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From    M████████ J████████ █████████
To          ██████ ██████ ███████
Date     February 25, 20██ , 10:50 AM
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Greetings, Mx. ██████ ,

In light of the confidential investigation report submitted by ██████ █████████ , an AstraSolar Studios Scientific Investigator last █████████ ██ , 20██ , as a concerned employee and major shareholder of the company, I advise you to view and provide your opinions about it. This is in order for us to make the appropriate decisions regarding the findings detailed in the report.

I will be looking forward to your response to this thread. Have a good day.


M████████ J████████
Senior Executive
International Content and Operations
Ad Astra Entertainment Industries

― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

From      M████████ J████████ █████████
To            ██████ ██████ ███████
Date       March 10, 20██ , 3:07 PM
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Mx. ██████ ,

It has been several days since our last correspondence. Any response from your office will be appreciated. The gravity of the penalty detailed in the report is not light nor is it beneficial for the company. We need to stop giving the press something to feast on. Especially when our newest console is dropping in markets worldwide soon. Rival organizations will also be all ears about this. We simply cannot delay any further.

I will be looking forward to your response to this issue. Have a good day.


M████████ J████████
Senior Executive
International Content and Operations
Ad Astra Entertainment Industries

― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―

From     M████████ J████████ █████████
To           ██████ ██████ ███████
Date      March 31, 20██ , 03:34 AM
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Mx. ██████ ,

Apologies for the incessant and quite intruding missives, but the company and affiliated third parties as well as law firms we're looking to represent us are in need of your input and any kind of response. For us to be able to move forward with the issue, we need you on board.

I will be looking forward to your response to this issue. Have a good day.


M████████ J████████
Senior Executive
International Content and Operations
Ad Astra Entertainment Industries

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From     M████████ J████████ █████████
To            ██████ ██████ ███████
Date       April 07, 20██ , 04:46 AM
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Mx. ██████ ,

The regional court has submitted a subpoena in the main office. They will be requesting a public appearance from you soon. Legal team is scrambling for a proper precedent in our favor. We urgently need your input and your confirmation of attendance. The dates are provided in the attachment included in this email.

I will be looking forward to your response to this issue. Have a good day.


M████████ J████████
Senior Executive
International Content and Operations
Ad Astra Entertainment Industries

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From     M████████ J████████ █████████
To           ██████ ██████ ███████
Date      April 19, 20██ , 11:54 PM
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██████ ,

I will simply not tolerate this delinquent behavior. Expect the authorities to come knocking at our premises. The Legal Team and I have done our best to get the case dismissed, but without you to call the shots, the prosecution has decided we're just as guilty. Extreme cooperation is expected. You will be taking the fall for this one.

I'm sorry.


M████████ J████████
Senior Executive
International Content and Operations
Ad Astra Entertainment Industries

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From     ██████ ██████ • ███████
To          M████████ J████████ • █████████
Date      April 20, 20██ , 1:59 AM
🔒           Standard encryption (TLS).
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█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ .

█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ .

████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ .



██████ ██████
Chief Executive Officer
Ad Astra Entertainment Industries

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