35. Revealation

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Recap: Kishore knowing truth - Fight - Kishore leaving - Vaigha was about to leave - Vaibhav decided to spill the beans.

Vaibhav parked the car at his home. He was about to enter out when Vaigha held his hand.

"Vaibhav, are you sure?"she asked.
He smiled at her.
"Yes. They should know it one day anyway. Let it be today."he said without any doubt.

Suddenly his phone rang. He attended the call.
"Hello dear. It's your Nandu calling. Did you forget me?" He heard it.
"Nandana??"he was shocked.
Vaigha was confused.
He put the call in speaker.

"What do you want now?" He asked.
"I didn't want anything Vaibhav. It was your sister Anjali who gave me hopes on you. She is the one who asked me to marry you. I was innocent. Your sisters and brothers dragged me to all this and gave me dreams about you. Poor my parents. They also started dreaming about my marriage with you. When they have informed everyone that their daughter is getting married to Vaibhav Devansh, one day your siblings again came infront of me. This time to say that they don't want me as their sister in law. Tell me Vaibhav. What did I do to suffer all this? What was my parents mistake?" Nandana asked.

"Nandana I can understand you. I am sorry. Let's talk about it later. I will meet your parents and apologize."

"No need Vaibhav. They are already shattered. I don't want to see you again."she said.

He sighed looking at Vaigha and she held his hand to console him.
"I thought you loves me. But I was mistaken. When I enquired more about you, I found out something interesting. I even had to use my uncle's all influences to get information about you."she said making them confused.

"What are you saying? Why should you enquire about me?"he asked.
"Wait Vaibhav...hahha...I just want to give an advance wedding gift for you. Eventhough the gift was late, I had given it on right hands. Your siblings may be waiting for you with my gift. Go and get it Vaibhav. And convey my regards to that Anuradha too...Bye." Nandana ended the call.

Vaibhav looked at Vaigha confusingly.
"Vaibhav, what is she saying about?"she asked.
He shook his head.
He gestured her to get out of the car and he did too.
He held her hand and walked inside the home since the door was already open.

The atmosphere was silent inside. But they are shocked seeing the angry faces of their brothers and sisters. Anjali, Amar, Arjun, Krithika and Sanju stood up seeing them together.
It feels like a volcano had erupted there a few moments ago. Everything was shattered here and there. Their faces remain like they cried for a long time. Vaigha and Vaibhav looked at each other confusingly. They are sure that there is something more coming on their way.

"What happened here?"he asked.
Before completing Anjali came to him and held his collar.
"When did our Bhai started telling lie to us? When did you start cheating us?"she asked angrily.
"Anjali. Let me tell first."he tried to leave his sister's hold on him.
Vaigha helped him and Anjali left him.

"What happened?"he asked.
"Don't you know Bhai? Or are you acting like you don't Know? "Arjun asked with a stern face.

Anjali showed her phone to him. Both Vaigha and Vaibhav was shocked. It was their photos together taken when they met outside without their siblings' knowledge.
"How did you get this?" He asked.
"How?? So you are accepting. Good. Didn't expect this from you bhai. The last thing we expected from you is cheating us."she shouted.

"You were our pride and today we lost it."Krithika said half crying.

"Let me tell. We came to inform the truth. But don't know how you knew it before us."he said.
"That doesn't make any difference anymore. You were cheating us all the time. When we were competing to love you more, you were playing with our feelings." Amar said this time.

"Amar. It's not like that what you all are thinking." Vaigha spoke.
"You don't dare to speak." Arjun shouted making her stop. She didnt expect this from Arjun.
Vaibhav tightened his hold on her hand to make her comfortable.

"We are speaking to our bhai. Dont speak between us. Who are you to interfere between us?" Arjun asked.

"We all treated you like our own sister. In return you gave us betrayal."Arjun added.

"She didnt betray anyone. I know Nandana has sent you the pics. I can understand it's too late. But we are about to reveal the truth."Vaibhav said defending.

"First of all tell us what kind of relationship you both are sharing? Love or something that a sister can't tell to her brother or physical attraction? Open your mouth atleast now Bhai." Anjali yelled.

"Stop it Anjali. She is my wife. You can't talk about your sister in law like this. "he said making all of them silent.
"Wife????"they asked together.

He turned to Vaigha and took out the wedding chain from her neck which she was hiding. His siblings stunned seeing it.

"Yes. I married her. I didn't have another option to keep her stay with him. That's why all this drama. I had to marry her because of some reasons. I tried to tell this earlier too when you found a new girl for me. But Sanjana's health didn't allow me. I am sorry. "He said helplessly.

"She is not Anuradha. Her name is Vaigha." Vaibhav told everything about their marriage.
Vaigha was looking at them with hope.

There was no response from his siblings. Sanjana was also in equally shocked state. No one could digest what he said. It was not so easy for them to accept that their brother whom they love most on the earth was hiding such a big truth from them. They were not in a state to think from his side and hear his reasons. Nothing felt sense to them.

