Sleep With Me?

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Taekwoon's POV
When we got back to the prison, it was apparently 'shower day'. I had no idea that we had specific days, just for showering... The prison life is interesting.

So it was time for us to shower, and the guard came to guide us where the showers were. We were given a white towel, shampoo, soap and another pair of our prison clothes. Apparently we only have two pairs of clothes, just in case. This was weird, but I'm not going to question anything.

When we got to the showers, there were males already showering. The water was running and steam was everywhere. The floor was made of small, dark green tiles, and the walls were the same colour and design. All the men were butt naked, which was a very uncomfortable sight for me. I mean, here I was, with my towel wrapped around my waist. Showering in front of all these people would be difficult and a bit embarrassing I suppose. It would also be super awkward.

I kept my eyes to the ground, tightly clenched my towel and found an empty shower spot so I could start to clean myself.

When I turned the water on, it hit the ground and I slowly walked under the falling water.

"Hey." Someone said next to me.

"Hey?" I replied. The voice sounded familiar, yet I was still unsure of who it was.

"Taekwoon, it's me." He laughed.

"Ah Wonshik... I see. Hey!" I awkwardly laughed. He was in the shower spot beside me. His hair completely wet, and the steam sort of covering his area. "Are you done your shower yet or nah?"

"Nah man!!! I actually just started.. I like standing under the water for a while, it helps me clear my thoughts, in a way. I can see you have just started showering... It's a bit different then what you're used to, huh?"

"Yeah actually, WAY different... Well, it doesn't really matter though... I mean, as long as we get clean right?" I chuckled.

"Oh jeez Taekwoon... Always finding the positives in everything, and I mean EVERYTHING." He laughed.

His laugh was really nice, and he made me feel happy in this place. It wasn't Hakyeon's laugh, but it was one nice thing in this dark, cold prison.

When we were both done showering, we took all of our stuff, and brought it back to our cell. There was small shelf where we could put things, so I just laid my things there, beside Wonshik's. He did what he usually does; lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, humming anything to himself.

"Um Wonshik? What are you humming now?" I asked him.

"It's a song I wrote called Ghost."

"Oh... Well it's very nice."

"You know what else is nice? Actually, nevermind..."

"No no!! Please tell me?" I kind of asked him. What was he going to say?

"Well I don't mean to sound like a pervert or anything, but you actually have a nice body." He admitted, turning away.

"T-Thanks... You do too actually..." I blushed. No one has said that to me, except Hakyeon of course.

"Um.. So well, I hear there's going to be lightning and thunder tonight, or so they say... It's just a rumour though, I have no idea for sure."


Sure I could handle thunder, rain, hail, pretty much everything, but lighting is the thing that freaked me out the most. I guess it's because when I was younger I always read stories where people died because they got struck of lighting, so I obviously got scared and I fear that I'll die that way... It's a silly thing, but I don't want to take any risks.

"What's so wrong about that? It happens every so often..." He told me, not knowing of my fear.

"W-Well, let's just say I'm afraid of lighting, okay?"

"Your fear is lighting? You're scared of lighting? Impossible, that's stupid!!" Wonshik laughed at me.

"SHUT UP OKAY?!?!" I yelled at him.

What an ass for saying that.. He probably has fears too, and it's not stupid to be afraid of lighting.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! I was just trying to mess with you. Hey, if you're scared, you can hold my hand, okay?"

"Ew! Gross, no!!"

"Well what do you want from me? To sleep with you for tonight?" The man asked confused, when actually, it may not be a bad idea.

I smirked and silent nodded my head. He jumped off his bed and stared straight into my cunning eyes. "No. NO!! NONONONONONONO!!! YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND REMEMBER? AND THE BED IS TOO DAMN SMALL FOR THE TWO OF US TO FIT ON IT!!! WE'D BE SQUISHED!!!"

"Please Wonshik? Just for tonight??? And don't worry about Hakyeon, he understands my fear so he'd be fine with that. He'd be okay with you helping me out... So what do you say?" I practically begged him. Well what else was I suppose to do? Sleep on the bed alone, frightened and awake the whole night?

"GAHHH!!!! Fine Taekwoon... JUST FOR TONIGHT THOUGH, OKAY?" He pointed his index finger and waved it in front of my face.

"Yes Wonshik!! Thank you!!!" I tightly wrapped my arms around him and squeezed the life out of him. Then he pushed me away, hopped back onto his bed and started muttering things to himself. He's a good guy, I begin to realize that just about now...

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