38. Vaigha's Sacrifice

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Recap: Vaigha is Pregnant - Calling Vaibhav to meet - Arun kidnaps Sanju - Asking Vaigha - Siblings knowing about Vaigha's family.

Vaigha's PoV
Where is he? It's been one hour I am waiting here. Why he is taking so much time? Didn't he tell me to be here within minutes? Is he in any problem?

My mind filled with so many bad thoughts. Anything bad happened to him? I let out that thoughts from my mind. Still I am not getting peace. I am excited to share the news about our baby to him. But he is not coming. Did his siblings block him? No. He will come. But again the bad possibilities occupied my brain. Any accident??

I placed my hand on my belly.
"Baby, I am getting scared. Where is your pappa?"

I can't wait anymore. I should have call him earlier itself. I dialled his mobile number. But there was no ringing. Instead I got a message that he is out of coverage. What happened to him suddenly? He was very happy when I called him and asked to meet. God, pls save my baby's father.

After debating with my mind for another half an hour, I gained the courage to call his land phone number. I can guess what would happen if his sister or brother attends the call. But I need to assure that he is very much safe. I can't tense more. Already my knees are betraying me thinking about anything happens to him.

I dialled our land phone number and I heard an hello from the other end. I immediately identified Krithika's voice. It felt like she was waiting for someone's call.

"Krithika.."I called happily. After three weeks I am hearing her voice. Did they forget me?
"Why did you call?" I heard her shout immediately. Nothing more than what I expected.

"Krithika..why do you have to hate me this much? I didnt betray you with my love. Whatever I did for you all, it was genuine. When would my brothers and sisters stop hating me?" I started crying. It's hurts us a lot when people whom we love most hates us for no reason.

"Even if we try to stop hating you, you won't allow us. Always you give new and new reasons for hating you. What have we done to you to punish us like this? Because of you we lost all our happiness and peace. We lost our bhai. All thanks to you."she said breaking my heart.

Do I deserve all this? I loved them and I know its true love. I didn't think about cheating them even in my dreams too. Why are they treating me like this? I waited thinking that they will understand their brother one day even if not me. But they won't.

"We hate you. We loved that Anuradha who didn't have any family. But knowing more about you we can't love this Vaigha. You shattered our family. Why did you come to our life?"
She was continuing her scolds and I lost all my control.

"Stop this Krithika. You don't have right to say all this about me only because I am keeping silence. I can't hurt you with words like you are doing. But don't think that I have no voice. My love for you was true and sometimes it becomes my weakness so that I can't speak against you. Remember one thing before talking all this rubbishness. I am your brother's wife and if you are respecting your bhai, you wouldn't have talk like this to me. I had a guilt for hiding truths from you all, but now I am sure you guys don't deserve your bhai. He is thinking about you always and what you all are doing to him? Can you ever imagine what would be his condition if he hears all this?" I backfired.

"Do you think that I will fall for your new tricks? I am not Sanjana to trust you easily. She is a poor soul thats why she loved you this much. And you punished her enough for her stupidity."she said and tears welled up my eyes.

"I don't know how to make you believe me. Now that is not my concern too. Call your bhai. I have to talk to him."I said before she starts her new accusations.

"For what?"she asked and this time I don't have any plan to leave so easily.
"There would be a lot of matters to be discuss between an husband and a wife. Do you have to know everything?"I asked rudely. Each time I am letting it go, she is making it worse. There is a limit anyone can tolerate.

"Husband?? I know you married him for his money and tried to impress everyone in his family with those dramas. It was our mistake to expect more from you. No wonder. You must be like this. Stop your acting to get sympathy. Because we are not feeling anything else to you except hatred. The separation drama was the best." She said making my blood boil.

"If you are feeling everything as a drama, I can't make you understand. I was not a mad woman to act like staying away from my husband. If I really wanted him and his money, it was very easy for me since the beginning. It was me who asked him to not come with me leaving you all. The reason is that I didn't love him only, I loved everyone whom he loves."

