Chapter 99

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Recap: Diana reuniting with her family with the help of IshRan - Diana agreeing to Surya's proposal....

2 months later
Diana left with her family to start a new life. She used to call Isha and sometimes she visits IshRan. Isha is now 8 months pregnant. Life is going well for both Sharan and Isha. Sharan always make Isha feel special with his small cute gestures. And she loves it as much as she loves Sharan.

"No. It's a Friday. Our friends can't attend it since it's working day. Either Saturday or Sunday..."Veena yelled.

"'s not your marriage's just your Ishudi's baby shower it necessary to invite all your friends here?" Sharan asked in surprise.

"It's a very important day for us more than our marriage.. so definitely."Varna said supporting Veena.

"Dad..these girls..."Sharan looked at his dad.
"Ask your wife what to do." Durga escaped.
Sharan looked at Isha who is enjoying the pickle. He removed the pickle bottle immediately.

"Oh have finished half of the baby will become a pickle girl..Just my eyes diverted and see what have you done?" Sharan scolded Isha.
"Appa..he is scolding me..." Isha cried fakely.

Everyone chuckled.
"Girls will have weird wishes this time..pickles are usually one of their favourite.." Janimaa shouted from kitchen.
"Sharan pls give it to me..please..."Isha requested.

Sharan took a spoon full of pickle and placed it on her palm.
"No more pickle is allowed for this week...."Sharan said strictly and Isha pouted.
"Ishudi please ask him to invite our friends too.."Varna said looking at Isha.
"Sharan, do what my angels asking." Isha said while licking the pickle from her palm. Sharan looked at her in wonder.

Veena and Varna gave a flying kiss to Isha. She laughed.
"Ok now fix the baby shower date on will be comfortable for everyone..and don't forget to invite everyone from Krishnapuram."Durga said.
"Ok dad..."Sharan nodded.
He turned to see Isha standing up.
"Where are you going?"he asked.
"To wash my hand.."Isha replied.
"Wait..I will come with you..why can't you just call me? Baby, what a stubborn mother did you get." He complained following Isha.
"Sharan..I am not feeling well..I want to sleep for sometime....let's go back" Isha said holding Sharan's arm.

"Keep your tricks with are not allowed to return back before completing our usual walk.."Sharan said strictly.

" know one thing.. now a days you are getting very bored..Very irritating" she said.
"Hey..."Sharan glared at her.
"Sorry.."she bit her lips.
"'s for our baby... evening walk is very healthy for our unborn baby and it would ease your delivery.. Dont you know?" He asked caressing her big baby bump. Sharan's favourite place now a days.

"Why should I know when I have an encyclopedia husband who knows everything related to pregnancy?" She pouted.
Sharan laughed at her expressions.
Suddenly Sharan's face brightened seeing someone.
"Ishu..I am going to make you happy .."he said.
"Not possible..I would be happy only if I get permission from my hubby to return back home.."she said.

"Are you sure? Then dont need to eat ice cream while you are not happy..come let's continue our walk.."Sharan said.
"Ice cream..."it was almost a scream even the ice cream seller also got afraid hearing her.
"'s public road..dont make me a public nuisance..."Sharan stopped Isha looking at every one who is observing them.

"I want Ice cream"Isha was about to go to the ice cream seller when Sharan held her wrist.
"Only on two conditions.."He said.
"Say your conditions"she said.
"First must complete our evening walk without any complaints hereafter... second one... Dont say to dad that I have bought you ice cream..he will kill me.."he said.

"My sweet husband"saying it she kissed his cheek.

Sharan got embarrassed when his wife kissed him on the middle of road. He followed her awkwardly.

"Bhai...three butterscotch"she asked to the ice cream seller..
"Three..for whom?"Sharan asked immediately.
"One for for my for our baby.."she said excitedly.
"Oh god..this girl..this time I will eat baby's share.."he declared.
"Baby is inside me "she giggled.

The ice cream seller handed over the ice creams to them and Sharan paid him. Isha started licking her ice cream.
"'s very tasty..."she said.
"Are you eating it for the first time?"he asked.
"Every time when I eat it, it feels like my first Appa used to bring me ice cream whenever I am angry at him.."She said and soon tears started welling up her eyes.

"Ishu.. what's this? You are not that naughty girl are now a mother..I can't say you to forget everything..but atleast dont make yourself affect with it..we all are with you.."he wiped her tears.

"Life would be more beautiful if my parents are also with us...isn't it?" She asked.
"They are blessing us from their world..can't you feel it?" He asked.

Within this time Isha has finished her two ice creams...
"No.. I can't"she said confusingly.
"Then eat this too.. then you would feel it..."he gave his ice cream to Isha.
She took it and started eating.

"Did I call you irritating just a few minutes before? You are the most sweetest husband..I am a stupid.."she scolded herself.

