4. A Husband's Promise

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Recap: Vaibhav leaving for Banglore - Shattered Vaigha.

Vaigha's PoV
It's been three days he has left. He didn't call me or contact me through anyway. Whenever I ask uncle, he repeated his usual lines of his business meeting. And Aunty keeping silence for all my questions. What I should understand from this all? He dont want me. He might be regretting for his decision of marrying me. And he found a simple way to escape from me. Why? Did I ask you to marry me? Did I ask you to accept me? Why are you doing this to me Mr.Vaibhav Devansh?? You should have ask me to leave. I will do it happily. I had no dreams of a marriage and it won't affect me. Moreover we have no relationship other than tied a knot.

I touched the wedding chain he tied on my neck. It was hard to keep the tears away from me. He saved me during the crucial stage of my life. Now it's my turn to save him from this unwanted marriage. You gave me the title of Mrs. Vaibhav for three days. That's enough!!! And I will be always thankful to you for that...And bye!!!

I decided it..now no one can stop me. Sorry Uncle and Aunty..
Vaibhav's PoV
It's midnight and I was driving to uncle's home madly. I know whatever I have done is a big blunder which no one can forgive me. I shouldn't have leave that day. It was just for keeping my mind calm, I decided to stay a night at Banglore where my farm house is there. Within one night I understood my decision was wrong. It was not a good decision. Its me who married her without anyone forcing me. It was me who decided to give her a life...to make her my life partner whom I decided to share all my happiness and sorrows with..and what I did on the next day after marriage..I simply left her without understanding her feelings.. without giving her a chance to share my problems...I am an idiot..

I should meet her asap..and I know uncle and aunty maa will be also angry with me for not attending the calls...I hope they can understand me. And wht I am gonna say to her..I dont know how to convince her. No excuses can justify the mistake I did to her..I just gave values to my feelings without considering what she will think about me..it's such a big blunder..

I heard my phone ringing and without looking at the screen, I attended the call.

"Where the hell are you Vaibhav?? You moron...Idiot...why did you attend the call now??" I heard uncle's shout from the other end.

"Uncle..I am coming...I am on the way" I managed to say.
"Come fast..I am gonna kill you...rascal..do you Know what have you done? From when onwards you became such a coward .."he continues to scold me and I am just listening without saying anything.

"Uncle..I know..I am sorry..I will talk to her after coming there..." I said.
"No need..she left like you did..." He said and I was shocked.
"What??????" I applied break making the car to stop with a high noise.
"She is missing from last few hours Vaibhav..we don't know what to do..do something fast.." Aunty spoke this time and I felt my all body parts becoming weak.

I cut the call and rested my head on the seat. I don't have any idea about next step. My decision had bring a very worst result. Why did she leave?? Oh god..where I will search for her?? It was my responsibility to keep her safe with me and I didn't.. I forgot all vows I have taken along with her. What if something happen to her?? No...I won't let her happen anything...I should find her..I will...

I decided and started the car. I searched her everywhere...I enquired at the orphanage where she was staying...but they didn't know anything about her. I went to railway station,bus stop and wherever I can search for her. But no results...I was losing hope with passing time and I was scared..Why did you punish yourself for my mistake??

I again increased the speed of car and started looking for her. The thought of something happen to her made me weak and scared. It was then someone jumped infront of my car. I applied break and for my luck car didn't hit the person. I opened the door and came out.

"I am Sorry..I didn't see you crossing the road..sorry.."I moved towards the person who is laying on road. I understood it's a woman. Her back is facing me..

"Really sorry..did anything happen to you?? I apologize for my careless driving .." I said leaning on road.
That was when she turned to face me. I was shocked. It was her...the girl whom I married...my wife..the same person whom I was searching for....
Vaigha's PoV
For my luck nothing happened to me. The car stopped before it hit me. But I fall on to the road and injured my elbow. I was wincing in pain when the person who drove the car came to me apologizing.

"Really sorry..did anything happen to you?? I apologize for my careless driving .." he sat beside me on ground. I turned to see him and I was shocked. Its him..My husband..did he return back???
We both froze looking into each other's eyes. I lowered my eyes after sometime.

"What are you doing here in this time?" He asked. I can see little anger on his face.
"I was searching for my husband who left me the very next day after our marriage.." I said looking  straight at him. I was also angry.
Suddenly his face fell down and his anger vanished.
"I am sorry.."he said hesitately looking at me.
"For what?" I asked.
"For leaving you and for this.."he said pointing to my wounded elbow.

"Is it hurting??" He asked.
I shook my head as no.
Suddenly his phone rang and he attended the call.
"Uncle..she is safe with me..we are coming there.." he said and ended the call.
I looked into his face which is not portraying any emotions.

