Chapter 32

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Recap: Priya Entry - IshRan Understanding

Ishana's POV:

I woke up and found myself in Sharan's arms. He is holding me close to him without any space between us. I felt nice seeing my sleeping husband's cute face. I looked at the clock and realized that I am very late today. It is seven already. His arms have that power, I forget everything and find peace.

I got up from the bed as quietly as possible, careful not to disturb Sharan's sleep. I moved to the kitchen and prepared coffee for everyone. I took a cup and went to Priya's room. I couldn't find her in her room so I walked to the balcony and found her exercising. I felt uneasy seeing her dressing style.

Priya had worn a saree yesterday which gave me a good impression. Now she is dressed in shorts and crop top but I have to admit that she is really beautiful. She turned around and noticed me. I moved towards her.

"Good morning Ishana" she greeted me.

"Good morning. You can call me Isha" I said.

"Oh sorry but I think that the name Ishana suits you better so I will call you like that itself" her reply weirded me out but I stayed silent and smiled at her.

"Here's your coffee" I handed the cup to her.

"Sorry Ishana but I don't have the habit of drinking coffee early in the morning" she said and I finally understood that she is doing all this intentionally. I behaved normally though.

"It's okay. I will come after giving coffee to everyone else" I excused myself but she stopped me just as I was about to leave.

"Let me help you. Give that cup to me, I will give it to Sharan. You can give coffee to uncle and Sharan's sisters" she said snatching the cup from me.

How dare she? It is my job to give coffee to my husband. Who is she to poke her nose in our business? Doesn't she have basic manners?

She left the room with the coffee cup before I could respond. I felt like shouting and immersed in my own thoughts, I went back to the kitchen.


Sharan's POV

I woke up from my sleep hearing my name being called.

"Good morning Ishu" I spoke getting up from the bed.

I found Priya in front of me instead of my Isha. She is having a cup in her hands. I looked for Isha around the room.

"Hey your wife is busy in the kitchen so I just decided to help her. She is fine. Have this coffee" Priya said and I felt really angry. Is she so busy that she doesn't even have some time to greet me good morning?

"Here is your coffee" Priya said.

"No, I don't want to drink coffee now" saying this I walked into the washroom without looking back.


Ishana's POV

I was working in the kitchen thinking about Priya's behavior and just then I noticed a very angry Sharan rushing towards me like a storm.

"What happened?" I asked him worried and scared.

"I don't want lunch today" he replied curtly.

"Why? Is there any meeting or party in your office today?" I asked.

"No but my best friend is so busy that she does not have any time for me" he replied still not looking at me and I understood what his problem is. I felt both happy and sad at the same time. I am happy because he wants me for every single thing every single time but also sad because he thinks that I asked Priya to serve him but it doesn't matter, he doesn't know the truth.

"Okay then if your best friend is so busy then ask your wife, she will most definitely have time for you" I said with a cute expression to melt him. He glared at me which made me smile at him.

"Why are you smiling? I don't want to see your smile now" he said and I laughed.

"Why are you standing here then, leave" I said. He was about to leave when I surprised him by holding his hand and then hugging him.

"What are you doing idiot?" he asked.

"You asked me to hug you whenever you are angry" I said still hugging him.

"This is the kitchen" he reminded me.


"If you have no problem then I am ready to stand here like this till someone sees us, don't blame me after that" he said.

I moved away from him and he dragged me to our room. He then locked the door and the two of us sat down on the bed facing each other.


Sharan's POV

I looked at Isha who was sitting on the bed looking sad. I cupped her face and spoke.

"Ishu, I always want to see your face first thing in the morning. Please don't send anybody else to me" I said.

"Sorry Sharan. I didn't send her actually, she snatched the cup from me and decided everything by herself. You are always my priority. Anything else comes only after you. I am really sorry" she said.

"It's okay. I am cool now. Your hug is my medicine" I said and she gave me a beautiful smile.

"Do you want another hug?" she asked me.

"If you want then you can hug me" I replied tongue in cheek. She hugged me and I patted her back smiling. Just then a knock sounded through the room and I opened the door to find Priya there.

"Hi Sharan, am I disturbing you?" Priya asked.

"Never. Come inside" I said. Isha too moved forward and smiled at Priya.

"Hi Ishana" Priya said and Isha greeted her back.

"Actually Sharan, I want to join your company from today itself so I wanted to see if you could help me. I want to know everything about the company" Priya asked.

"There is no hurry. You just came yesterday. Take rest, take your time to settle down and we can decide what to do after that" Sharan said.

"No Sharan, I don't want to waste even a single day. I want to start immediately" she replied.

"Okay then come inside, I will give you a basic description" I said and she entered the room.

"Ishu please prepare lunch for Priya too" I looked at Isha to see her giving me a look I couldn't understand.

"Priya do you have any breakfast preference?" Isha asked Priya.

"No, I will eat anything" Priya replied and Isha left the room.


Ishana's POV

What the hell is this? Why does she want to join from today itself? What is her intention? I can't accept my Sharan giving more time to another girl. I had noticed her expressions when he had introduced me as his wife. She is definitely not just a friend.

I completed all my work in the kitchen and packed lunches for Sharan, angels and that Priya. Before the two of them could leave for their office, I dragged my husband to a corner shocking him.

"What happened?" he asked. I held his collar and pulled him closer to me shocking him more.

"Don't you dare give my best friend status to anybody else" I said and he laughed.

"So you are jealous?" he teased.

"Yes and if you disobey me then I will kill you" I said hitting his chest.

"Ahhh" he screamed.

"Sorry Sharan...I just-" before I could complete my words he started to laugh and I was angry this time.

"So you were fooling me? How dare you?" I pinched his hand and he held my hand.

"Isha, how may times do I have to tell you that you are special to me and nobody can replace you. Priya is just a childhood friend so don't kill me please" he said and I melted.

"Okay. I am forgiving you this time" I said.

"Thank you" he said and then hugged me. They left for his office after saying good bye.


Precap: Jealous Isha-part 2

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Final Editing Done On: 06/04/2019
Edited By : k21pt11

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