Chapter 49

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Recap: IshRan at Krishnapuram - Efforts for confession.

Sharan's PoV
After a busy day the whole village is now sleeping. I was missing Isha badly so decided to check her and appreciate her for the mind blowing dance performance. I went to Isha's room and found angels sleeping peacefully. But shocking me Isha was not there. I searched for her everywhere possible. Unknowingly my thoughts redirected to unwanted worries. I became tensed. When I passed through the pond side I heard some sobs. Immediately I went near the pond and found someone crying sitting on the steps of the pond. My heart stopped beating for a moment realizing that it is Isha. I immediately went to her.

"Ishaaaa..." I shouted and sat beside her.

Seeing me she wiped her tears. But her teary eyes made me weak. I felt that I am standing on fire.

"Isha what is this? Why are you crying? What happened?" I asked in a single breathe cupping her face.

"Nothing Sharan. You didnt sleep yet?" She asked faking a smile on her face. I could realize the pain she is hiding behind that smile.

"First of all answer my question. Why are you here at this time?" I asked.
"This place is my favorite Sharan. So I just thought of spending some time here. Tomorrow we will return Na?? I will again start missing my village. So before that I just want to spend a night here." She said.

"Ok then I will accompany you. We will together spend the night here" I said determinantly. I was not ready to leave her here alone in this condition.

"No Sharan. You go and please sleep. It's very cold here. You will get sick if you sit here for a long time." she said with concern.

I placed my finger on her lips. She is shocked with my sudden touch. Her lips shivered.

"Stop it Isha. Do you think that your husband cannot realize your heart's sorrows? I can understand the pain behind your fake smile." Before completing my words she fall to my chest crying loudly. I didnt stop her as I thought that crying her heart out will make her relax after some time.

"Isha listen to me...okay?" I said to her after sometime. I wiped her tears and made her sit straight.
"If you are missing your village, why didnt you tell me earlier? You should have tell me. I wouldn't have stop you from visiting your home whenever you wanted" I said for which she looked at me with a pale face.

"It's can stay here for as many days as you want...No one will stop you. You can also take angels with you. I will ask them. Then you will not feel alone. Now pls relax" I said to console her.

Shocking me she again started crying. This time in a loud voice. Without thinking for a second I hugged her to my chest.

"Sharan it's not my village. It's my parents whom I am missing. During the last festival they were with me. And today I feel incomplete without them." She said making me feel a weight on my heart
I felt sad for her.

"Sharan I can't live here without them. Pls take me too with you. Don't make me alone here." She said begging.
"Isha what did you think about me?? If you don't want to stay here, definitely you will be with us when we go back. And why are you saying that you are alone?? Actually I didn't get it" I said.

"Sharan, after my parents death many times I felt that I am alone in this world. It's true. I don't have anyone." She said making me angry. I pushed her from my body. She is shocked.

"What happened Sharan?" She asked holding my hands. I jerked her hands away. I moved away from her making her confused. I turned my face away from her arrogantly.

"Sharan why are you angry now?" She asked holding my shoulders tightly.

"What happened Sharan? Are you angry with me? What have I done now?" She asked.

I lost all my control. Before doing something bad to her I started moving away. But she stopped coming infront of me. Her tears made me weak. But still I was in angry mode.

"Sharan pls tell me. What was my mistake?" She asked holding me tightly.

"Don't you know anything? Why are you behind me? If I am angry why should you bother? You just told that you don't have anyone. You are alone Na? Who am I for you? My family and me are nothing for you. I realized it today. My dad is taking caring of you as his own daughter,then also he is a stranger for you. My sisters are loving you as a mom,still they are no one for you. And what about me?? What's my place in your life? You are alone because you are treating us as strangers." I said for which she immediately hugged me.

"I am Sorry Sharan. I didn't mean to hurt you. I know I am not alone. Will not be alone never ever. I have a big family to take care of me. I have my Appa and sisters. And more than anyone I have my best and bestest friend always with me" she said.
I stopped her by covering her mouth. She is surprised.

"If I say something will you believe me?" I asked her.
"I will completely believe whatever you say."she assured.
"No Isha. May be you will not" I said.
"Arey tell it. I will believe it whatever it is" she said pouting.