"Then why are you calling now? Didn't you promise to not call him or meet him? I can understand everything. There is only one word that suits you. Gold-digger."she said and I lost control over my tears.

I didn't know that they will think so low about me. They have given me their mother's name and how could she use those words to me? I cried enough audible to her. I touched my belly. What have my baby done to be treated like this?

"I don't have time for your new drama. Stop your fake tears. You can do anything to make others believe you without any shame. Just like your brother."
Her last words made an earth quake within me.

"Brother? What did..you say?" I asked shockingly.

"Why are you acting like you don't know anything? I am talking about your bastard brother Mr. Arun Shenai himself. " She said making me dump. How do she knows Arun? I couldn't believe it.

"Krithika. How do you know him?"I asked shivering.

"What do you think? How could you believe that we won't know all this? I am sure that it's him who send you to my bhai for snatching his money and earnings. I must say you won in gaining bhai's trust. But you can't make us fools. First your brother played a dirty game with our family and then he sent you."

Her words made me lose my strength and I fell down on my knees. What's Arun's relation with Vaibhav and his family? How didn't I know this?

"Because of you and your family we lost everything. Do you know how much your brother made us suffer?"she was crying this time and I felt bad.

"First he spoiled Anjali didi's life for money and now he is playing with Sanju."
She said giving me the biggest shock.

Anjali..Is she the girl whom he destroyed? Is she the person whom I wanted to apologize a million times for my family's sins? She was with me as my own sister and why didnt I come to know about all this? I always observed Anjali's strange behavior. I know that she had some problems. But how can I guess it's this?

Do Vaibhav knows all this? God. He might be also hating me after knowing that I am Arun's sister. Is that the reason why he didnt come? Everyone hates me. Now he might be too.

My head starts aching hearing her words. Why God have to do this to me? My baby is innocent and now he/she is also going to suffer just like me.

And what about Sanju?? What was Krithika saying?

"What happened to Sanju?"I asked almost dead.
"She loved you a lot Vaigha. More than all of us. She didnt see you as less than a mother. She gave everything to you. Already she had undergone an heart break because of your brother when her sister suffered. Now he kidnapped her when she was coming to meet you at orphanage."
She said making my shock series complete. I hope nothing more than this comes today.

I lost all senses. Sanju. My Sanju was coming to meet me. And she is in his custody????

"We warned her a lot whenever she wanted to meet you. But she was stubborn for you. She missed you like hell and see what happened atlast. If something happens to her because of your brother, mark my words. I will kill him."she said determinantly.

The fact that atleast Sanju missed me makes me happy. But she is in danger now. Only because of me. I know Arun. He will do anything to get what he wants. Already Anjali suffered a lot because of my family. If anything happens to Sanju, there is no meaning for my life then. I should have to do something before its late. I can't even face Vaibhav if he do anything to her.

"Krithika. Please believe me for one last time. I know my brother have done enough destruction to our family. But I have no share in that. I didn't even know that it was Anjali whom my brother betrayed. If I had known it, I wouldn't have let Vaibhav marry me even if he wants. I am sorry. But I promise I won't let anything happens to Sanju. I will save her even if I have to give my life for that. She is my life and I won't let her suffer." I said determined.

I was about to end the call but I heard her calling my name repeatedly. There is not even a single second to waste. Sanju's life is in danger. I have to save her from my brother. She can't handle all this. I can't let her get killed for her love for me.

I don't know how to contact Arun. I don't have his number too. So I called the land phone number of my old home. For my luck it was servant who attended the call. From her I got Arun's mobile number. Next confusion. How to call him? What may he wants? One side Vaibhav and Sanju. Another side my baby. Finally I decided to call him. It's my duty to save Sanju. I can't see Vaibhav crying for his sister anymore. I don't have strength to face Anjali too.

I touched my belly once again and said sorry inwardly.

I dialled his number and within the second ring I heard his evil voice. I clenched my fist. I didn't even think in my dreams that one day I will call the person from whom I was trying to hide till now.

