Chapter 39

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Recap: Veena slapping Priya - Sharan's anger at Priya - Isha consoling Sharan

After two weeks: Ishana's PoV
It's been two weeks after that incident. Priya became silent after that. She hardly opened her mouth thereafter. Sharan is also not interested to talk with her. They went to office seperately and return back likewise. At office also Sharan behaved with her just like an employee. I felt sad for her sometimes. So I talked with Sharan a lot of times. But it couldn't make a difference in Sharan's behavior. Sometimes he shouted at me for supporting her. Shekhar uncle used to call me. He behaved normally from which I understood that Priya didn't tell anything to her dad. Good for her. Varna is alright now.

I was distracted from kitchen works hearing Sharan's car horn. I went to courtyard and saw Sharan rushing to upstairs in hurry. I became tensed and followed him.

I saw Sharan packing his dresses when I entered to our room.

"What's this Sharan?What are you doing?" I asked
"Isha I am going to Bangalore tonight. The flight will take off at 7 pm. So I should reach the airport within one hour." He said making me blank faced.

"But Sharan you didn't tell me about your trip earlier." I asked with confusion.
"It's not preplanned. An urgent trip which I can't avoid. I want to meet an important person for a business deal. He is now at Bangalore and will leave tomorrow evening. Before that I should reach there. No time for wasting. Isha can you please help me with this packing?" He requested.

The fact that he is going to Bangalore leaving me alone shattered me. But I know that his business deal is important for him more than me. So I gathered all my strength.

"Sure Sharan. I will help you. Give me a space. I will pack your bag. You go and take all necessary files." I said taking the stuffs from his hand.

"Oh god. Thank you Ishu for making me remember about the files. I forgot it. If I would have gone without it, then the entire journey would have been waste." He said opening the cupboard and taking the files.

"What about angels? They will be upset with your sudden journey. Atleast wait till they return from college." I said.

"If I wait for them definitely I will miss the flight. And you know well that they will not allow me to go if they know about it. I m sure only you can make them understand. Pls Isha do it for me. I will call them after reaching there. Till that you should handle them. Can u pls ??" He asked.

"Sure. Dont worry thinking abt them. But Appa is not here. He went to meet his friend." I said

"I already called him and informed." His reply made me wonder. I hid my anger with a fake smile. He is thinking about each and everyone in this house except me. What about me?? Will I never miss him?? Did his heart made of stone??

He took the bag and went in hurry without saying anything to me. I tried a lot to suppress my anger which I couldn't. As soon as his car vanished from my view I ran towards the room. I locked the door and fell down on floor.

I know he will not feel anything for me. But why he is behaving like a stranger to me?? The fact that I couldn't find a place in his heart within this long span of three months of our marriage made me frustrated. He is cruel. He can only hurt me and can never care for me.

I managed to hid all my feelings infront of Appa and angels. They understood that I am also equally angry with Sharan. So they didn't disturb me a lot in the name of questioning about his journey.

At Bangalore: Sharan's POV
I reached Bangalore at late night. Immersed in deep thoughts I am now resting on the sofa. I know what I have done is a huge mistake. I hurted Isha a lot. But it's the only way I found to escape from the pain of separation. Separating with the word good bye will hurt her and me a lot. Now she will spent time cursing me. Now her anger towards me will overshadow her feeling of missing me. Till I return she will be angry with me. But I promise that I will sort it out the moment I reach back. Till then pls forgive me Ishu.

I was least interested in this journey. I didn't stay away from you till now after our marriage. But I can't avoid this one. I don't want to see your sad face when I depart. So I did this.

I called the person whom I should meet and booked an appointment tomorrow at 11 a.m. After that I went for a shower. Even though I am hungry I don't want to eat anything. So I skipped dinner. It's time to make a call to home. I dialled dad's number. He attended it without any delay.

"Sharan,did you reach there?" He asked me.
"Yes dad" I replied.
"Did you eat anything?" He asked
"Yes. I had my dinner" I lied.

I heard some noise there and realized it's my angels.

"Bhaiyya,you are so cruel. Why did you leave without informing us?" Varna asked me.
"Really sorry angels. It's an important trip. I can't miss it." I replied.
"But your wife is really angry with you. She didn't eat anything today. Bhaiyya pls ask her to eat something. Otherwise you can meet her in hospital when you return back" Came Veena voice from the other end.

The truth that Isha also didnt eat anything just like me made me weak. I craved for her voice.

"What are you saying Veena? Don't make him tense" I heard my Isha's beautiful voice in a low tone.

"Bhaiyya we will give phone to Ishudi. Pls ask her to eat something" Varna said giving phone to Isha.

I listened for her voice. But nothing heard.

"Ishu... I didn't mean to hurt you. Why are you not eating anything?" Breaking the silence I opened my mouth.

"Ishu pls say something. I know you are hearing me. Pls scold me atleast" I said again.

Suddenly she cut the call. I think abt calling again. But it will make doubt on dad. I just want to speak to her. But she dont have a cell phone. If I call to land phone may be dad will attend it. Throwing the phone on sofa I layed on bed with an heavy heart.

Next morning I woke up early as I didn't sleep last night. But I don't want to do anything as my mind still stucked on Isha. The guilty feeling made me weak. Actually my body is only here,my mind is still in that room with my Ishu. I just want to get rid of this meeting and return back as soon as possible. Now I can understand what is she in my life. A single moment without my idiot will kill me. Its difficult to stay away from her.

