Chapter 41

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Recap: Sharan gifting phone to Isha - Surprises on the way

Ishana's PoV
From morning onwards I was thinking about the surprise which Sharan is going to give me..But he is not giving any clue regarding it...what would be it???

I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt a touch on my shoulder. Suddenly I turned back and saw Sharan there. He is looking at me with a different expression.

"Did you come back from your dream world?" He asked me
"Ahaha very tell me about your surprise?" I asked pouting.
"I will give you the surprise at right time.. don't worry today itself..." He said laughing.

I looked at the clock and saw 10 pm there. Is he gonna give me his surprise at midnight?

"Ok then you enjoy your surprise alone. I will neither disturb you nor skip my sleep for your so called surprise. Good night..." I said laying on bed at my side.

After some time I slept. I don't know when I woke up feeling someone shaking me calling my name. I opened my eyes. There sitting my husband who is leaning towards my face.

"Arey Sharan didn't you sleep yet?" I asked.
"Isha it's time for my surprise" he said smiling.
" time for's 11pm...Are you mad??" I asked looking at the clock.
"Sharan Sharma is different from ordinary people. This is the right time for my surprise." He said praising himself.
"Ok I am just an ordinary girl. So Sharan Sharma go and find some different extra ordinary girl to share your surprise. I am going to sleep. Good night again" I said again laying on bed.

This time his face changed to a serious expression. He looked at me weird.

"Ok if you are not interested, good night. Anyway I cannot waste my special surprise only because you don't want it... You sleep, I think I should call Priya for a company. She is not ordinary like you. She will definitely come and will be excited to share some time with me" he said trying to get up from bed.

I became alert and pulled him back.

"Arey wait I will come. Why are you disturbing others too at this midnight when I m here to bear all your torture?" I said getting up from bed quickly.

"You dont need to bear my torture. Priya will happily come with me." He said making an anger face.

"Ok I am accepting my defeat. I cannot win Mr.Rude in an argument." I said joining my both hands.

"But Isha you are the only one who won an argument with me till now. You can only... anytime." He said.
"Ok come let's go" I said showing him the way with my left hand.

He held my shoulders and made me walk silently.

"Sharan why.." he stopped me
"Arey idiot. Be silent. Don't need to wake up everyone in this house." He said audible only to me.
"But Sharan why are we going now?? We can go morning Na?? Where are we going? Tell me pls" I begged.
"You are coming with me Na?? Then why are you scaring? Don't worry.. I am neither going to harm you nor allow anyone to do so..." He assured.

Thereafter I didn't speak anything. He made me sit in the car. He started the car and drove. After a few minutes of journey he stopped the car in an isolated area. I looked at the surrounding and found no one there.

"Sharan why are we here?? I m getting scared. Are you really going to kill me?" I asked with a scary face.

As a response he moved his lips  towards my earlobe.

"How can I kill you Ishu ?? You are my loving idiot." He said in my ear while his lips slowly touching my earlobe.
I blushed and moved away from him.

"Isha did you remember when I tell you that I will make you eat ice cream at a night?" He asked.
"Yes. But you didn't fulfill it till now" I complained with a pout.
"Look straight" he said pointing to the front side of the car.

I looked there and my eyes widened. I spotted an ice cream seller there with his ice cream vehicle.

"Is it for me?" I asked.
"Yes ..this man is waiting at 11:30 pm on road at this midnight only for's all arranged for you my idiot" he said making me damn happy.

"Thank you Sharan. You are my best Mr.Rude..." I said kissing on his cheek and jumped out of the car.

Sharan's PoV
What a crazy girl this is??? I didn't see her this much happy till now. Seriously how can an ice cream make someone this much happy...I looked outside the car and found her jumping like a kid. I moved outside the car and walked towards her. She is waiting for me talking with the man...

"Sharan what ice cream do you want?" She asked me.
"I don't want anything. I am not mad like you to eat ice cream at this time." I said.

Suddenly her face changed.

"I also don't want anything then. Come on Sharan. Let's return back to home" she said holding my hands.

I stood there speechless. She will surely make me mad one day.

"I was just kidding Isha. I have planned this only for you. Then how can you simply leave without having it? It will hurt me" I said.

She didn't look at me.
"Ok I will also eat. Now pls smile just like you did a few minutes ago." I said cupping her cheeks.

She smiled. I became happy. she ordered two vanilla flavors. She gave my share to me and started licking her ice cream funnily. I looked at her style of eating which made me to eat just like her. I also started licking my ice cream. Usually I don't eat it. But today I found something special for this ice cream and enjoyed eating it. Now I can understand why she loving this's really a wonderful experience..I want to eat more and more.  She was right. We should ice cream at night. That's a good feeling.

