Bonus Chapter 2

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Got obsessed with characters of my completed story. So here updating another bonus chapter.

Vaigha poured the milk into the bottle and came to the hall taking it. She saw Riyansh playing with his uncles; Amar and Arjun. Anjali and Krithika are trying to make him laugh. Sanju is busy drawing the pic of little Riyansh.

"Bbbghhhsss" Riyansh made cute baby voices when they tickled him on his stomach and started laughing.

"Now come to aunty. I will teach you karate and kungfu"Krithika took him into her arms despite of the boys' protest.
"Rowdy aunty go back"Arjun shouted.

"Hello, it's already night. Dont Riyan want to have his milk and go to sleep?"Vaigha said coming towards them.

"Give it bhabhi. We will feed him."Anjali took the milk bottle from her. She smiled.

"Sanju, when will you finish his pic? Can't wait to see it."She asked caressing Sanju's head.
"Tomorrow."Sanju gestured.
"Is anything special tomorrow?"Vaigha asked and Sanju bit her lips.
The other siblings glared at her. She immediately turned her face away as if nothing happened.

"By the way where is your bhai?"Vaigha asked suddenly remembering about her husband.
"Went to terrace."Arjun said while raising the kid in air when he refused to have his meals.

She climbed the staircase and went to the terrace. She saw Vaibhav sitting under the moon light leaning back to the wall. She smiled.

"Shall I join my husband in enjoying this beautiful night?" She said forwarding her hand to him.
"Only if you can help me to enjoy."he kissed her hand and made her sit beside him. She leaned on his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Why are you sitting here alone?"she asked playing with his fingers.
"I wanted to be alone for some time. That's all."he replied.
"Anything bothering you?"she asked raising her eyebrows.
He shook his head.
"Why did you ask?"he looked at her.

"Because usually you like to spend time with your family and son whenever you are at home. But now I felt surprised seeing you alone here. Thats why."

"I wants to spend time with my wife too."he embraced her into his arms and kissed her forehead.
"Vaigha, do you remember? This terrace is very very special for us. It's the place where I confessed my feelings for you"
He said and she blushed.
"And we used to spend our moments here hiding from all others."he added.
She smiled.

"This place is a magic."he stretched his arms to the sky.
"Whenever I feels confused about certain things in life, I come here and then I will get a solution from nowhere."he smiled.

"What's your confusion now? Not only this terrace, your wife is also a magic. She can also help you" she pouted and he laughed.

"Mrs, can you come with me tomorrow to a place?"he asked.
"Where?"she asked doubtful.
"Dont you trust me?"he pulled her closer towards him.
"I trust you. I will come with you wherever it is."
He hugged her.
"Thank you baby."

Suddenly they heard their baby crying from downstairs.
"Riyan..."she was about to get up when he held her wrist and pulled her back to him.
"Vaibhav, what are you doing? Leave me. Riyan is crying."

"Baby have everyone to look after him. His uncles, aunts, mamma, everyone. But baby's father have no one. Even his own wife."he said pouting and she couldn't stop smiling.

Riyansh's cry has stopped.
"See didn't I tell you? He stopped crying. Now don't leave me."he winked at her.

"Sometimes I wonder who is the real baby here? Riyansh or his baby like pappa."she kissed his forehead.
"What? Do you have doubt? Let me help you to clear it."he cupped her face leaning closer to her.
"No...."before she could protest he smashed his lips on her and she couldn't do anything except smiling in between the kiss.

Vaibhav was driving the car and Vaigha was sitting beside him completely blank. She asked him many times where he is bringing her. But throughout the journey he was silent. She felt uncomfortable. He didn't want her to take Riyansh also with them.

"Fine. If you can't tell me where are we going, atleast tell me when would we return? After that fever, Riyan is behaving strange. He always want me beside him as soon as he wakes up from sleep. Dont know how Anjali will manage him alone if he wake up before we returns."she sighed.

"Proud mamma."he commented with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah any doubt?"she asked.

"No doubt Mrs. You are the best mother on this entire world."he said and she smiled.

"But dear, a father also deserves something from his daughter, atleast forgiveness for the mistakes happened."he said making her confuse.

"But we don't have a daughter Vaibhav."
"Oops sorry madam. My mistake."

"Are you telling or not where you are bringing me? What surprise you are gonna give me?"

"Surprise? You are now mother to my child and still you want more surprises? You should have tell me earlier, I would have completely own all your nights baby."he winked at her making her go red.

She turned her face away and looked outside the window to avoid his continous gaze on her. After a few minutes journey, he parked the car infront of a huge house and she felt fainting seeing it. She blinked her eyes to confirm where she is now. The house where she is grown up, the house which brought unforgettable memories in her life, the good memories of her mother, the worst memories with her father, his second wife and Arun. She held her head.

"I am sorry Vaigha. Please forgive your husband for bringing you here." He hugged her from behind and kissed on her shoulder. She turned her head to face him.

"Why Vaibhav?"she asked confusingly.
"Please listen to me carefully. Will you?"he asked and she nodded. He held her arms to give her strength.