"Come let's go.."he said and I shook my head.
"I am sorry for leaving you..Pls come with me..uncle and aunty are scared.." he said and I again shook my head.
"Won't you talk??" He asked and I shook my head again making him irritated.
"What???" He glared at me.
"I won't talk too much..."I said.
"Good..I am fed up of too much talking people around me.." he said and I was wondered.
"Are you coming with me or should I use my right as an husband??" He asked.
"Why should I come with you?? Wont you leave me again?" I asked with little scare.

He observed the surroundings and looked me. We are still at the middle of the road.
"Will talk with you after reaching home..now get up.."he said and I shook my head angrily.
"What's this?? Oh god..Pls girl..get up before I become mad.."he shouted.
"I won't come with you before you promise me that you won't leave me without informing me... even if you want to get rid of me from your life, you should ask me..I will go away from you without disturbing you..now promise.."I said placing my palm infront of me.

He looked at me in wonder and then placed his hand above my palm. I can see a slight smile on his lips.
"I Vaibhav Devansh won't leave his wife ... excuse me.. what's your name?" He asked me making me surprised.
"Don't you know my name?" I asked angrily.
"Sorry..I forgot it..."he said scratching the back side of his neck with the other hand.
"Vaigha..."I said pouting.
"Ok..thank you..I Vaibhav Devansh won't leave his wife Vaigha Devansh even if she wants to get rid of me.. promising in the name of my dad..."he said and I was wondered.
"Can you get up now?" He asked and I nodded.

He helped me to get up and opened the front door of his car. I sat beside him and he started the car. I was looking at his every feature. He is handsome. His eyes have a spark. He had grown a small beard which was absent at the marriage day. I turned my face away when he looked at me unexpectedly.

"Vaigha.. nice name.."he said.
I smiled slightly even though I didn't want.
"Do you know my name?" He asked.
"Vaigha.."I said
"It's your name..."he chuckled.
I got alert.
"Vaibhav..."I corrected.
"You are a fool.."he continued chuckling.
"Hello you are the real fool. Why did you ask me that question??? you said your name just before a few minutes ago...." I asked in anger.
He stopped the car and glared at me.
"Who told that you won't talk too much?" He asked.
"Me.."I pouted.
"It's better for you if you talk less..now shut up ..."he started the car.
Vaibhav is dressing her wound in her room at uncle's place. She is sitting on bed and he is sitting on his knee on floor. Their eyes met for a moment and they averted it immediately. Both SathyaPratap and Nandini are glaring at both of them. They finished so many rounds of scolding on both within this time. He asked for a break to dress her wound. He finished bandaging and left her hand.

"How is it now?" He asked.
She nodded.
"Means?" He asked without understanding why she nodded.
"Means she is better now.." SathyaPratap said.
"Thank you for translation.."he got up from floor and walked towards his uncle and aunty. He stood there crossing his arms across his chest.
"Now you can continue from where you stopped.." he said.

Vaigha laughed hearing him.
"Idiot..what have you done??? Did anyone ask you to marry her? Then why did you leave her?" His uncle asked.

"And what about you? Who told you to leave house at night? You forgot that you are a girl..did you think that you have noone here apart from your husband? What about us? Don't you feel any connection with us? Its been many years you are seeing us.."SathyaPratap said looking at Vaigha.

She started crying. She got out from bed and moved towards them.
"I am sorry..You Know..I was such a stupid to think like that..I am really sorry..Pls...Uncle.. aunty.. Pls forgive me.."she said holding Nandini's hand. Nandini wiped her tears and hugged her. She felt peace in her arms.

"Forgive me too.." Vaibhav said holding his uncle's hand. SathyaPratap left his hand on the next second.
"You dont talk...Idiot.."his uncle said
"First of all pls listen to me...I did mistake..but I was out of my mind that time." He managed to say.
"Where the hell were you for three days?" Nandini asked this time.
"I was confused on that day..so I decided to spent some time in my farm house for a day. But I understood my mistake after reaching there..The next day I booked ticket to return and see you all...but an unfortunate incident changed my schedule.." he stopped.
"What's it?" They asked together.
"One of my friend in Banglore met an accident...He was seriously injured. I rushed to the hospital on hearing the news. I forgot to take my phone also.. I completely spent a full day on hospital...I had to do a lot of things there to save his life... On the middle of all that I couldn't make a call to you..." He was stopped by Vaigha.

"What about that friend? Is he safe now?" Vaigha asked and he smiled at her concern for his friend whom she didn't met till now.

"Yes..he is...he is now out of danger..the moment doctor declared the news, I returned back and collected my things before catching the next flight...I am really sorry.." he said.