"Arun, what do you want? Why are you not allowing me to live?" I shouted.

I heard his evil laugh as response. I wanted to kill him for all this. But now Sanju is with him.

"Stop your laugh. Tell me where is my Sanju. "I asked frustrated.

"Keep calm little sister..sorry little bitch."he said increasing my anger.
"Mind your words."I yelled.
"This is your problem. You dont know where to be silent or where to talk. Do you remember how you slapped me before you left the house? All for that stupid Anjali, your husband's sister. I still remember it and the pain haven't gone. It will only recover when I get you in my hands and return it. Now also your words provoking me. Dont forget that your most favourite sister in law is in my custody. Do you want to see her crying?"he asked making me shock.

"No please. Dont hurt her. She is a patient. She can't handle all this. You can take revenge against me. But not to her. Please." I begged. Sanjana is most important for me at this moment.

"Did you think that you can escape from me forever? See how did I play the right card? Now you are begging me."he said and I can hear his smirks.

If I had an option to kill him, I would have done this. He is the reason why I lost my dad. My dad became a puppet for him and his mom. He became evil after these two people came into his life. And Anjali, Vaibhav, now Sanju.

"Dont think about killing me my dear sister."he said.

"Arun, what mistake I have done to you? I was even ready to share my father with you. I loved you like a brother. But both you and your mom didn't want love. Instead your eyes were on our wealth. You manipulated my dad into your path making me lose him too. I didn't complain. Instead just left the house giving all to you and your greedy mother. And now why are you doing this to me? Pls allow us to live."I requested.

"I have no problem whether you live or die. I don't care. But your husband will be always a sword above my head. Already he made me arrest twice as revenge for his sister. Now I can't let him live with you. I know you dear. If you join with him, it's definitely a danger for me. You both will trouble me."he said and I sighed.

"Ok then do your revenge to me. Pls leave Sanju. She didnt do anything to you. She is innocent."

"I don't want her too. She is good for nothing to me. I want you here infront of me. Then I will leave his sister."he said.

"Are you sure? Will you leave her if I come?"I asked.
"Definitely. I only wants you. Sanjana was just my trump card to get you. If you come yourself, I will free her that moment itself."he assured. But it was not easy for me to believe him. But there is no other option left.

"I will come."I said.
"Good that you starts using your brain. But don't try to be over smart like you always do. If you inform your husband or police before coming here, don't forget that Sanjana is still in my custody. And you are under my boys' observation. If you play foul, remember that I am more expert in foul plays. Think wise if you don't want to see your sister's lifeless body."

"No..I won't do anything against your will. Dont hurt her." I shouted.

"Dont worry. As long as you are on right track, she will be safe here."he added.

He told me where to come and ended the call. I dont get where life is leading me. Yesterday I got the biggest happiness and today everything is going to be destroyed.

"Baby I couldn't even inform your pappa about you. He might be hating me now. I shouldn't have come to his life. He might be happy now if I didn't marry him. I can't even assure you anything my baby. Sorry for my bad luck."

I closed my eyes reminiscing all beautiful moments with Vaibhav and his family. I smiled slightly. Probably the last time.
Anjali's PoV
Why did I come to this world? For being an obstacle in everyone's life? Or to end the happiness in my brothers' and sisters' life? My wrong choices made biggest tragedies in our family. I thought it has ended. But now again it's repeating.

Vaigha..why should you have to be his sister? Eventhough I tried a lot I couldn't hate you till now. Even at this moment too. I didn't want the tragedies in my life to repeat in my bhai's life because of this love marriage and all. That's why I pretended to hate you. I was angry because you didn't tell us the truth when we are considering you as our family. I always tried to be a good friend and sister for you so that you won't miss your family. But you were making us fools. I was trying to forget all so that my bhai will again smile. Atleast he would get the life he wishes eventhough I didnt. But that Arun..why did you hide that you are his sister? Do you think that I can love you again even if I try?