"Hahaha.."Sharan laughed.
"Dont laugh like this..I may kiss my husband again..."she said for which he looked at her with opened mouth.

"Idiot..come let's walk..."he took her hand in his arm and locked their fingers. They started walking.
Isha is looking angrily at Sharan who is still working on his laptop. They both are at his office..he is sitting on the working table and she is glaring at him from the couch. Sharan who is observing her from the corner of his eyes are not missing her sweet glares. He is trying a lot to control his laugh.

"Baby, don't be angry at me if I kill your pappa before your arrival."Isha said after a long time.

"What did you say?"he asked.
"Dont you know? Why did you pick me from home? For seeing you working like this or go for check up???"she asked.
"The appointment is taken at 11's only 10:15..there is still time remaining...I would complete this urgent work within that time.."he said.

"You and your work..go to hell..and don't forget to arrange an helicopter to drop us on hospital after your work..there is still a lot of time remaining.."saying this she left the cabin. She didnt forget to slam the door for which Sharan smiled at her....

After 10 minutes Sharan finished his work. He came outside only to see empty chairs..

"Where did everyone go? And where is Ishu??" He thought.

He walked a little and see a sight that made his mouth opened.
"This idiot..."he shouted in mind.
Isha is sitting on the top of a table and every staffs including the peons and security are around her...They are listening quietly to her talks..Sharan can hear her laugh and loud voice. He looked around the office which is completely silent and only voice that makes it live is his wife's blabbering..And his every staff is enjoying it carefully...

He made a stern face and hit hardly on a near by table to gain attention. Everyone looked at him shockingly.

"I think I am paying all of you for working here..not for giving company to my bored wife..."he said.
Suddenly the crowd dispersed and went to their respective chairs. Now Sharan and Isha are left alone. He glared at her. She got up from the table in an hurry and about to fall..But Sharan held her at correct time...

"Didnt you get anywhere else to sit?? If you want I might have arranged my conference room for your talking session...and how enthusiastically my staffs are listening to you...I didn't see them with this much concentration during their works..."he said sarcastically.

"My husband is looking very beautiful when scolding..."she said making him smile.
"Come let's go to hospital.." he said holding her wrist...
"Where is helicopter?"she asked.
"Shut up idiot..."he shouted while walking along with her.
"Can you pls drive little more fast?"she asked getting irritated.

Sharan and Isha are in their car and he is driving very slowly and carefully.

"This speed is safe..."he replied.
"When would we reach at hospital if we go with this speed?"she gritted her teeth.
"I dont know and I don't care..."he replied seeing her anger.
"Helicopter idea was much better..."she said to herself.
"Isha...did you forget what doctor said? You should travel's for our baby's safety.. why can't you understand?"he asked softly.

"Sharan can you pls stop this car? We can walk...then we will reach earlier than by this car... Thats better.."she said angrily.
Sharan giggled.

"Ok let's walk..but on one condition.."he said.
"Again...what condition?"she asked.
"I will carry you in my arms..I won't allow you to walk long..." He said and
She smacked his head slowly.
At Hospital
"Nothing to worry you can relieve.."Dr.Neelima said to a tensed Sharan.

Isha is enjoying doctor's tease on Sharan. This is her favorite part of each check up.
"Is everything ok? What about the test reports?? What is my baby doing?" He asked in a single breathe...
"Your baby is thinking about how to tolerate this over concerned pappa"  Isha spoke for which doctor laughed hardly.

" dont need to worry...I have examined the reports carefully...your baby is ok..and your wife too.."doctor tried her best.
"Thank you doctor.."he said.
"It's better to admit Isha in hospital before one week of expecting date."Doctor said for which Isha rolled her eyes.
"I am thinking about admitting her in hospital before one month...what if it's premature birth?"Sharan asked with concern.

Isha caught her head in her hands. Doctor is smiling.
"There is only a little chance for premature birth."Doctor said consoling Sharan.
"But doctor..."he was interrupted by Isha.
"No more time onwards Doctor will put a board outside saying NO Entry for Mr.Sharan Sharma." Isha said.
Sharan pouted.

"Sharan.. Pls give some rest for your brain..I will take care of your baby and wife. I am a neighbor too for can call me any time...I will be there. I am taking special interest on Isha..she is someone who is very close to me like a you dont worry.."Doctor said ending Sharan's all doubts..

Sharan and Isha left the hospital happily. They are ready to welcome their little one.

"Isha..don't be angry at me if I say something.."Sharan said.
"What's it?"she asked.
"I am taking a leave from office from tomorrow onwards" he said.
"Why?" She asked while drinking the juice which Sharan bought for her.

"It's less than a month for our little idiot to enter our world.. I have a lot of things to plan....I would be with you completely.." he said making her smile.

"My baby's luck"she said
"What about you?" He asked.
"Mine too"she said for which he smiled happily.
Precap: Special moments.

- Not Edited -

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