Within this time she finished two ice creams. When she forwarded her hands for the third one I stopped her by holding her hands. She looked at me confusingly.

"You already have finished two. No ice cream anymore. You will get cold Ishu" I said seriously.
"Please Sharan...One more . I will stop with that" she cried like a kid.

I gestured the ice cream seller to go and he obeyed.

"Sharan you are so cruel." She said hitting me on my shoulders.

"Arey Isha it's not good for your health. If you are so much crazy for it, I will make arrangements for making it in our home. Atleast it will be hygienic. Do you know that I didn't allow my angels to eat ice cream from outside till now??" I asked.

My words changed her expression. She pouted.

"So you are not caring for me??? You love your sisters, so u r caring for their health. But for me??  I hate you Sharan" she said crying.

Oh god...what she is saying?? Where did I mention that I didn't care for her? Women are really really complicated.

I held my head with my hand. She started walking away. I followed her and stopped her.

"Ishu I didn't say that....I only intended that you can change my any habits. That's all." I said for which she became calm.

"Now pls smile. Your Mr.Rude is begging you pls..." I said joining my hands.
"I want one more ice cream" she demanded.

I looked for the man and found him nowhere.
"Ok take this" I said giving her my ice cream which I have already finished half.

"Thanks Sharan. You are so sweet." She said taking it and pulling my cheek. I watched her cute expressions while licking the ice cream. Oh god her lips. She is so cute while licking ice cream. I wanted to taste her lips.

Oops..what am I thinking?

Suddenly I felt water drops on my shoulders. Rain have started and I dragged her towards the car. I made her sit in the car forcely. I came back to driver seat and didnt find Isha in the passenger seat. When I looked outside I saw her dancing in the rain happily. I became angry seeing her childish behavior. I rushed towards her.

"Idiot what are you doing?? Are u mad?? Can't you see it's raining??" I shouted at her.

She is trying her best to escape from my grip and I m tightening the hold on her more and more. Suddenly she pushed me with her full force. I released the hold.

"Sharan leave me. You don't know anything. It's so funny to dance in rain.  Rain is the gift of God. know.." she started her philosophy and I stopped her by covering her mouth.

"Arey ..leave stupid..." She stammered between words.

"How dare you called me stupid??" I said angrily.

"Why are you bothering about me? If you don't like rain go away." She said seriously which increased my anger.

"Are you serious?" I asked
"Yes. Why should I obey you?" She said.
"Because you are my wife" I answered.
"Arey wait ..wait..what you just said? When did best friend turn into wife? According to our conditions you don't have any right to stop me from what I am doing. Understand?? Don't try to become my father." She said sarcastically.

"Ok do what u want" I said my final words and entered under the roof a closed shop.

I watched her standing there. She is dancing beautifully. She is wearing a pink saree and it was sticking to her body. Her curves are visible through her wet saree. She is damn beautiful.
Her each movement made a  sensation in me. I tried hard to control my feelings. Suddenly she stopped her dance and came towards me.

"Sharan pls come. Let's dance together." She requested holding my hands.

I pouted without looking at her.

"Ok I m sorry. You know me Na??  I m very naughty. Pls forgive me for my words. You have a big heart to forgive your idiot. Pls Sharan..." She said holding her both ears with cute expressions.

Finally I smiled.
"Wow Mr.Rude smiling. Come Sharan." She dragged me to the rain.

She rounded holding my hands. I lost all control over me and I slowly held her bare waist and danced with her. Throughout the moments my eyes were fixed on her lips. The water drops on her lips made me lose my control. I cupped her face and moved closer to her. She smiled. I gently pressed my lips on her lips. I sucked her lips with atmost passion. Her lips tasted more delicious than anything in the world. But she didn't open her mouth or reciprocated. I pinched on her belly. She moaned and opened her mouth for a second. Utilizing it I entered into her mouth and explored it fully. We continued our long passionate kiss for a long time. Suddenly she became out of  breathe and pushed me harder. Then only I realized our positions.

She was breathing hardly and came to normal mode after some time.

What have you done Sharan?? What happened to you?? Why did you kiss her?? When did you start having such feelings? That too towards your best friend. How am I gonna face her now?

I looked at her with guilty eyes. Her eyes asked me the same questions that I am asking to myself. Without looking at her I moved towards the car. She followed me and entered inside. I drove the car fastly. Throughout the journey we both were silent. I realized her continous gaze on me but I didn't have the courage to look straight into her eyes.

Sorry ISHA ...I dont have answers for your questions....

- Not Edited -

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