Chained Up

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Taekwoon's POV
How could he be like this? He's so rude! And so stubborn! Ugh... Why am I cell mates with this imbecile?

"Ugh... Wow." I said.

"What? What's that supposed to mean??" He said, and jumped off his bed.

He came towards me, grabbed my clothes and pushed me against the wall.

"You really are stubborn, you know that?" I said to him.

"I don't have time for your shit..." He let go of my clothes and went back to the bunk beds, and almost hopped on his bed again, until I said something to him.

"Why Wonshik? Why do you have to be like this?"

He turned around and had an annoyed expression on his face. His left eye was twitching also, but I don't think he noticed.

"WHY DO I HAVE TO BE LIKE WHAT?" He yelled, coming back towards me with his hands in fists.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn and rude? Why can't you at least try and be nice? Do you have issues with people??"

"I-I... I'm sorry." He said. His face was looking down, and he suddenly became quiet.

"Did you just apologize?" I asked shocked.

"Yes. I did. I wasn't always like this, and recently I was just dumped." He sat on my bed and clasped his hands together.

"Oh... That's my fault Wonshik, I didn't know. I shouldn't have provoked you." I went over to the bed and sat down beside him.

"That's who visited me. My ex-girlfriend."

"That is recent! What happened?" I asked him.
Wonshik's POV
"That is recent! What happened?" He asked me.

Now I have to tell him, why? How did I let myself get into this...

"Well, her family doesn't really like me, and they didn't really like me getting into trouble all the time either. It didn't really help make me seem lovable or anything... So she told me that they were giving her stress about me, and I hate seeing her unhappy. That's why, she had to go. She had to leave me. I still have feelings for her though.." Silence was in our cell. After I told him, his face was just in shock. "What the hell are you looking at me like that for?"

"I'm just amazed. You actually do have a heart!!!"

"Of course I do!! Why you little-" I paused at what I was about to say and do, and refrained from doing it. "Haha, very funny Taekwoon."

"Well, I see you're controlling your anger. Good job. Now, onto your next task."

"What the hell are you talking about? My next task?"

"The task to try and make you nicer. Then maybe we could be friends?"

"Ah... Don't worry about that. I could be nice if I really wanted to. You really want to be friends with me?" I asked him.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, people just think I'm- Nevermind. Doesn't matter now. Thanks Taekwoon."

"Anytime, friend."

Present time now...

Taekwoon's POV
After my visit with Hakyeon, I went back to my cell, accompanied by an officer. Wonshik was laying down on his bed, as he usually does, humming a song to himself.

"Watcha humming this time?" I asked him.

He got off his bed and went ahead and sat down on mine. I walked over to my bed and sat down right beside him.

"Just a random song... It's called Chained Up, but I song know if you've heard it before."

"Ah... I have. Why are you singing it? Is it because you feel chained up?" We both laughed, and he nodded his head.

"Yeah... So who was your visitor?" He asked me.

"My visitor? It was um... My boyfriend?" I hesitantly said. I didn't tell him about Hakyeon!

"Boyfriend?" He asked.

"Yep... Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I-"

"It's okay Taekwoon! So what's he like?"

"Well, he's short, kind, funny-ish, nagging, kind of dark, but I like him the way he is. He's amazing..."

"He does sounds amazing. What's his name?" Wonshik chuckled.

"Cha Hakyeon." I answered.

"Cool, cool. Okay! I'm going up to my bunk to finish humming Chained Up."

"Okay?" He hopped off my bed and jumped right back on his own. Then he laid down again and started humming that song again.

Completely tensed up, I roll my shoulders.
I simply wander around you, uh.
You gaze straight through me
over the whip that made me submit.
(That's right, good boy.)
My breathing is rough, and when you approach
and soothe me it hurts me so much (hurts so much),
but I can't turn away.

Eenie meenie minie moe,
my owner and my prey. (Yeah-yeah.)
Eenie meenie minie moe,
my love and my controller.
You're my love and my controller.

I put my hands up, freeze. Armor down.
Nananana nanana nanana.
It's fine even if you coldly cast me away.
I can't leave you, I'm chained up, chained up.
I'm on my knees, freeze. Armor down.
Nananana nanana nanana.
It's fine even if I'm hurt like this.
Without moving a muscle, I'm chained up, chained up.

Rattle, rattle, already in chains,
as if I've seen you for the first time,
like a beast completely trained by you,
no matter what I do I won't be able to leave you.
(Think about it.)

You scratch all my itching wounds for me.
The only one in this world who knows (knows me),
I can't help but come back.

Eenie meenie minie moe,
my pain and my cure. (Yeah-yeah).
Eenie meenie minie moe,
my prison and my paradise.
You're my prison and my paradise.

I put my hands up, freeze. Armor down.
Nananana nanana nanana.
It's fine even if you coldly cast me away.
I can't leave you, I'm chained up, chained up.
I'm on my knees, freeze. Armor down.
Nananana nanana nanana.
It's fine even if I'm hurt like this.
Without moving a muscle, I'm chained up, chained up.

I relive, relive, relive your touch,
'cause I'm not ready to go,
no, I'm not ready to go.
I carve you, carve you, carve you into me like a scar,
'cause I'm not ready to go,
probably won't ever be.

I love her, every night I fall asleep by her head.
I want her, I can't refuse her, can't refuse her.

Again, lock lock lock.
You put a leash on my heart, nail it in place,
bang pow pow.
No matter what I do I won't be able to escape you.
In the past I thought there was no power relation in love,
but now I am trapped for life.

Like an idiot, I freeze. Armor down.
Nananana nanana nanana.
I approach you countless times,
my legs are tied, I'm chained up, chained up.
I turn to ice, I freeze. Armor down.
Nananana nanana nanana.
You know you completely own me.
To you I'm forever chained up, chained up.

Like an idiot, I freeze. I'm a slave.
Nananana nanana nanana.
I let my sharp gaze fall.
my legs are tied, I'm chained up, chained up.
I turn to ice, I freeze. Armor down.
Nananana nanana nanana.
You dig in your sharp claws.
To you I'm forever chained up, chained up.

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