I took a shower early morning that made me cold. My full confidence lost. I wandered here and there looking for my things. It's all her duty to make me ready every morning. But now she is not with me. I tried hard to retrieve my confidence. Yesterday she didn't talk with me. That made me lazy.

Hours passed and now it's 9:30 am. I was very hungry. So I ate something from the restaurant on the way to meet that man. I called dad and talked with him. He informed me that angels went to college and Isha went to temple. I am again disappointed. Without hearing a word from Isha I cannot take a single step forward anymore.

It's been 10:30 when I reached the destination. I waited at the reception still thinking abt Isha. Half an hour passed like half year. Finally his assistant called me in. I was in the edge of losing as I know without a good confident mind I cannot make him agree to the business deal. Sharan Sharma is going to lose for the first time in his career. I prepared my mind to face anything. Great, you deserve it Sharan.

Just before I enter into the room, my mobile vibrated with a message. I opened it and read. My face brightened with that single msg. All my confidence regained. It's a msg sent by Isha from dad's phone.

It reads as:
"I m sorry for my yesterday's behavior. Dont bother it. I am not angry. All the best for ur deal. I m sure everything will go well. I have prayed for you at temple. God will be with you. Advance Congratzz.....from your best friend"

What happened next was unknown to me. I performed my best and within fifteen minutes he agreed for the deal. I was wondered what made me the most successful man from the edge of loosing. It's all her. My Idiot!!!!

I returned from there with atmost happiness. I booked a flight at evening so that I can reach home at night. I was waiting at the airport. I decided to not inform Isha abt my return to give her a surprise. Now I realized what she is in my life. I am waiting for her presence which is the driving power for me for the past three months.

At Night: Ishana's PoV
I couldn't sleep as he didn't call me after meeting. I know he is angry with me for cutting call abruptly. But he is not caring for my feelings. He simply left without saying a single word to me. How can I behave normal?? Then also I sent a msg to him. He neither replied nor called me. He is the real idiot. For what I should think about him?? He may be sleeping peacefully. And I am here wasting my sleep. Idiot. I am not ready to concern for him anymore.

Saying it I layed on bed. But sleep was too far away from me. I layed there with my eyes opened. I thought about each and every moment with Sharan in this room. Slowly it became a sob. More than his absence, his avoidance towards me hurted the most.

I was distracted by the knock on the door. I opened the door thinking it will be Veena or Varna. But the shadow infront of me scared me a lot. I was about to scream when a strong hand covered my mouth. The familiar touch relaxed me.

"" I shouted.

He switched on the light and locked the door.

"Arey how could you recognize me so easily?" He asked me.
"Because you are the only man who touches me like this" I replied in high voice.

He stared at me strangely. I blushed thinking about my words. Remembering about his actions last day, suddenly my face turned red. I turned my back towards him.

"Ishu pls listen to me. I was just stupid. I admit" he started his stupid begging.

"I didn't ask you. How did you come inside?" I asked
"I had a duplicate key. I thought to not disturb dad and angels." He replied.
"So why are you disturbing me? I was sleeping peacefully. " I said angrily.
"Oh so you are sleeping... Seriously...but your eyes saying me that you were crying. And the reason is me" he said.

"Always it's you....You are enjoying my tears. You dont have any feelings for me. You are caring about your dad and sisters only. I m completely a stranger for you. It's my fault to believe you. I am nothing for you. I m just an idiot. That's why I expected a little care from you..." Before completing my words he held my hands and pinned me to the wall.

"I know. I always hurted you. But don't say that you are a stranger for me and I didn't care for you" he said.

I hitted his chest and scratched on his body. He stayed like a statue without even stopping me. After five minutes of attack I fell down on the ground. He held me. He lifted me on his hands and placed softly on bed. I protested a lot. But he didn't surrender.

"I m sorry Isha." He said kissing on my hand.

I didnt look at his face. He cupped my cheek and turned me to his side.

"Isha you can attack me again. I will not protest. Because I know I am the reason for your bad condition now." He said.

"Why are you feeling bad for me?? I am just your friend only. Even if something happened to me it will not affect you" I said.

He stopped my words by covering my mouth with his hand.

"What are you saying?? Pls dont kill me with your words. Instead kill me with a knife. Thats better. You are not just a friend for me. More than that you are very special for me. I don't know how to name that relation. I am also searching for a name. But Isha pls believe me. I didnt mean to hurt u intentionally. If you gets hurt, I will be also hurt. That's the relation between us. You can name this relation any name you want." He said. I hugged him and found a safe place in his arms. He consoled me.

"Sharan when you left me , I felt alone in this world. Do u know how much I worried? I just thought that you will not return to me anymore." He again stopped me.

"Tell me what should I do to make you smile again" he asked me

"Promise me, you will not leave me alone anymore." I said

"I will not leave you. How can I live without my idiot?"he said joining his head with me.

"Did you eat anything?" He asked me.

I nodded my head.

"Sure?" He again asked
I nodded again.

"What abt you?" I asked
"I already ate from flight." he replied me.
"It's very late. Let's sleep. I have a lot to talk. Let it be on tomorrow." He said laying on bed.

I fell on to his arms. He caressed my hair and kissed my forehead. I rested my head on his chest.

"Sharan how was your meeting?" I asked.
"It was the best only because of you" he replied.
"Because of me?" I asked in confusion.
"Yes idiot. You dont know whom you are to me" he said again confusing me.
"What?" I asked.
"Arey sleep now. We can discuss everything tomorrow. Pls give some rest to your little brain now. " He said.

Slowly we fell into a deep sleep in each other's embrace.

Precap: Sharan's gift for Isha

- Not Edited -

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