Arun. He is the curse of my life. Few years ago, I was also a sweet ordinary girl having so many dreams, careless and naughty like all other girls in my age. But then I met him. He started behaving close with me. Gradually he became a good friend. Months passed and our friendship turned into love. He always made me special with his care and sweet words. I liked it and trusted him. I didn't know more about his family except the fact that he is from Shenai family. I loved him more than anyone and gave him my true love, care and whatever a girl can give to her man. I believed that he is loving me genuinely. I believed his words and his behavior.

I didn't hide anything from bhai and when he talked about my marriage I told him about Arun. He didn't have a good opinion on Shenai family and thats why he protested against my wish. But I was stubborn that I can't live without him. Bhai loved me so much that he can't object to my wish anymore. Finally he agreed and so the others. He went with a proposal to Arun's family and they also didn't have objection. I was very happy to think that I am the most luckiest girl. Everything was going smooth until the engagement day. I had so many dreams about my special day. But everything was shattered when I knew that he is getting engaged with some other girl from a more rich family on the same day. I was collapsed hearing it.

Bhai, Arjun and Amar were angry at Arun. Bhai was going to kill him. But Sanjana broke down couldn't handling all this shocks together. For Sanju, bhai and twins became calm and forget all. But everything changed after that in my life. I came to know that it was not me who is getting cheated by him first. I was just another name on his list. He will do anything for money and pleasures. He was using me. I started hating men and love after that. My behavior changed completely. I stopped smiling, stopped enjoying life, became bold and strong. I didn't want to be a burden for my family in the name of my past. Already my family lost its reputation because of my affair with Arun and my cancelled engagement. Neither bhai nor others complained for the same to not make me sad. I wanted to be independent and gained a job so that I can stand on my feet. I decided to not marry and love.

But I wanted my family to be happy. That's why I forced bhai for a marriage. I thought Nandana would be perfect for him. I am selfish for my siblings because I didn't want anything happened in my life to repeat for them. Nandana proved that she can't be our bhabhi. Once again I was shattered because of my wrong choice. Before its too late I took the first step to cancel that marrige. Because I didn't want bhai to suffer from this unwanted marriage. On the other hand we started liking Anuradha. She showed all qualities what we wanted in our bhabhi. I wanted her to be with us always. When Sanjana started seeing her as a mom,I discussed with others about getting her married with bhai. We were trying to find her family and whereabouts so that we can go on with an official proposal. Before all that we decided to talk with bhai and ask his permission too.

But I didn't know that betrayal series in my life haven't ended. The moment we came to know that Anuradha was bhai's wife and he was cheating us all by making her stay here in another name, I hated myself. We were competing to love her more and she was making us fools. When we are dreaming about bhai's marriage, he was enjoying with his wife infront of us. We didn't want her to miss her family, so we treated her as our own sister. But she was playing with our feelings.

Even after all this I was ready to forgive her and return her back only for bhai's happiness. But how can I forgive that devil's sister? What if she is like her brother? What if it's all her play along with her brother who will do anything for money? She loved all of us just like Arun once acted infront of me to gain my trust. I can't see my bhai in tears. She already broke our trust once by hiding the marriage with Bhai. Now how can we trust her again after knowing about her real family?

Should I or shouldn't I?
Vaigha walked into the isolated building where Arun asked her to come. She was nervous since she can expect anything from him. But she wants Sanjana to be free from all this.

"Welcome dear sister"she heard Arun's voice from inside and stopped at the place.

"Stop calling me sister. You are an animal. Otherwise you wouldn't have done this. Why are you doing all this to me? What have I done to you to deserve this? Didn't I leave from your life? Can't you allow me to live my own life?" She stopped hearing a groan from the corner and immediately identified the person.

"Sanju.."she called out and checked to see Sanjana is lying on floor with her both hands tied up at her back. She was trying to gain Vaigha's attention since when she entered there.

