Chapter 15

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Recap: They start to share the same bed - function

Sharan's POV:

Today is my angels' birthday. The only occasion that I celebrate in a year. This is a special day for all of us. I don't want my sisters  to miss out on any happiness in their life. A party has been arranged and the guests have been invited to come at six o'clock in the evening.

It is four o'clock already. On dad's insistence we have arranged the party at home. Angels' friends, teachers and acquaintances, everyone was invited. They were really happy.

Where is my wife? She is missing and I haven't seen her in the last few hours. Now I remember dad has appointed her as the organizer for this party and she is busy in making the arrangements. When I tried to help her she pushed me away saying that I am making a mess.

Idiot. I will not help her with anything, let's see how she does everything herself. But the thing is that she has proved herself already. Everything is so beautiful. Everything is so organized, I am proud of her. Wait, she teased me right? then why am I appreciating her? 

Anyways, I have no other job than to look at all the arrangements. 


Ishana's POV

I was surprised when Sharan said that he will celebrate angels' birthday because he does not celebrate anything else. Appa told me later in the day that this is the only day that Sharan has been celebrating from the past ten years. We all went for shopping too. I love organizing things and I even kept him away when he offered to help me.

God! I can't tie these balloons on the window. I stood on my toes on the chair and tried to tie them. The chair started to creak when Sharan held the chair steady. He is glaring at me and I got down from my stand on the chair.

"Thanks" I said.

"For what?"

"For helping me?" I replied.

"Who helped whom? I was just making sure that my chair is alright" and it is my turn to glare at him.

"Hey why are you glaring at me. This is an antique chair, if something happens to it then I will break your leg. This is not a circus ring for you to perform your feats" he said making me grit my teeth. 

He continued with his stupid monologue,"Somebody said I don't want your help, Sharan" he made a poor imitation of my voice.

I didn't say anything and got back to my work. This day is not about Sharan, Isha. Concentrate and calm down. Before I could stand on the chair again, he took the balloons from me, more like snatched the balloons from me and tied them.

"How is it?" he asked smugly after tying them and I started clapping my hands.

"Wonderful! Marvelous! I have never seen such workmanship. Who's master piece is this? Who's magnum opus is this?" I made a big show, all my anger turning into a little too much sarcasm and he glares at me.

"This deserves some punishment" he said and started walking towards me. I know what punishment he is talking about.

"NO!" I shout as I cover my waist with the pallu of my sari and move away from him. I know that he is going to pinch me.

He seems taken aback by my action but stops in his place."Last and final warning okay?" he says and I nod without argument.

"You can't do everything by yourself Isha" he says a little more softly and I nod at him. Anything to get away from there. He looks surprised at that but shakes his head and leaves. I visibly relax after that.


Sharan's POV

It's time to cut the cake and almost all the guests have arrived. Veena and Varna look really beautiful in the dresses that Isha have selected for them and everyone is praising them. The arrangements for the party are very beautiful and accommodating. Again it's because of Isha.

I am proud of my sisters and Isha.

I handed over my gifts to them but they surprised me by not opening them immediately. They weren't even curious to know what is in them.

"Open it angels. Tell me how the gift is." I told them.

"It is wonderful bhaiyya" they said without opening it.

"But you don't even know what is in there?" I asked confused.

"We are talking about Ishudi bhaiyya. Thank you so much for marrying her. She is the best gift that you could ever give us" they said after hugging me.

"You have not just given us a sister-in-law, you have given us a sister, best-friend and most of all a mother. Thank you bhaiyya" they said still hugging me and I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"Sharan make a promise son" Dad asked me after angels left me.

"What dad?" I asked him.

"Never make Ishu sad, son. Make a promise that you will always keep her happy" he asked me.

"I promise dad. I will always keep her happy" I didn't make that promise to dad but to myself. If she can keep my family so happy then I can most definitely try to keep her happy. And she deserves it.

Just then Isha came there with her gift and gave it to the twins. They took it and immediately started opening it. I felt a little jealous but it's okay. I was also curious to know what would be her gift.

I saw tears in their eyes after looking at the gift and I moved closer to take a better look at it. I was stunned to see a big picture of our family. Dad, angels and me. It looks so real. I smiled.

"Did you draw it Ishudi?" Veena asked and she nodded. Oh god! I didn't know that she has so much talent. Dad too is looking at the sketch without touching it. The twins hug her immediately and I want to do too but this is not the time. 

After the party, you can have her for yourself completely so there is no problem in waiting for some time, I thought to myself.

"But there is a problem with this picture Ishu" Dad said pulling me out of my thoughts. What mistake? It looks perfect to me.

"What appa?" she asked worried and all of us look at dad.

"You are missing Ishu. How is our family complete without you?" he asked her.

She looks at me for a second before giving dad a small smile. What is that supposed to mean? 

"I am temporary appa. I mean, I just came into your lives but you have been this unit for a long time" she poke in circles making me realize what she wants to say. Did she mean that she would leave us one day? And what would be my life after that? I can't even imagine it. With whom I would fight if she leaves? And who will make me happy like she does?

"What rubbish! You are and will always be a part of this family" Dad said and Isha nodded but I know that she did that only because she doesn't want to argue here.