"I LOVE YOU IDIOT" I said for which she opened her mouth in wonder with widened eyes.

Ishana's PoV
What did he just say? Did he say that he loves me??? I couldn't believe what I heard. Am I dreaming??? Did he really mean it?? Or still I am in sleep?? I closed my mouth seeing him scratching the back side of his neck.

"Sharan can you please pinch me once?" I asked.
"For what?"he asked confusingly.
"Pls Sharan. One time only" I requested
"Okay" he said.

Unexpectedly he pinched me on my belly. I screamed.
He covered my mouth.
"Isha be quiet. You will make everyone awake." He said warning me.
"Why did you pinch me?" I asked
"Because you asked me to pinch you. Don't you remember?" He asked
"You can pinch me on my hand, or face or shoulder..why did you pinch there?" I asked.
"Where?" He asked raising his brow with a smirk.
"" I stammered.
"This is my style. Don't you know?" He asked with a naughty smile.

I stood there like a statue for another couple of minutes looking straight at his eyes. I don't know what to do or how to respond. I was still in my dreamy world. Oh god how many months did I wait for this day? Is he really serious or just to console me. Did he really mean it?

I couldn't completely believe what I heard just a few moments ago.

"Isha what happened to you? Did I hurt you? If so don't hesitate to tell me. Just I want to know about your opinion regarding it." He asked shaking me. I became conscious.

"Opinion about what?" I asked intentionally to hear the same words from him once again.
"Are you kidding me? I am really serious Isha." He said.
"I know you don't like to repeat your words. But please Sharan. Please tell me it once again." I requested.

"I Love You. I can't live without You Ishu. Sharan's life without his idiot is nothing. I love you from the bottom of my heart. " he said kissing my palm making me surprise.

Again I stood speechless. But this time my eyes responded. My teary eyes didn't give me a chance to open my mouth. He came near to me and wiped my tears.

"Isha I know I dont deserve you...." I stopped his words by putting my finger on his lips.
"You are the only man on this earth who deserves me. Pls don't talk like this anymore." I cupped his cheek.
"Isha I want to start a new life with my idiot. Not only as a best friend. But as being everything for you. I also want to live a normal life. Can you accept me as your husband? Can't we live like a normal couple?" He asked making me the most happiest.

I hugged him and stayed in that position for a few minutes.
But suddenly something made me withdrew from him. He is shocked.

"What happened Isha?" He asked.
"Sharan...." I said.
"Do you have any doubt on my love for you?" He asked cupping my face.

"No Sharan....never...But I don't know why I am scaring... You have no idea how much I waited for this day...for hearing these three words from your mouth...But I didnt expect it in this life...but I was ready to wait for next life too for you...I thought that you are not going to accept me as your wife in this life. I really really love you Sharan...Always love you and always be yours only" I said confessing from my heart. I saw his most shining eyes.

He kissed my forehead, cheeks, eyes, ears, nose everywhere on my face many times. I melted in his love. It was a dreamy moment for both of us.

Sharan's PoV
I was very happy. I couldn't control myself from kissing her face everywhere I got the access. But the most happiest fact is that she never allowed me to move away from her. She pulled me closer to her with her soft hands. I was really enjoying each moment with her.

Still can't believe that she just confessed her love for me like I did.

"Tell me, are you alone now?" I asked with a serious face.
"No" she replied shaking her head.
"Tell me clearly" I said
"I have my Appa.."she said
"Then..." I asked
"Then I have my sisters" she said
"Then.... continue" I asked smilingly
"Then...." Suddenly she ran away from me descending down the steps and I followed her. She was giggling.
I caught her at a point and held her tightly through her waist. She laughed loudly.
"Sharan leave me" she shouted.
"First of all complete your answer." I said
"Finally I have...." She paused
"You have...complete it idiot" I said impatiently.
"I have my cute rude husband. Love of my Mr.Rude." She said kissing my cheek.

It was enough for me to forget the whole world. I cupped her both cheeks with my both hands. I slowly went closer to her and pressed my lips on hers. We kissed passionately for minutes. She held her one hand on my hair and another hand on my waist. Slowly my hands moved towards her waist. She is giggling and pushed me harder. I saw her struggling with her breathe. I hugged her and she hugged me back. I caressed her hair.