Vaigha was about to free her when Arun stopped her.
"Arun. Please leave her. You wanted me right? Now you can do anything to me. Please free her as you promised." She said.

"Why this hurry? Let's talk for a while."Arun made her stand up.
"What's there to talk? I hate you. You are not my brother. First you spoiled my Anjali's life which I was unaware. Now you are hurting my Sanju. I won't forgive you for this."she shouted

"Firstly let me talk Vaigha. I know your husband's family is more important for you now. But that doesn't make me as your enemy. You are still a part of our family."he said.

"Stop this. I don't have a family now. No one wants me now. All because of your misdeeds. Stop making me hate by all. Leave her. Let her go. She is innocent. I already lost everything. Now I can't lose her too." she said bursting into tears.

Sanjana felt bad hearing her words.
"Didn't you want me? See. Now I am infront of you. You don't need Sanjana now. Get her free." She said.

"I know you are here only to save your little sister. Hahaha...did you think that you can escape from me forever? Where is your husband? Do you think that he will come to save you?"he challenged her.
She clenched her fist in anger.

"He won't leave you for all this. I swear."she said and he laughed. He came forward and slapped her making her fall on floor. She held her belly tightly. Sanjana was crying.

"Do you know for what this is? For that slap you gave me on my cheek before leaving the house. I was waiting to give you back it all this years."he told.

She cried in silent.
"Kill me if you stop all this torture with that. Leave Sanju before that. You can't punish her for me."she shouted.
He smirked.
"Arun. She is a patient. Pls don't stress her. I am begging you."she fell on his feet but he moved back.

Sanjana tried to free from the rope with which she is tied up. She can't see Vaigha in this state. That hurted her the most. But all her attempts failed.

"What do you want actually from me?"she asked impatiently.

He went inside and within a few seconds he returned back with a paper in his hands. He forwarded the paper to her.
"Sign this document."he demanded.
"What's this?"she asked confusingly.
"I want your share of properties in your father's wealth. Otherwise I would have to kill him to get that."he smirked.
"No. Please don't. I will sign. But free Sanjana before that. Otherwise I wont sign."she said stubbornly.

"Arey neither I have any use with you nor with this useless girl. You know me. I only want money. If you sign this, I will free you both after this. You can return back to your husband with his sister" he said.

Vaigha and Sanjana looked at each other happily.
"Sanju. Dont worry. Nothing would happen to you. I am here ok" Vaigha assured and Sanju nodded.

Vaigha snatched the documents from him and immediately signed wherever he demands. She returned it back to him. He checked it and smirked evily.

"Thank you sister. Now your role is finished." He said making her alert.
"Arun. Leave her. Dont forget your promise."she said scaring. She realized his change.

"Haha...it was your mistake if you thought that I will fulfill promises. First I have given a promise to your husband's sister Anjali. Ask her whether I kept my promise."he said and she slapped him hardly. Before he can react she again slapped him. He became angry and pushed her away. She managed to not hurt her baby. But she get hurted in the process.

"You bitch..."he shouted dialling a number. Within minutes a few men came and captured her. She struggled to escape from their hold. But nothing worked out.

"I would have kill you since I have no use with you anymore. But there is still things remaining."he shouted at her.
"Arun. Kill me if you want. Leave Sanju. Thats all I am asking. If anything happens to her remember that Vaibhav won't leave you."she warned him.

"I know Vaibhav will definitely come for his sister and his wife too." He said making her little happy. She also have that thought that he will come and save her along with his baby.

"I need someone to keep me safe from him. That's Sanjana for me."he declared.
"You scoundrel. Didn't you promise me to leave her? That's why I came here. I won't forgive you for this betrayal. Mark my words. You have to pay for this. "She yelled with tears.

He laughed and signalled the men. She have been taken to somewhere else. Sanjana was crying and Vaigha was shouting Sanju's name. On the middle of that Arun stood with his evil laugh.
Vaibhav was driving the car. Amar was sitting next to him busy with a phone call. Arjun was in the back seat worrying.