"So you both were making us fools together. We have seen you in the place of our Father. And what have you done?"Amar asked.
Vaibhav looked at him with guilt.
He moved towards Vaigha and stopped infront of her.
"Do you know why did Sanju give you our mom's name? Because you were just like a mom to her and us. And you have done enough to us. Especially to her. How could you do this?" Amar asked Vaigha. She couldn't answer.

"If you have come with her directly to us after marriage, may be we would have respect you. But today you lost us." Arjun said.
"Arjun. Dont tell that."Vaibhav said.
"Yes bhai. It's the truth. We wanted you to make each and every decision about our life. That much we loved you. And what have you done when coming to your life? We were dreaming about your beautiful life and your life partner when you were enjoying with your wife infront of all of us."he shouted.
"Weren't you making us fools? What would be your reaction if one of us did the same to you?"

"Dont say that you hided all this to not hurt Sanjana. Because you hurted her the most with this drama and all. " Anjali said.

Vaibhav and Vaigha looked at Sanju who lost all the glows of her face. She was standing quietly with an heavy heart.

"She wanted you to marry this girl. We all know that. We already decided to ask you the same at right time. Because we also loved her like a sister and mother. But you destroyed our trust even before that. Actually God has showed your real faces to us." Anjali shouted.

Anjali's words made both Vaigha and Vaibhav shock. They didn't know that.
Vaibhav moved to Sanju and cupped her face.
"Sanju, pls trust us. We didn't cheat you."
Sanjana pushed him away.
"I dont want to see your face anymore. I loved you a lot. But you didnt love us. Just acted like loving. Otherwise you wouldn't have hide such a big truth from us." She gestured making him stunned. He couldn't handle what his little sister told. Vaibhav lost all his strength with that.

"Your marriage was our biggest dream. We have no complaints since you married her. We can also understand the reason behind that. But after that what you did. It dont make any logic. You clearly knew that we were searching for a girl for you. Then also you didn't tell us you are already married. After all that you made your wife stay in the same house creating a lot of lies. We all believed it like a fool. We loved her too. You would have reveal the truth atleast when we found Nandana for you. You both were playing with our feelings that time too. You both were making fun of our pure love for you. You didn't give value to us. That's why you made us a joker." Amar accused them.

"We hate you bhai. We all hate you. We don't want to see your face anymore."Krithika said breaking his heart once again.
He closed his eyes.
"Go away. We don't want to see you." She said again.

"It's not your brother, it's me who should have to go away from your lives."Vaigha said sternly.
Vaibhav looked at her stunning.

"I know I dont have right to interfere you. I don't have voice where brothers and sisters are talking. Similarly I dont have any place in this family."Vaigha continued.

"Your brother have done a lot for you all. He didn't live for him even for a second after your parents death. His life was all for you. He is living, working and even breathing all for you only. If a single mistake makes you forget all his favours and gave you right to question him, it's better he should get rid of that mistake. And it's me. I am sure if I haven't come to his life, he would have married the girl whom you chooses."she said making all of them shut their mouth.

"He loves you all a lot. I know he can't live without his siblings. You guys are his life. I won't let him cry for you."
She said and he shook his head.

"You guys are lucky to get him in his life. If I had a person like him in my life, I wouldn't have to live in the orphanage." She closed her eyes.

"He hided the truth only because he can't see his sister in hospital. It would be like death to him. If you guys don't want to see his face only because he married without informing you all, then what about fixing his marriage without asking his permission? He didn't say that he don't want to see your face even after hurting him a lot. I can understand why his marriage is a dream for you all. But did you ask him atleast once about his dreams? Did you enquire about what kind of a girl he wants? Did you ever try to think about his wishes regarding the girl in his life? How it becomes love when you all are trying to impose your dreams on him? He is sacrificing everything for you all. How can you question your trust on him when you people even can't understand him?" She shouted.

His siblings stood like a statue infront of her questions.

"First you found Nandana for your brother. Then cancelled her when she insults one among you all. What if she misbehaves with Sanjana after the marriage only? Then what would you guys do? He didn't play with your feelings. Instead it's you guys who played with your brothers life. "She said.

"Vaigha.."he called loudly and came to her. He cupped her face.
"Pls dont say like this about them"he requested with tears.
"I know Vaibhav. You will be hurt if I say anything about them. But it will hurt me too when they blame you for everything. Because like you love your brothers and sisters, I love you too."she said.
He hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

She broke the hug and moved towards Sanjana.
"I didn't betray anyone. My love and care for you was genuine. Even if I was not your brother's wife, I would have do the same. I returned the same love you gave me. Now you all are hating me, but I can't hate you back. For the first time I realized the pleasure of being in a family after I met you all. I don't have a mother. But then also I tried my best to be a mom for you Sanju. Thank you for giving me a place here. For giving your mom's name and for all those moments."she said

She then came infront of Arjun.
"Thank you for being the best brother. You could do that only because you are the brother of Vaibhav. Dont lose him."she said to Arjun.