"What if he need help now?" She asked and he was confused.
"I had arranged everything there..and asked my other friends to look after him and his family.." he replied and she smiled. She felt proud for him.
"Uncle...aunty.. Pls.."he said.
"Our forgiveness doesn't matter.. ask your wife the same.."his Uncle said.

"You both talk together and clear all the problems...you are husband and wife now and you both have every right to know about each other...Take this full night if you want..and don't let any misunderstanding to remain.."Nandini said dragging her husband out and closed the room.

Both Vaigha and Vaibhav confused for a moment. They looked at each other.
"I am sorry.."she said first.
"For what?? You haven't done anything..."he said
"No..Its me who misunderstand you...sorry..I didn't know that you are running to save a life...really sorry...you made me stay here and what have I done..?? Without asking your permission I left here..it was such a. ..."he stopped her.

"Vaigha..."he called and she looked at him smilingly hearing her name from him.
"Don't you feel hate to me?"he asked
"No... I feel guilt for my actions.." she said. He smiled at her gesturing to be calm.
"It's my mistake Vaigha...I should have inform you before leaving here.." he said.
"No..Vai.. what should I call you?" She asked biting her lips.
"Vaibhav..you can call me my name.."he smiled.
"Vaibhav..." She said lowering her eyes. He smiled hearing it.

They both become silent after that. She sat on bed at a corner. He sat on a chair near the bed.
"So did you like this house?" He asked after thinking for many times...
She nodded.
"Did you like my uncle and Aunty...?"he asked
"I like them before also..." She said and he bited his lips.

They became silent again. He started reading a book laying on the table. She started playing with her fingers. He looked at her through the corner of his eyes. She didnt dare to look at him ...but she noticed the book he is reading....

"Are you really reading it?" She asked.
"Yes..why?" He asked.
"That..."she paused.
"Tell me.." he assured her.
"You are holding the book wrongly.... upside down..." She said after gaining courage.

He quickly placed the book back on table and stood up with a pale face.
"Do you have anything to ask me?" He asked moving towards her.
She stood up from bed and shook her head.
"Ok I think.... you need to sleep well..you are very tired..." He said and she looked at him sadly.
"Are you going?" She asked.
"I will come tomorrow" he said  her doubt.
"Will you come definitely?" She asked worriedly.
"Yes..I will come definitely.. Dont worry..I won't leave anymore..I won't break my promise in the name of my dad.." he said and she smiled wholeheartedly.
"Now go and sleep ..if you want anything dont hesitate to ask uncle and aunty..they are like my parents.."he said and she nodded.
"Good night.."he said and she nodded.
"Will you give me a good night rather than this nodding?" He asked.
"Good night.."she said shivering.
He smiled and left the room. She sighed in relief and rushed to the balcony.
Vaibhav's PoV
It was good talking with her. Finally I relieved from the guilt I was bearing. I saw uncle and aunty maa who were waiting for me. Seeing me aunty twisted my ear making me scream.

"Aunty leave me.."I said.
"You buffalo..do you Know what you are doing?" She asked and I narrowed my eyes.
"You called me buffalo.."I pouted.
"Rascal..you made us worried a lot..do you know how we struggled to answer your wife?" Uncle asked and I smiled hearing the word wife.

"Oh mr. Workaholic turned into a Romeo..see him smiling.." aunty said and I quickly retrieved back my serious expression.
"So how is your wife?" She asked me.
"She is a nice girl..." I said from my heart.
They smiled looking at each other.
"She is not such a stupid girl to cry thinking about her husband when he leave her.. don't misunderstand her seeing her today's actions.. you still don't know about her completely. And I am sure..she didn't tell it to you.."Uncle said and I was confused.

I looked at him hoping that he will tell that.
"You will know everything at right time.."he hold my shoulders.
"Are you going back home?" Aunty asked.
"Yes..they must be also worried thinking about me..I couldn't contact them too..I need to console them.. don't know wht punishment they decided for me.." I said.
"They have called me..I lied to them that you are in an important meeting.." uncle said.
"Thank you..you were always there for my siblings in my absence. I can't thank you for that... now I am giving my wife's responsibility too to you..Pls don't hate me.." I said holding his hand.
"Your siblings are my children too..don't forget that it includes my daughter too..the way you are taking care of her in the same way you treating your other sisters.. like that we will see you all..and Vaigha is my daughter from many years... don't worry about her ..we will be here for her.."he said And I hugged him.
I moved back and looked at aunty.
"She will be safe here.."she assured.

I big good bye to them and came outside. I was about to enter into the car when I saw a pair of eyes watching me from upstair balcony. I smiled at my wife who is smiling at me. I waved her bye and drove the car to my home.
Precap: Vaigha's Story

Dedicating this chapter to meeras146

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