"Ok thank you."Amar ended the phone call.
"Any clue?" Vaibhav asked looking at him with hope.
"They found out the location of Arun's last phone call. It's near the power station." Amar said.

Vaibhav thought for a minute.
"I think I know where he is keeping Sanjana. His father have an old garage there. It's not working now. Probably in the garage" Vaibhav shared his thought.

"Then it's sure. He will be there only." Arjun said.
"Bhai drive the car to that place. We should reach there asap." Amar said and Vaibhav increased the speed of the vehicle.

Within 45 minutes they reached there. He asked his brothers to hide behind a pillar and he observed the surroundings. There was no one outside the garage. So they entered inside. There he saw Sanjana was tied up at a corner. Arun and a few men were discussing something sitting at the middle of the big room.

Arjun was about to go to Sanjana when Vaibhav stopped him.
"Dont be a fool. We should think well before taking a step. He can do anything." Vaibhav warned.
Arjun understood it and he back off.
"Let me go and talk with him first. You both hide here. Amar, Dont forget to inform police."he said and they nodded.

He came to the center of the room and Sanjana smiled seeing him. He gestured Sanju to be calm and he will manage everything.
Arun clapped.
"I know brother in law. You will come to save your little sister. I was waiting for you."Arun smirked.

"What do you want? Leave her. It's all between us. No need to drag her."Vaibhav said sternly.
"I know it's all between us only. But definitely I need a trump card to save myself just like you are keeping my sister with you. Oh sorry, who is my sister? She is not anyone to me. She left years ago. Only because of your sister Anjali." He said angrily.

"Who is she to teach me how should I live? And only because I betrayed your sister, She ended all relationships with her own family. Don't you feel that she is a fool? Like what. Leaving her father's all wealth and pleasures for some unknown girl. She is definitely mad Vaibhav. Why did you marry her?" Arun asked.

Arjun and Amar were hearing all this and they instantly realized that Vaigha dont have any part in Arun's misdeeds. They relaxed inwardly.

"That's the difference between you and Vaigha. You can't understand it Arun. She is not living for money. She have a beautiful heart which you don't have. I dont regret for marrying her. Instead I am only proud to have her in my life. One promise I can give for sure. I won't leave her like you did with my sister."Vaibhav announced with pride. Sanjana smiled in happiness.

"So you are here to save your sister. Ok I am happy to release her. But where is Vaigha? Did you forget my demand? I want her if you want your sister back."Arun said.

Sanjana was trying to say something but her mouth was covered and she couldn't convey it.

"Do you think that I am a fool to believe you? Whatever happens I won't drag Vaigha into all this. She even don't know that it's Anjali whom her brother betrayed. And I am not going to tell her that too." Vaibhav said firmly.

"So your wife is more important for you than your own sister. Sad."Arun said hiding his smirk.

"See Sanjana. Your brother don't want you. He only need his wife now. What to do? He have forgotten his family for a random girl."Arun said turning back to look at Sanju. Before he completes Vaibhav attacked him from back. It was unexpected and Arun couldn't do anything. His men came to attack Vaibhav. But Arjun and Amar came forward and beat them.

Vaibhav punched Arun and he fell down on floor. Vaibhav looked around and saw a knife on ground. He took it. Arjun have released Sanju within this time.

When Arun tried to stand up, Vaibhav kicked him and he again fell down.
"First you betrayed my Anjali and gave her reasons to cry an entire life. Then also I left you alive because my brothers and sisters needed me. But now you are again back to play with my family. Because of you Anjali lost her life. You made Vaigha an orphan and made her lose her family. You made her separate from her father. There is no punishment for you other than death. You don't deserve to live in this world Arun. "Vaibhav was about to stab him when Arjun, Amar and Sanjana stopped him and pulled him back.

