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Dimitri's POV

"I want answers," I banged the table with my palms, the dust particles flying in all directions.

"And what makes you think that I'll give them to you?" the cold voice of the person sitting on the chair in front of me was heard.

The fury radiating from me wasn't enough to bother her as she continued to stare blankly at the door. I ran my hand through my hair. There must be some way to force answers out of her.

"Tasha, I'm not in the mood for jokes," I gave my most dangerous stare, "Where have they taken Christian?"

"I know he's my nephew, but it had been a long time since he had severed connections with me. So don't try to blackmail me with his name. I don't have feelings for him anymore. The world never cared a damn shit for me, why should I care about anyone?"

"You are the most unfeeling creature I have ever seen," I muttered.

"Don't blame me Dimitri, you're responsible for everything that happened to me. How do you think Rose will feel if she knows that you had kissed me when we had gone shopping after the Badica House Attack. You might have not told that to Rose right?"

My heart skipped a beat. That was something no one in the entire court, not even Rose knew.

"That's none of your business, "I hissed.

"It is absolutely my business when it has something to do with my body. It's me you kissed first, touched first, loved first. I knew you before that silly, little girl. And you abandoned me for that immature student of yours. I was your friend, Dimka. I gave my heart to you. But no. You deceived me," her voice rose a decibel.

"It's all past now. It's always been her since the day we met. I didn't love you in that way," I looked away from her piercing gaze.

"You surely remember that day when we were so close. We could have done anything that day... That day, after Christians parents were turned. I was upset and you practically cuddled me to sleep. I know you felt something. You aren't going to mention all of that to Rose anytime soon, are you? "

"What do you get by torturing me? Why the hell did I ever meet you," I fumed.

"If you seriously love Rose, you need to tell her everything, confess everything before you get married..."

But her speech was cut off by another voice, "What confessions?"

A chill ran down my spine as Tasha gave a look of glee.

Rose was standing with Sonya, at the door. God knows how much she had heard. I wanted to dig my own grave and sink into it than face Rose at that moment. I could feel the rush of blood to my cheeks. What exactly was I going to tell her?

"It's actually that Dimitri..." began Tasha.

"I don't need to hear from you, bitch," snapped Rose. Her eyes took on a dangerous glint which made Tasha cringe.

"Dimitri," she turned to me, love and expectations flooding her eyes.

I let out the breath I had been holding till now. It was something I had to tell her eventually.

My mouth was dry and I was literally trembling. But I finally looked into her eyes. I couldn't break her trust, ever.

"Rose, on the day after the Badica incident. I went with Tasha to the market and as I had told you, I had wanted to get serious with her. So I had kissed her that day. And one more thing, we were kind of friends a long time ago, when Christian's parents were awakened. I had been with her for nights together, putting her to sleep. This is why she was talking about. I completely understand if you hate me after hearing this but I would have told it to you eventually. I had no such intention to hide it. Rose but you know how much..."

Rose burst out laughing, before I could complete my sentence.

I looked in amazed, a bit offended. Here I was baring my heart out, and she was laughing?

"Dimitri," she said rubbing the tears due to excessive laughter," Sorry, but it has been such a long time since I had heard you rambling so sweetly. You are forgiven."

She came and gave me a peck on the cheek.

Then turning to Tasha she said, "Don't ever try to underestimate our love. It is above all such considerations. We've seen enough of life, and our relationship has passed through  lot of trials and tribulations, reaching up to a stage where these little things fail to leave a mark in the bond between us. So it's useless to try to separate us.

"That didn't seem that way, when you thew away your wedding ring," she mocked.

Rose's eyes smoldered dangerously. I could see her whole body shaking as she struggled to cope up with the anger.

"For heavens sake, just stop commenting on us. These things don't suit in the mouth of someone who will go to Tarasov again," I intervened as Rose struggled against herself.

But the only saving grace in this whole matter was that Rose had finally accepted me again. I had to just work to strengthen our relationship further...

A/N So sorry if the chapters a getting a bit boring. I know most people hate Tasha including me. But I had tried to give a sneak peek at Dimitri - Tasha relationship. This was necessary for forwarding the plot.

Hope you guys like it. Your suggestions are welcome!!! Love you all... And today is the festival of colors✳️❇️ in India... So happy Holi to everyone.

Thanks Pipigrin The_Dweeb dodsley @TwilightGirl32

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