It's a Deal.

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Sanghyuk's POV
The part of the day I hate the most, is waking up to go to work. It's not only that though.. Nowadays, I rarely sleep or even go to my house, because I'm always with Hakyeon. Don't get me wrong though, I love him and being with him, but I just hate the fact that he and I will never have a chance together. He is so in love with Taekwoon, and Taekwoon is in love with him. They are great together... Taekwoon makes him happy and makes him feel good. I'm glad that Taekwoon is there to protect Hakyeon, I just wish that it were me sometimes.

I woke up in the guest room again, to find a sleeping Hakyeon beside me. His face was all scrunched up, and he looked very worried. His body was curled up into a ball, and he was breathing very quietly.

"Taekwoon...." He murmured.

"It's alright Hakyeon... Don't worry..." I whispered and rubbed his back. Then I tried getting up and off the bed, but he was clenching onto my shirt. "Hakyeon, please let go."

"N-No... Don't leave me..." He sounded half-asleep.

"I have to go to work today. I'll be back later."

"No." He said, then he yawned and rubbed his eyes. He sat up, but closed his eyes again.

"Hakyeon, you're still tired. Go back to sleep." I told him.

"But Sanghyuk, I don't want to... I don't want to be alone today.."

"You won't be alone. You have your coworkers. Make sure you get up later so you can get to work on time though."

He was silent for a few seconds then, started speaking again. "I'm not going to work."

"You can't just not show up Hakyeon! You'll get fired!!"

"Who cares? Who gives a fuck anymore..." He muttered that last part under his breath.

"Ugh... Fine. If I promise to not go to work today, will you promise me you'll go to work tomorrow?" He nodded his head and had a big smile on his face. "Okay. I'll call in sick, and you should too if you aren't going today."

"Yay!!! Thanks Sanghyukkie!!"

Sanghyukkie? He hadn't called me that since we were kids. I guess I should call him by his name then...

"Anytime Hakyeonnie."
Taekwoon's POV
"Well what the hell was that?" Wonshik asked me.

"What was what?" I smiled, pretending as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"You clearly know what I'm talking about. Why are you being so nice to Jiseong?"

"You knew his name the whole time???" I asked.

"Yeah, it states it on his name tag. Duh!"

"And I thought that you could actually be nice..." I said to him.

Wonshik is a great guy and all, it's just he's also rude and inconsiderate.

"Whatever, I don't need to be nice." He scoffed.

"Fine then. Be that way." I stuck my tongue out at him and minded my own business.

We'd be going out of our cells to eat breakfast soon, and I didn't really care to talk to Wonshik right now. He's being the idiotic, stupid and stubborn Wonshik, which is basically the guy whom I first met. His moods changed just like that, and I don't exactly know what caused him to act like that.

Minutes past, and we were both silent. Everyone else was either yelling at someone, or just making noise. Mornings here were simply hectic.

When we were all instructed to follow a guard, who was bringing us to wherever we were eating breakfast, Wonshik and I stayed as far away from each other as possible.

As we entered, there were large, grey tables everywhere. Many people were already sitting down, but everyone else was lining up to get food. He was already in line somehow, and I was at the back of the line.

Once I got my food, I looked for a place to sit and eat in peace. After looking, I found a spot at a table without a lot of people sitting there. It was quite surprising, seeing that no one else, except one person wanted to sit there, but I'm just glad I got a seat away from Wonshik.

The only other guy who was eating at the same table as me, was wearing glasses and his eyes seemed really red, like he'd had recently been crying.

"H-Hi?" I said to him. He looked up, gave me a smile, then looked back at his food. He was sitting at the other end of the table, and was really quiet.

I picked my tray up, and moved to sit just in front of him, so I could see his face.

"I'm Taekwoon." I smiled at him.

"hi... I'm Jaehwan..." He said quietly. Since it was noisy where we were eating, it was hard to hear him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get what you said. Can you speak a bit louder?"

"I'm Jaehwan."

"Oh!! Jaehwan is your name? You have a really nice name!"

"Thank you... But why are you talking to me? I'm a loser and a retard. Nobody likes me."

Oh my. Who would say something like this about them self? No one should think of them self in a terrible way. Why does he think of himself in that way? He seems fine and he seems pretty nice so far...

"Hey hey... Don't say that about yourself. You're amazing okay?"

"I-It's hard to believe that." He said to me.

"Stop thinking that way Jaehwan. Here, let's make a deal. Is that okay with you?" He slowly nodded his head in agreement. "Good. Here's the deal; if you can think positively for a whole week, I'll owe you something."

"What are you going to owe me?" He asked.

"Anything you want. So is that a deal?"

"S-Sure... I'll try to think positively for once in my life."

"Attaboy!!" I exclaimed, then we both laughed. His laugh and smile were just amazing, and it suited him better, instead of frowning and being quiet.
Hi everyone! How are you all doing? I hope you like the story so far...

Anyhoo, I've got a question for y'all...

What do you think is going to happen to Hakyeon and Taekwoon?

I'm just curious to see what people will say and what they think. You don't have to answer the question if you don't want to, I'm just curious that's all.

Well that's all I have to say for now! See you in the next chapter!


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