"Isha are you okay?" I asked
"Hmm" she nodded
"I love you " I said kissing her shoulder wrapping my arms around her.
"I too love you Sharan" she said.

Her words felt like heaven for me. I was about to kiss her again when we both accidentally slipped our legs and fell into the pond. We both were wet and she blushed. I held her closer to me. She rested her head on my chest. I patted her wet skin and body.She is shivering within my hold. I hugged her tightly to make her comfortable.

"Isha, I don't think whether anyone else got such a romantic proposal in water like us. Are you shivering because of cold or shy??" I asked for which she hitted me on my chest.
"Idiot...come lets go..because of you I completely became wet" she complained.

"Because of me?? What have I done?? You didnt have the strength to balance your husband,thats why we slipped. You are idiot ...not me" I said.

"I don't want to fight with you today. I am accepting my defeat. It's all my mistake and you are so innocent." She said holding my chin.

I pulled her more closer to me. She blushed. I kissed on her eyes and slowly moved my lips towards her neck. I immersed my head into her neck kissing there. She moaned. She turned her face away with shy.

"Sharan pls...not now." She requested with teary eyes.
"Let's go..may be your angels would have start searching for you." I said pecking her lips.
"I cant walk. Pls lift me." She said naughtily.
"You are becoming so lazy day by day" I said.
"Not more than you my husband. You want me for everything Na?? Now it's your turn." She challenged me.
"Ok let's see...who will win?" I said lifting her into my arms. She is very soft and perfect in my hands.
I slowly climbed the steps of the pond. She is playing with my nose and I smiled.

"Isha, don't make me lose my control.. Otherwise you will have to bear the consequences." I said. She kissed on my chest again teasing me.

We entered the house and I made her stand properly on the floor.
"Sharan I am completely wet. I should change my clothes." She said.
"So what? Do you want me to help you?" I asked with a naughty smirk.

She glared at me. I gestured sorry with my eyes.
"How can I change clothes now?" She asked.
"Go and change on your room" I said
"But if angels awake, what will I tell them?" She asked.
"Tell them that you were romancing with your husband on the pond." I said chuckling.
"Or tell them that you were teaching me swimming.."I added.

She held my ear twisting it. I screamed. She covered my mouth.
"Be quiet. Don't make everyone awake." She said.
I looked at her deeply. She is blushing with my gaze on her.
"Sharan don't look at me like this." She said. I nodded. She dragged me to a closed room.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Chup..keep quiet. Let's change the clothes here." She said trying to unlock the door. But it didn't open.
"Arey stop it. I will do that for you" I stopped her and opened the door myself.
We entered inside.
"Wow now we are safe. Noone will come here." She said giving me a winning smile.
"But Isha where are the clothes to change? Its still in the other room" I said smacking her head.
"Oh god I forgot it. Okay wait here. I will come after taking the clothes. Don't make noise." She ordered me and I nodded.
She went without making any sound. I felt wondered seeing her behavior.

"Was she a cat in her previous birth?" I thought in my mind and smiled.

After five minutes she went back with the dresses for us.

"Where were you? I thought you got caught by your villagers?" I asked.

"Hahaa.. You dont know your wife. That's why you said this. Do you know one thing?? I always used to do this even with my parents. They didn't catch me till now. It's a very easy task for me." She said proudly.

"For what ?? Did you have any boy friend to play fun at night hiding from your parents?" The jealous Sharan in me arose suddenly.
"Oh my dear cute husband getting jeolous ah?" She asked me holding my chin.

I jerked her hand away.
"Arey Sharan don't doubt me. I used to play this game only to watch night shows and late night cricket matches. My mom didn't like skipping sleep. She was very strict just like you." She said making me laugh.

"Isha, my dad is also this type. He also don't let me watch TV late night" I said.
"No wonder Sharan. They are siblings Na? Manufactured from same parents. So definitely will be like this" she said. I bursted into laugh. She warned to be quiet. I gulped my remaining laugh.

"Go and change your clothes first." She ordered me and I went to bath room taking the clothes given by her.

Ishana's PoV
I went back from bathroom and looked for Sharan in the room. I couldn't find him. I became scared. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands across my waist. I realized the presence of my husband behind me. I was shivering in his hold. He immersed his head into my neck from back placing wet kisses there. I felt butterflies inside my stomach.