I just want to go to her and tell her that she is not temporary person. That this family is as much her as it is mine but I restrain myself to wait for the right time.

"Angels, it is time to cut the cake" I said to distract everyone from Isha's words.

The cake cut took place well but what's troubling me is that since the cake cut, Isha is talking to someone or the other. She isn't even free for a second that I can whisk her away from that party. What do people have that they keep talking continuously?

After about an hour of her usual nonsense blabbering I saw her distributing soft-drinks to everyone. I hold her wrist and pull her into a corner.

"Come Isha, I want to talk to you" I said.

"Sharan! Can't you see that I am busy? We have all the time to talk after this party" she said already moving away.

I held her arm, pulling her back."What are you? The president of India? What are you so busy with?" I asked her.

"I am not the president but I am Sharan Sharma's wife so it is justified that I am busy" her reply made me smile. I used to be irritated when she addressed me as her husband in the past but now this acknowledgement is making me happy. God!

"Come on Isha, just for a minute" I requested.

"Fine. What is it?" she asked and just as I started talking, Veena came there looking for Isha.

"Ishudi! Come with me. My friends want to talk to you" she said and dragged Isha away from there. What is the need for their friends to talk to Isha? What will they even talk? Varna too joined them.

After a while I noticed her making her way to the kitchen and followed her there.I blocked her way before she could went away again.

"Isha I want to talk to you for a minute" before she could argue, I added,"Please?"

"Sharan, somebody there wants water. Let me go, I will give it and come back" and as promised she did come back to the kitchen soon.

"Okay. Tell me now" she said.

"Isha- that- I wanted to talk to you" before I could even complete one sentence dad came there.

"Isha, my friends are waiting to see my daughter-in-law. Both of you come with me" he said.

"Dad, we will be there in a minute-" I tried to convince him but he didn't even listen to me.

"What is this Sharan? They are planning to leave now and both of you can talk later too" he said and almost dragged me there.

Another hour passed but she wasn't free even for a minute. What is she talking with all these guests? What conversation can be so useful that she can't even find a single minute to listen to me?

I reached the pinnacle of my patience and then dragged her to the living room.

"What are you doing Sharan?" she tried to release her hands from mine and I tightened my hold on her hands.

"We. Need. To. Talk" I pronounced each word clearly trying to find some patience.

"We have a lot of time to talk later, why are you being so stubborn now?" she asked. Doesn't she realize how angry I am? Everyone is important for her except me.

"Don't make me mad. What is it that you don't understand in,'I want to talk to you immediately'?" I asked her.

"Bhaiyya, why are you scolding Ishudi?" I was startled at the voice of Varna from behind us.

"What do you want now?" I asked sighing. There is no way to find some peace in this house.

"I want my Ishudi. Come with me Ishudi. My professor wants to meet the artist who created the painting. He is an artist too" saying this both Varna and Isha walked away leaving me with no other option but to follow them.

"This is Sameer sir" she pointed towards a man in mid-twenties and then turned towards him,"Sir, this is Ishudi"

"Hello" he extended his hand towards Isha and she took it. Urgh! What is the need for them to shake hands?

"That sketch was really nice. I am into sketching too" After that he continued to praise my wife and himself for another half-an-hour. Finally he put an end to that discussion and while leaving, extended his hand to Isha again.

How many times will you shake hands with her, you idiot?

Before Isha could shake his hand, I held it in mine surprising all of them.

"Hello, I am Isha's husband" Shit! I realized my mistake right after the moment the words left my mouth. Instead of introducing myself as angels' brother, I introduced myself as Isha's husband. Varna and Isha looked at me in wonder.

After about another forty minutes everything was cleared and me and Isha were finally in our room. After my slip up I spent the remaining time trying to hide from angels and Isha. How could I say something like that?

"So, what did you want to talk to me about Mr.Rude?" she asked me while setting the bed as I started to take clothes out of my cupboard to change into.

I finally looked up at her."Isha I am very happy today and it is all because of you"

"Because of me?" she asked as her eyebrows crunched together.

"Yes Isha. Your presence in our house has turned it into a happy place. You have made my sisters very happy today" I said when she corrected me."Our sisters"

"Yes, yes. Our sisters" I accepted.

"Stop this. Don't thank me. There is no need for that" she said a little angry now.

"I know that there is no need to thank you but believe me I am so happy today and it is all because of you. Thank you very much" I surprised her by hugging her.

"Is there anything you want? I am not trying to reward you, this is your family too but I just want to give you something. Is there anything you want? Anything that will make you happy?" I released her from the hug but held her hands in mine.


"Yes. Tell me" I assured her.

"I want some money, will you be able to arrange it for me?" she asked shocking me.

"Hey Isha, stop playing, I am quite serious here" I said. Isha is not a money minded person. I am very much sure about that.

"I am serious too Sharan. I need twenty lakhs. If you are really happy with my actions then please arrange that amount for me" she said boldly.

May be I am misunderstanding her but what does she mean by give me money if you are happy. Is she the same too? I thought she is seeing my family as her own too. By asking money in return for making them happy, what she intends? Did I believe the wrong person?

All the happiness of the day slowly left me and I walked away from her without looking back.


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Final Editing Done On: 13/11/2018

Edited By: k21pt11

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