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Rose's  POV

Dimitri just placed his hand between the stake and Tasha’s heart. My hand had too much momentum to stop and the stake went right through, tearing apart his flesh, nerves and veins all.

The blood stained stake dropped from my hand as I froze.

My entire body shook in anger, disgust and pain, as the realization of what I had done dawned on me.


Lissa and Sonya screamed in unison as it pierced my ears, tearing me into pieces.

What had I done?

As Dimitri let go off Tasha and rolled over holding his bleeding arm. I could see him exerting his utmost effort to not scream. He bit his lips, but his writhing and twisting and the expression on his face clearly showed what I had done.

Tasha snarled. The smell of fresh blood in the air had brought out the cravings of a newly awakened bloodsucker.

The shock of me hurting Dimitri and Tasha trying to break free, was what brought me back to my senses. I had been deaf to all his pleas. There was definitely another alternative to destroying Tasha.

Adrian rushed up to Dimitri and immediately pressed his hand on Dimitri’s wrist. His protests were drowned in Adrian’s determination.

I could feel the powerful healing charm in the air as there was no more the gaping wound and Dimitri stared at his hands in awe.

It was not the first time that we had seen healing, but it never failed to mesmerize us whenever we came in contact with the vast potentials of spirit, the unknown element.

But that one second of a distraction was a huge opening for Tasha.

I could not register Dimitri’s scream very well when Tasha hit me, throwing me away with the full force in her body.

I almost flew and hit the wall. My hands instinctively moved to the back of my head where it was throbbing. Sure enough there was blood on my hands.

I felt dizzy. I knew I was badly hurt as my head threatened to burst with pain.

Dimitri immediately grabbed Tasha, pinning her to the floor again.

Sonya was instinctively moving towards me to heal me, when I screamed for her to go and help Dimitri. Hurt or not, I simply would not allow her to drain her energies on me as I know the vast amounts of spirit required to bring back the awakened ones.

Finally seeing Adrian come towards me, Sonya relented.

As deft as a cheetah, she moved towards Tasha, who struggled continuously in Dimitri’s grip.

But the world around me was getting flooded in darkness. I somehow found Adrian’s hand to hold on. He realized what I was feeling and immediately I could feel the healing magic flood into my body. Adrian was using spirit on me without my permission. I absolutely detested anyone healing me.

I immediately drew back my hand but it was too late. Adrian had done his job. I glared at him, he simply shrugged. I couldn’t help a smile even in that tense situation.

But my attention was drawn to the commotion that was going on in front of me as Sonya tried to stake Tasha. Just as it had happened with Lissa, she had no knowledge of how to drive the stake through the heart. Her repeated failed attempts to bypass her ribs, Tasha’s screams, Dimitri’s struggles and the ongoing fights all around was the scene I had least expected when the day began.

It was my wedding. It was supposed to be the best day of my life.

Now it had turned to a nightmare. There was a hurdle in the first step of our life. God knows what else destiny has in store.

And finally as Sonya managed to touch the stake to Tasha’s heart, the blinding light spread through the entire room. This was the third miracle I was seeing. Or rather experiencing as my eyes were closed.

I could feel the surge of power, of goodness, chasing away the creepy darkness and as the light cleared, I saw her, curled up in a fetal position.

Tasha looked really weak and vulnerable. But in spite of everything, could I forgive her?

A/N Should Rose forgive Tasha? What do you think might happen next? I always welcome constructive feedback from my readers. Thanks to all for reading.

All those girls who are reading this.... Do give HIS CURSED EXISTENCE, which I just published a try. It's a different kind of Romitri. I would love to hear your opinions.

Thanks for reading and supporting me. teamhathaway Pipigrin dodsley TwilightGirl32

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