"Dont fight with Arjun always. We will understand the value of a person in our life only when we lose them. Smile always."she said to Amar who returned a smirk.

She came infront of Krithika. She turned her face away angrily. It hurted Vaigha a lot.
"Study well and clear all your arrears. Dont fight with boys. It's not good."she said and then moved towards Anjali.

"I will miss you Anjali. Especially our cooking session. You are the most sensible girl I have ever seen. When your anger leaves, think well. Just forgive your brother and hug him. He needs it now." She said and walked to Vaibhav.

"If you said bye to everyone, can we go?"he held her hand.
"You are not going anywhere Vaibhav. You should be here for your siblings. They needs you after their anger leaves them. They can't stay away from you and you also can't live without them."she said leaving his hold on her.

"You are not going alone. Wherever it is, I will be with you. You are my wife and I am your husband "he said sternly.

"I know one day your brothers and sisters realize what you actually wants. That day may be they will accept me. Whenever it is, I will be waiting for that day. Till that you should be here with them as you promised to your parents. They only have you Vaibhav. To show their love,hatred and share their complaints. I also know you can't live without them."she said.

"Nooooooooo"he shouted.
"I will come with you even if you try to stop me."he said seriously.

"Even if you come with me, can you promise me that you will be happy? I know you won't. Because your life is here. With your siblings. You can't smile without them. You can't be normal. If I bring you with me, your parents won't forgive me for making their children alone. Believe me. I don't hate you. I love you more and more. I can wait an entire life for you. For our love and our life together. Thats the strength of my love. I am sure about it. " She said

"I can't snatch their brother from them. Even if you come with me, it would be like I am taking a dead Vaibhav with me. I know your all happiness and comfort lies in this house with them. Whenever you leaves them, you will be lifeless."

"Vaigha. How can you say this? Didn't you promise me that you would be always with me? How can you leave me then?" He asked shaking her shoulders.

"I am not leaving you. Just staying away till all our problems solve. I will be waiting for you at our orphanage where I waited for my new life. I am sure. One day you will come along with your brothers and sisters to welcome me back to our home."she said and looked at his siblings with hope. But their face didn't show any emotions.

"Vaibhav, promise me that you won't come to meet me till they realize that we didn't cheat them."she asked and he shook his head in negative.

"No I can't live without you and I am not gonna let you leave me."he said determinantly.
"I know I am doing a big mistake. But it's ok. If they cant understand me, it's better I go away from their view as they wishes.. I am also coming with you. As I promised, I will be with you wherever you are."he said taking her hands in his.

His brothers and sisters shocked hearing him.

"No Vaibhav. You are not. You don't need to keep that promise. Instead take care of them well. They are my family too. I can't let them alone here. Already because of our blunder, Nandini aunty and uncle lost their son. I can't see anymore lose. Even if we go away from them, we can't live in peace with their curse over our heads. If I leave alone, I am sure one day they will understand our innocence and accept our relationship. Didn't you promise me to give a family? I want it. I want a family. Not only an husband. I wanted to be their mother, sister, bhabhi and a best friend for them. Not a cheater and liar. We should prove our innocence to them."she said cupping his face.

"Tell me will you give me a family?"she asked resting her head on his chest.
He nodded with tears.
"Promise me that you won't come to meet me till your brothers and sisters accept me"she said.
"Hmm.."he nodded wrapping his arms around her.
"Promise me that you will keep them happy even in my absence."She said.
He again nodded hugging her tightly.
"Promise me that you won't fight with them for me."she asked.
"I won't."he kissed her forehead.

For a moment his brothers and sisters felt sad.

"I love you Vaibhav. Dont think that I hates you."she said kissing his forehead.
"I know. I love you too. Dont go pls."he said kissing her eyes.
"I should go Vaibhav. Pls understand me."she kissed his hand.
"Before going can you call me Mrs one last time pls?"she asked crying.
He couldn't control.
"I love you Mrs. I love you a lot."he hugged her tightly.
They stayed in that position for a few minutes stunning everyone around them.

It was Vaigha who broke the hug.

"It's time Vaibhav."she said and he looked at her with tears.
"Come back fast."he said kissing her both cheeks.
"I will come back for you, for us and for our family. "She said determinantly.
"Wait for a minute."he said and quickly went to the prayer room.

He returned back with a box in his hand. He came towards her and opened the box. He took a little vermillion in his finger and applied on her forehead. She smiled in between tears.

"I will miss you all"she said and with that she started walking outside.

Sanjana started crying hugging Anjali.
Vaibhav turned back without having the strength to see her leaving. She stopped at the door and turned back one last time to see him. He also turned to see her that exact moment. Once again their eyes met and their eyes conveyed all emotions. She didnt stay there anymore. She ran outside with the hope that she can return back one day.

Precap: A small leap.

Separation was an unavoidable part of this story. Sorry for that. This was one of the most difficult chapter to write.
Only 5 more chapters remaining to complete this book. Last chapters are crucial and having so many twists. Stay tuned.

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