abundance of white roses lining the aisle—wouldn't be here forever. Maybe it'd live in the pictures from the cameras clicking in the background, but seeing it happening before him—it invoked a different feeling.

Words would fail to express whatever was going through his brain. All that mattered was the woman walking towards him, in a dress flaunting her beauty, and the brightness in her eyes. Rin wiped his cheek with the back of his hand, trying to keep his composure. Hye-jin would be laughing at him later if she ever saw him looking like a chef tortured with onions in the pictures.

Beside the bride was her father. Rin had begrudging respect for Hye-jin's father. The man had nothing upon moving to Whiteridge. After risking everything and starting a business of selling foods from home, not only did he become the top-selling store in the neighborhood, he was able to send his daughter into a prestigious university. All the while taking care of his wife's medical expenses and making sure Hye-jin was eating good food three times a day.

Hye-jin reached the steps leading to the altar where Rin stood beside the officiant. Her arm around the crook of her father's tightened the least bit. He turned to her with a sad, watery smile. Slowly, he peeled off her fingers and passed them to Rin's waiting hand. Hye-jin's head swiveled between her father and Rin, the veil shielding whatever expression she wore. Her shoulders shook—the weakest quiver—but it wasn't lost on Rin.

She bunched her skirts up and strode towards him. He made sure to run his thumb against her knuckles to calm her. She looked up at him with another one of her small smiles and squeezed his hand back. Even when she was already settled beside him, he didn't let go. He figured he wasn't going to. Ever.

Then, it was time for the vows. Rin held the wireless microphone, feeling all sorts of emotions curl through his gut, knocking his intestines over, causing a commotion to roil under the surface. Fear pounded against his temples. What if he messed up the sentences he painstakingly memorized? What if he became paralyzed and ruined everything?

A hand squeezed his. He raised his head and met Hye-jin's eyes from underneath the veil. She nodded at him, giving his hand—which stayed intertwined with hers—one last squeeze. Rin blew a quiet breath, bringing the microphone to his mouth.

"I, Nagara Rin, take you, Joon Hye-jin, to be my wife, my partner in life, and my one true love," he began. Another wave of hushed silence fell over the crowd. It's impossible to tell if it was a good silence or a bad one. He continued nonetheless. "I will always cherish the friendship we shared and will always put it first. Your happiness is my happiness. Your hardships are my hardships. Your family will be my family, and I will love you as they do. In laughter, in misery, in sickness, and in health—I will be your sturdy rock, one you can lean on."

He swallowed against the growing lump of emotions in his throat before continuing. "I will be here forever, Hye-jin. For you and with you. Whatever it takes and whatever comes our way. Yours are the only hands I will hold, and until death do us part."

He passed the microphone to Hye-jin who looked at it like she couldn't believe it was already her turn. He smiled at her and gave back the small squeeze of confidence she gifted him earlier. She blinked and took the microphone from his grip. Her chest heaved as she exhaled the same way he did.

"I, Joon Hye-jin, take you, Nagara Rin, to be my husband, my partner in crime, video games, and in life, and my one true love," peals of laughter rang from the crowd, followed by a faint whistle from the bench where their university friends were seated. Everyone knew how they met and fell in love, it seemed. Hye-jin ducked her head as she fought to contain her own laughter before meeting Rin's eyes again. "Our friendship is something I will forever cherish and it will always be my priority. Your happiness is my happiness. Your hardships, mine. Your family will be my family, and I will love you as they do."

Hye-jin glanced at the right lane of benches where Rin's mother and her partner were seated. He followed her gaze and saw his mother dabbing a sheet of tissue at the corners of her eyes. When she noticed Rin's attention, she gave him her signature bright smiles and a little wave. More tears threatened to spill from his eyes, and he had to blink several times to keep them at bay. His mother, after years of being miserable, has finally found her happiness. The man sitting beside her was everything Rin's father wasn't. After a whole decade of misery, she had finally found a home in someone who wouldn't hurt her.

"In laughter, in misery, in sickness, in health, and in fits and rage whenever you are defeated in a 1v1 match—I will be your pillar, one you can always lean on," Hye-jin continued. "And one that is more stylish than a lump of rock."

More laughter.

Rin ducked his head to hide the amusement threatening to spill out. It was a serious ceremony. They shouldn't be laughing like this. But leave it to Hye-jin to keep everything as light as she could. Her humor was so on point, that sometimes Rin wondered if she'd make a fortune out of doing comedy.

Then, Hye-jin shook Rin's hand to get his attention once more. He lifted his head to find her staring up at him, the stars' gaze barely being held back by the veil. "I will always be with you, Rin," she said. "Whatever comes our way, whatever road we take. Yours is the only heart I will hold in my hands and will not let go of. I will always love you, Rin, and until death do us part."

Applause and cheers erupted in the room. The officiator gestured to the ring bearer to come forward. They took turns slipping their rings into their fingers—two silver bands to remind them that whatever occurred in this room really did become a part of their shared memory.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," said the officiator. "You may kiss the bride."

With shaking hands, Rin reached forward and gripped the edges of Hye-jin's veil. He lifted it over her head, stopping halfway when he caught a glimpse of her face without it. She had stolen his breath all over again, and she would be doing so for as long as he lived.

"Hi," he whispered through the hammering of his own heart.

She beamed at him. "Hi."

Rin slid his hand on her slender neck and searched her eyes. They were full of life and brimming with hope for their future. Everyone told them to slow down and reconsider things before running straight to the altar, but peering inside Hye-jin's inky gaze and seeing the clarity and the unmistakable shade of love in them, this was the most perfect time.

No other moment could take its place.

He drew closer and tilted his head just as his lips touched Hye-jin's. He was sure there were people shouting, camera lights flickering and clicking, and tears being shed, but everything else faded as he and Hye-jin broke apart to throw their arms around each other. Rin laid his forehead against hers, closing his eyes to just breathe her in, along with the aroma of white roses wafting in the air and from her skin and hair.

They couldn't be more wrong. No other time could be better than this.

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