Quick Notes [DO NOT SKIP]

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To not clog up my blurb, I'll do it here. Quick disclaimers and stuff and for the peeps who like skipping through things like this, joke's on you.

This is a spin-off, stand-alone work but it's still under the bigger umbrella of works under the Arcane Universes. You can read this without reading When Last Night Didn't End. It doesn't really matter in which order you read these two stories as they can be understood without prior knowledge of the other.

There is a list of other works in this profile! I would greatly appreciate it if you checked them as well. They're found at the end of this story, in a part called More From Exequinne.

This is an unedited draft. This is not line-edited so you'll see a lot of possible typos, some unflowy sentences, and most likely, some degree of bad phrasing. I see them all the time so don't worry, I'm way ahead of you there. No need to scream about it in my comments section.

You might ask: why not just upload the edited thing on Wattpad?

My answer: NO. With the abundance of mirror sites and some muck-slurping, mushroom-brained thieves running around on the internet, I'm afraid that you'll have to sit through 50k+ words of crap because I won't ever post the version I'm gonna be proud of on this site. Like, EVER.

I would advise you to avoid skipping anything in this story and that includes epilogues and the likes. Remember: everything is important in the Arcane Universes.

This story is set in a fictional world. Everything comes from my imagination and should be treated as such. I do my research and take inspiration from anything and everything but if there's something you feel iffy about, some detail that you think should not be there, please tell me so we can sort things out immediately. I will appreciate it. <3

The themes tackled in this book, such as marriage and divorce, are considered sensitive and something I have no first-hand experience on. I rely on the experience of others around me and on the media available in my reach which tackle these themes with caution in order to build my own conclusions/beliefs about them. This story will also delve deeper into the human psyche and how we form, keep, and let go of interpersonal relationships.

As such, I am not perfect and may have some unperceived biases that might be harmful for individuals who have been or are in the circumstance as the MCs. If you feel like there is something wrong with how themes are tackled or how they are presented, feel free to DM me on Wattpad or Discord. All I ask is to be respectful about it and not outright cancel me just for making a mistake. Let's have an open discussion and I'll see if we can make a compromise without sacrificing the integrity of the story.

And with that, I usher you to the story that's both close to my heart and what induced endless anxiety in me.

Here's to an adventure of a lifetime, inside a world that might have been inside a memory of a memory.

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