"I Love You Idiot" He whispered in my ears.
"Sharan leave me" I said.
"If I don't, what will you do?" He asked.
"Sharan pls...I can't handle this" I said

Surprisingly he released me and laughed harder.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked confusingly.
"Ishu, I am not going to do anything that you don't like. I can wait till you accept me with your whole mind and heart. Because I am loving your soul,not your body.. understand idiot?" He asked brushing his nose with my nose and holding my waist softly.

I felt touched with his words. I am the most luckiest girl in this world. I thought in my mind.
I don't know why my eyes filled with tears. He cupped my face and kissed my tears. I smiled from my heart.

"Thank you Isha." He said kissing my forehead.
"For what?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"For being with me... Your smile will always brighten my life. If you didn't come to my life I would have ended as Mr.Rude through out my life. My life would have been useless. I promise I will always love you and take care of you like a precious diamond." He said kneeling down infront of me.

I also knelt down and cupped his face.
"After my parents death I starts to believe that God don't like me. That's why he snatched all happiness from me leaving me alone in this world. But now I am sure god loves me the most. Inreturn to my parents he gave me a beautiful family to love me. I got an Appa who loves me more than my father. I got two sisters who are living for me now. And most importantly I got an husband who is loving me more than any man can love a woman. Thank you Sharan for filling my life again with colors. Thank you for giving me new dreams to live" Before I complete my words he kissed me hardly on my lips. I responded passionately. Slowly he moved away from me.

We both lowered our heads couldn't face each other.
"You are really tired Isha. Go and sleep." He said getting up from floor along with me.
"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded.
When I was about to leave he pulled me back.
"Why can't you sleep with me today?" He asked.
"But where?" I asked quickly as if I was also waiting for that question from him.
"Can't we sleep here?" He asked showing the bed.
"I am ready. But when angels wake up they will search for me." I said doubtful.
"It's not a problem. You know exactly at which time they will wake up. So you can go back to their room early morning before they gets up."he suggested a solution.
"Okay...come" I said dragging him to the bed.
"Do you know that how many days I slept with opened eyes? It was very boring without you." He said pulling me to his chest and adjusting himself on the bed.
"Same to you Mr.Husband" I said pinching him.

He screamed.
"Why are you screaming unnecessary??" I asked him
"Unnecessary?? do you know the pain when you pinches me?" He asked me.
"If you really want to scream I will give you suitable reason." I said.
"What reason?" He asked confusingly.

Without thinking for a second I bit him on his chest. He screamed and I covered his mouth with my hand.

"Hey idiot. What have you done?" He asked looking at his chest.
I was laughing seeing all his cute expressions.
"Are you laughing after hurting me? I also know how to laugh." Saying this he came top of me.

Before I could realize anything he immersed his lips into my neck. I moaned with pleasure. But suddenly it changed to a scream when I felt his teeth on my neck. It took some seconds for me to realize that he actually bit me. I glared at him and hit him with pillow raising from the bed. He took another pillow and fought with me. We both were not ready to lose. But after some minutes he held my hands.

"Ishu wait wait. I will show you something." He said
"What's it?" I asked.
He pulled me towards the mirror.
"See your neck" he said looking at the mirror.
I was embarrassed seeing his bite mark on my neck. I glared at him.
"Arey Isha I didnt expect that my teeth have such a beautiful shape. When it is on your neck it makes a good combination" he said laughing.
I pressed his throat with both my hands.
"Isha don't kill your husband on our proposal day itself. We still have a beautiful first night awaiting" he said making me blush.
He lifted me on his arms and slowly placed on bed.
He laid on bed and pulled me to his chest.
"Sharan.."he stopped me by putting finger on my lips.
"Don't open your mouth anymore. Sleep baby. Otherwise I will give you beautiful bites through out the night on your whole body" he said.
I closed my eyes quickly pretending to sleep.
He kissed me on my forehead.
"Good night Sharan" I said snuggling more close to him.
"I Love You Idiot" he said.
We both smiled embracing each other welcoming a new day.

Precap: Love is in air

Here is the much awaited chapter.

- Not Edited -

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