"Bhai. We still need you. You can't spoil your life by killing him. We can't live without you."Amar said.
Sanjana nodded hugging Vaibhav.
"Bhai..leave him. He don't deserve a death by your hand. Like our parents taught us, it's god who should punish humans for their mistakes."Arjun said hugging him.
"Yes bhai. Leave him. Let him suffer for his actions. Death will be like a escape for him."Amar supported.
Vaibhav gave up for his siblings. He threw the knife away and hugged his siblings.

Within this time police came as per Amar instructed.
"You can escape from me. But not from judiciary. Dont worry I will make sure that you will live your remaining life in jail."Vaibhav said

Arun laughed.
"You can end my life. But you are not going to live your happy life like you thinks now Vaibhav. I will make sure that your all happiness end along with me."Arun challenged.
"How are you gonna live without her?" Arun added making Sanjana alert.

"Vaigha is with him bhai" she gestured making everyone shock. She explained through actions how Vaigha came to save her and got separated from her by his men. Vaibhav and his brothers couldn't believe it.

"Rascal. Where is she?"Vaibhav held Arun's collar and slapped him angrily.
He laughed as response.
"You can't save her Vaibhav. Because I also don't know where she have been taken to."Arun said.
Even after Vaibhav and his brothers beated him brutally, he didn't say anything more than that. Finally police took him away to save his life.

"Bhai pls save your wife. pls don't let her die for me. I love you both a lot."Sanjana gestured and he hugged her crying.
It was then their Uncle came to the scenario with a worried face. Seeing Sanjana he became relaxed. He kissed her.
"Are you ok Sanju?"he asked and she nodded.

"Vaibhav. Where is Vaigha? I was searching for her. She is not in the orphanage."Uncle said worried.
Arjun and Amar told him everything.
He was shocked.
He moved towards Vaibhav and held his shoulder.

"Vaibhav, wherever she is you have to save her. She is your wife. You can't let her die. You can't let your baby die." Uncle said making everyone stunned.
"What did you say?" Vaibhav asked still didn't recover from the surprise.
"I am saying truth. Ananya has called me from orphanage. Vaigha is pregnant. Man, She is carrying your baby. You are going to be a father Vaibhav."he said in a tone in which happiness mixed with worry.
Sanjana covered her mouth in happiness. She looked at her brothers who are smiling.

Vaibhav fell down on his knees. His happiness had no limits. How badly he wants to hug her now. He wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her. He remembered thier moments together and a smile crept on his lips. His baby?? Vaigha Pregnant?? He realized that it's the surprise she wanted to share with him. He felt guilty for not enquiring about her when she was waiting for him. He felt regret for not meeting her when he rushed for Sanju. He cried missing her.

"Bhai. What are you looking for? We need to find Vaigha bhabhi. There is no time to waste. We should save her and your baby. And we will."Arjun said confidently.

Vaibhav was wondered hearing his brother. Bhabhi? He smiled looking at uncle who returned the same smile.

"Yes bhai. We realized our mistakes. Bhabhi was innocent. It was our blunder to think about her like that. Her love for us is not fake. No one can love us like she do. She was even ready to give her life for Sanju. Without considering her baby too. She left you suffering all pain alone, only for us. She is the best. We are sorry bhai. Please forgive us. We have to save her."Amar said.

"We are lucky to get her in our family. We promise. We won't hurt her again. Please forgive us for our stupid thoughts bhai. She is innocent for her brother's misdeeds. She is the same Anuradha whom we loved. Please bhai. Please forgive us."Arjun requested.

Vaibhav felt a new confidence with his brothers' statements and he stood up determinantly. He hugged his brothers.

"Uncle, go home with Sanju. We will be back soon."he instructed his uncle.
He stood infront of Sanju.
"Whatever happens, we will only return back with your bhabhi. "He said and Sanjana kissed his cheek happily and gave him an all the best.

Without wasting more time, Vaibhav and his brothers left with the new mission of finding Vaigha.
Precap: The hidden villain - can they save Vaigha?

The longest chapter I have ever written in wattpad. 6000+ words.
Thank you all.

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