five ⋆ blood, sweat, and tears

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❝it's a beautiful day to save lives. let's have some fun.❞
──dr. derek shepherd, grey's anatomy

The unmistakable buzz from her phone made Skeeter restlessly stretch her arm to reach for it. Groggily, she answered the phone call and wondered who the hell was bothering just as she had fallen asleep.


"Hello to my
favorite sister!"


"Have I told you
that I love and
appreciate you

". . ."

"Because, I do. Skeeter.
I appreciate and love you
a hundred and fifty percent."

"Chris, what do
you want?"

"Can you please take
Dodger to the vet?"

"Uh. . .why can't
you do it?" 

"Well. . .the director wanted
us to go over some scenes and
lines and spend time as a group
to bond."

"Ah, choosing celebrities
over your dog? I thought I'd
never see this day."

"Hey, I love Dodger but it's
the job. And, they're actually
very nice. Dodger has already
warmed up to Lea and Keanu."

"Dodger likes everybody."

"Right. So, will
you do it?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Thank you so
much, Skeeter! I
owe you one!"

"It's fine. I'll be off
in a couple hours."

"Bye, Skeet! Dodger
will be ready when you
get here."

"He better be. Oh, and
tell security you're expecting a
visitor. I don't want to wait in my
car again for a half hour."

"Right, right. Bye.
Love you!"



Skeeter stretched and heard the satisfying pop from her shoulders and hips. She rotated her neck to get the stiffness out after only two hours of sleep.

In the process of tying her Converse back on, the door of the on-call room opened to reveal Charlie and a young nurse standing beside him. 

"Good morning, Skeeter!" Charlie greeted though he didn't make a move to go inside. He placed his arm around the young nurse's shoulder and proceeded to introduce him, "This is Robert Swan. It's his first day here. Robert, this is Doctor Evans."

Skeeter smiled and reached for her half-eaten Snickers bar. "Hi, Robert Swan. Ready to shed some blood, sweat, and tears?"

Charlie clapped Robert on the shoulder. "It's mostly sweat. Don't worry." 

"You eat Snickers for breakfast?" Robert asked as he watched the doctor finish her chocolate bar in two bites.

She gave him a deadpanned look. "I'm a trauma surgeon who works thirty-six hour shifts. Don't judge me."

Skeeter's pager went off along with theirs and she jumped to her feet. Skeeter and Charlie start their usual routine which was speed-walking through the hospital hallways with fast-paced conversations. The young nurse stayed behind the duo and listened in. 

"You wanna head over to Zion's Den later? Alec's working late tonight." 

His best friend caught the frown on his face and patted his cheek. "Aw, you missin' him already?"

"Kinda." Charlie answered as they turned a corner, "So, are you in?"

"Nah, I promised my Dad I'd come over and we'd make some pasta."

"You and cooking? Never a good combination."

She rolled her eyes and shoved him lightly. "And I have to babysit Dodger."

"So, that means you're going to the movie set?"

This sparked an interest in Robert and he inserted a question. "You're going to a movie set?"

"Her brother's an actor." Charlie explained, "You might know him as Captain America."

Realization dawned on Robert's face. "O──oh. That's awesome, Dr. Evans." He cleared his throat, "How accurate are medical shows? Just curious."

Skeeter and Charlie look at each other and laugh. "Don't expect to hook up inside on-call rooms." Charlie commented and bumped Skeeter's elbow with his, "Right, Dr. Evans?"

"Hey. I don't go out with co-workers or patients or relatives of patients." 

"Which is a shame with the thousands of men and women drooling over you."

Skeeter shook her head, eyes narrowing towards her best friend. "There aren't 'thousands' drooling over me."

"Well, you are pretty." Robert mumbled and instantly regretted it once his two superiors stopped in their tracks, turned to him, and gave him a questioning look. Luckily, one of the ER doctors quickly called Dr. Evans and the trio went inside the treatment room. 

"You paged?" Skeeter asked as she entered. 

"Yes." Dr. Smith answered, "Thirty-year old male with impaled glass on his left chest. He's hypertensive but responded to blood and fluids. Left tension." 

"Is my husband going to be okay?" The woman outside wailed as she stared helplessly at the man lying on the hospital bed with a chandelier impaled to his body. 

It was Skeeter's turn to nudge her best friend's elbow. Charlie acted quickly and led the woman to another room──away from the sight of her bleeding husband──as Skeeter placed on her gloves and safety glasses. 

After the firemen had carefully cut out the external pieces of the chandelier (Skeeter was holding her breath and praying that it wouldn't move any of the man's internal organs), she started her assessment with the new nurse by her side and ready to assist. 

"I want a CTA of his chest so we can figure out why he's bleeding. Nurse Swan, please hold the patient steady while Dr. Smith saws off more of the glass." 

It was hard for Robert not to listen to Dr. Evans. Her sweet and welcoming demeanor shifted to one of a well-oiled machine. Robert had heard rumors about the calm and collected trauma surgeon but he didn't expect her to function like a robot who looked like she had perfected her craft and had no room for mistakes. 

"We're going to flip him on his back in 1, 2, 3." Dr. Evans ordered, "Swan, start a femoral line." 

As Robert did what he was told, Charlie came into the room. "Charlie, get over here please and help me split the glass and keep him still." 

He noticed that Dr. Evans often said please and used a voice that was laced with authority and gentleness. 

"All right. We ready?" Dr. Smith asked to which they all answered with a resonant yes.

Robert stood inside the now empty treatment room as the three wheeled the patient out. The young nurse had adrenaline pumping in his veins and was amazed at how quick and efficient things were done in one of the busiest hospitals in Massachussets.

"Hey, Robert Swan." It was Dr. Evans and she was giving him an approving smile, hands on the bed's side-rails. "Welcome to Massachusetts Medical Center ." 

Charlie gave him a high-five and they were off──the patient's life in the hands of Dr. Smith, Dr. Evans, and Nurse Cheong as they made their way to the operating room.

just a chap to help you get an idea
on what skeeter is like during her
 job :)) the case is from chicago med ((since i'm not a doctor or anything)) and the link of the video is posted too!! are ya ready for keanu and skeeter to meet again??

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