David: Baseball is better than people

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When it came to life, David Johnson had been dealt neither an easy nor a fair hand of cards.

"Johnson, coach said if you miss another morning practice you lose your starting spot this tourney." Larry Stenson, a junior and the baseball team's best catcher, grunted pounding his fist into the locker next to David's head. "And if you don't pitch there's no way we stand a chance against Wheaton and I refuse to lose to those fuckers just because you can't get your fucking shit together and get your gay ass outa bed in the morning."

David looked over at the catcher. His eyes were red and there were dark bags under his eyes. He'd only gotten 2 hours of sleep and Corey's ostomy had exploded everywhere right when he'd meant to leave for practice. "It won't happen again."

"Damn fucking right." And the guy walked away.

David groaned, dragging his hands down his face.

Most days it felt like fate had stacked the deck so that it wasn't enough that he had the worst hand, but the game itself was rigged.

"Did you get that essay finished David?" Mrs. Thompson, the English teacher asked as soon as the strawberry blond teen walked through her classroom door.

Fuck, that's what he'd forgotten. "I accidentally left it in my room, can I turn it in tomorrow?"

"That'd give you a 10% reduction from the final grade." The stern woman crossed her arms.

He couldn't risk a detention for trying to talk himself out of it, so he nodded his head and went to his seat.

He was fighting a losing battle. The only good cards he had in his hand at the moment was a pair of 10's which translated to being pretty decent at baseball paired with about average grades. But he could do better. It was just hard.

At lunch, David sat down next to Corey with his school lunch that was nowhere enough to curb his appetite. Fucking politicians putting their noses where they didn't belong.

"Was the coach mad that you missed practice?" Corey frowned looking like a kicked puppy.

"Aw, naw, told him the sitch and he was cool." David lied, forcing a smile for his younger brother. He'd sworn to take care of and protect Corey. There was no length he wouldn't go through to do that.

Corey smiled instantly, "Oh good! I'm glad. I'm so sorry Davey, I didn't mean to be a burden." Corey sighed, smile fading away and looked down at his lap and picked at his cuticles.

"You're never a burden buddy, don't you go talkin like that." David punched Corey's shoulder lightly, "What else is bugging ya?" David knew his brother better than he probably knew himself.

Corey fidgeted with his hoodie that was actually David's and a few sizes too large.

"Come on Cor," David straightened the dark green beanie over his brother's blond curls.

Corey mumbled something under his breath.

"Didn't hear that bud, whatever it is, we'll work through it, promise kiddo."

"Some of the guys in my bio class were saying I look like a faggot. And that it has to run in the family or something."

David winced. He didn't hide his sexuality, but he didn't advertise or flaunt it either. "Don't listen to those fuckers. If you're into guys or girls, that's your business, not theirs."

"But I'm not into anyone really."

"And that's fine. Your business. Sides, you're just a kid still. No need to rush into anything."

"Thanks Dave." Corey sighed.

"You want me to whoop their scrawny asses?"

Corey snorted. "No."

"Kay, now next time they say anything, tell them they just jealous they can't experiment if they want to without their homophobic ass parents whooping their asses."

Corey looked much more relaxed. And nodded his head smiling.

"Now let's dig in before this cement hardens." David motioned to the cafeteria food in front of them.

"Can we say grace?"

"Say what?"

"Nevermind." Corey started eating the now cold food.

At practice, David had to run an excessive amount of laps to make up for his absence that morning. But that was a small price to pay. Everyone on the team knew that college scouts were going to be at this tournament and they knew they all wanted to look good both individually and as a team. Having Jack pitch was one of the surest ways to make sure the latter happened.

"You're looking real good out there Johnson, the team can't afford to have you slacking and skipping out on practice. I'm gonna let you off the hook with a warning this time, but if you miss so much of a half a second of practice again, you're sitting the bench for not only one game, but for a whole week. You hear me?"

"Yes coach, loud n clear."

"Good, and lay off the weed, God, your eyes are more red than a tomato."

"I don't smoke coach, I didn't sleep too good the past few nights."

"Ok, keep it that way. Not the not sleeping good, but you know what I mean."

"Yes coach, I got ya."

"Good, now get your ass geared up for this tournament, can't have you falling asleep on the mound."

That night, David was headed to his usual haunt, definitely not ready for the hours ahead of him, but he had to make money somehow. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted one of the guys from the team and he groaned internally.

David kept walking and pretended he didn't notice the third baseman trying to solicit one of the working girls on her corner.

He knew that it was desperate weirdos that kept him and others like him afloat, but David liked to pretend like the people who paid for sex didn't lead perfectly normal lives during the day.

David had been doing this long enough to know such a fantasy was ridiculous, but it was what kept him sane.

David started picking at his nails leaning up against a lamppost when he spotted one of his regulars, and not one of the most gentle clients, but he straightened up, pulled on the mask of a seductive smile and went to work. 

Author's Note: Hello everybody! Thank you for reading so far, I would love to hear any thoughts or comments you have! Love you all!

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