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Rose's POV

I knew Dimitri was planning to destroy Lissa to save me. At that moment, under those circumstances, it was practically impossible for him to save us both and I knew his choice. It was no more 'Moroi first' for him.

It was then I realised why he had wanted so earnestly to get married. This was because he wanted to get his responsibilities towards me clear. It was so that the world could never blame him of shirking his duties and he was free to jump between me and death, and not care anything about hearing the blames of the world.

But at that moment I had to stop him somehow from doing something which he would regret later. I had to stop him from killing Liss. There has to be some way of preventing this fight and the death of one of my loved ones. But what?

I could feel Lissa bend forward and her cool breath on my skin. I waited for her teeth to spill my life-blood.

But she stopped an inch from my ear and whispered,"Rose, she will kill Chris if I don't destroy you. But I can't destroy you or gamble on his life. But she is watching. If I let you go, he is dead. Eitherwise you are dead. Then the only option left is my death. Kill me. You are a guardian Rose. It will not be unnatural for you to kill me. Chris will be saved and you can later defeat Tasha."

I looked at her in horror, realising for the first time, how helpless she was. She, a strigoi, was seeking death from a dhampir like me. And all to save Christian and me. But could I do what she demanded? Could I kill her? The dilemma was evident in my eyes.

She caught my shoulders and shook me, "That's the only way,"she mumbled, "I won't fight, I won't resist. Please do it fast. You don't know the pain of this life. You as a friend would not want me to suffer. Kill me Rose. Give me relief from this damned life. And save everyone. I leave this world in your care. And as for the Moroi , they will be ruled by the chosen one again."

I was listening to her crazy mumblings, half of which did not enter my head. My attention was focussed on a particular flurry of activities behind Dimitri.

The act going on was not too fast for Dhampir eyes. The guardians on duty who had stopped earlier were now rearranging themselves in a different fashion. They were somehow forming a protective shield around Sonya. Mikhail was mumbling some orders under his breath.

I saw Dimitri eyeing them. Sonya was sinking further into the shadows of some thirty guardians who had appeared from nowhere and it seemed there main aim was to protect Sonya. But why?

Suddenly I caught a movement in the crowd. There was a flash of silver in her hand. Sonya had a silver stake. A stake!

It was then I realised what they had intended to do actually. Sonya was infusing spirit in a silver stake and they planned to stake Lissa, to kill her to bring her back.

Dimitri was the leader and I could see his eyes nervously dart from side to side. He was keeping a watch out for me and Liss. At the same time he was giving silent orders to the guardians.

"Rose, go on, kill me,"Lissa's voice broke my reverie, Kill me, or we all are dead."

"There is a third option,"I looked into her scary eyes, "We can turn you back."

She looked confused and finally realisation dawned on her. I could see the gleam of happiness.

I was still not sure whether I could trust her with the information. So I kept quiet, letting her ponder over the ways.

"What do I do? Tell me how to act out the scene," she babbled.

I almost smiled.

A/N This does not forward the plot so much friends but hope you all will enjoy it. Thanks for reading When Love Beckons.

Thanks Pipigrin teamhathaway

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