"Yesterday your father came to meet me at my office. I was too angry with him for his misdeeds towards my sister and you. So I instantly asked him to go out in my most calm tone. I didn't want to shout at him since he is the reason of your birth. May be the only good thing he did in his life."he paused and she smiled.

"But then he started begging me that he wants to meet you and our Riyansh. I then shouted at him losing all my control. I behaved so harsh with him. But he cried infront of me. I felt honesty in that tears eventhough I didn't believe his words."

"He told me that after Arun tried to harm you, he didn't have any connection with him and his greedy mother. I hope you remember that he is the one who became witness against Arun's crimes during the court sessions. It helped us to get him the biggest punishment. His mother is also not with your father now. He already asked her to leave and now your father is leaving alone for a longtime. He didn't have the strength to face you that's why didn't come on our way till now. But now he wants to see his grandson."

"And did you agree?"she asked shockingly.
"Not at all. I don't want him to see my son until you permits. If you don't forgive him, that means I won't be having any connection with him after today. But I want to know your decision. For that first you just meet him and talk. Then decide."

"Vaibhav, I don't want to see him even for once. I can't forgive him for whatever he did to us. He...he forgot his promises to my mom. How can I give him another chance? How could you think that I can forgive him?"she asked.

"Because I am also a father now. I can understand the feelings of a father. If I do some mistake unintentionally in future and if Riyansh don't forgive me, what would be my state? If he starts hating me, can I survive? If he asks me to go away from him, do you think that your husband can live thereafter?"

"Vaibhav" she hugged him tightly.
"Vaigha, yesterday your father fell on my feet. That's why I thought to bring you here. Whether he should meet our Riyan or not, it would be completely your decision and I won't interfere. But for one time, please meet him for me. After that also if you can't forgive him, then I won't force you anymore."

"I will come. But you should be with me."she demanded.
"Ofcourse, I won't leave you alone infront of that man."he held her hand tightly.

They got out of the car and moved towards the house. Memories started taunting her from every side. She remembered the day when she left this house last time. She felt like someone is stabbing her heart with a sharp knife. Then she felt her husband's arms around her shoulders giving assurance for a lifetime.

"Dont worry I am with you"he nodded.
He pressed the calling bell and her face fell down seeing her father opening the door. He was looking tired and it felt like he was no more the same man. Her father's face brightened and he came forward to hug her when she suddenly showed her palm to stop him.

"Come beti. Come inside. This is still your home. Only yours." Her dad said with a face which lost all glows.
"I am here only because of my husband. Not to own anything that I left long back. Including the unwanted relationships too."she spoke.

They came inside and travelled their eyes across the surroundings. She felt surprised seeing her mother's big photo hanging down on the wall with garland around it. Tears made her eyes wet. He consoled her.

"Vaigha, little daughter....I know you can't forgive me for whatever I did to you. It was such a big mistake from my side. I got influenced by that evil woman and her son who impressed me with their fake love and respect. I abandoned you. My own blood for them. Dont forgive me. I deserves all this."

"I am not interested to recollect the bad days of my life. It all ended after this man came into my life. No actually god sent him to me. He made me feel complete with all his love. I got a family who loves and respects me. Now we have our son to complete our happiness. For God sake, I am not that old depressed Vaigha. I am happy in my own world."she said and Vaibhav wiped her tears.

"Vaigha, Vaibhav. I want to see your son and hold him in my arms. Do he knows that he have a grand father here?" Her dad asked with hope.

"Yes he have a grand father. But it's not you. It's our SathyaPratap uncle. He is the one who gave me a new life when my own family dumped me. He adopted me as a daughter and fighted for me. Gave me a new life. My son loves him a lot."she said without thinking.

"Vaigha, relax. Dont stress. It's ok."Vaibhav cupped her face and it was then her dad's eyes fell on the ring Vaibhav was wearing.

"This ring? Isn't this the one your mother made me wear?" Her dad asked with surprise.

"Yes now my husband owns it. I made him wear it because I am confident that he won't lose it."she shouted making her dad shock.
"Even if I die, my husband won't remove it from his hand for another woman. My son don't have to suffer in my absence when he have the best father in this world."she added making Vaibhav angry.

"Vaigha, are you stopping this? It's ok if you dont want to stay here, let's go back. But don't use words that can shatter me too."he warned her in a strict tone.

She hugged him suddenly bursting out all her tears. It was an hard task for him to console her.
"Vaibhav, you don't know how this man ill treated me. He completely forgot that I am his daughter. The day when I left this house, that Arun slapped me infront of him. He didn't speak a word for me. His wife abused my mom many times, but he didn't react. She used to abuse me with all the bad words that can be used to describe a woman."she spoke making Vaibhav boil his blood. He clenched his fist looking at him. Her father lowered his face.

"I am sorry Vaibhav. I didn't tell you all this because I don't want to remember those days. I just want to live my life with you. I don't want any relationships other than you and our family. "She cried

"Vaigha, let's go."he held her and helped her to walk with him.

"You can go. I won't stop."Her dad spoke and they stopped.

"I don't deserve anything from you both. A person who orphaned his own daughter dont deserve any mercy in his life. I know it. May be this is what God kept for me. I made you feel lonely in this house even in my presence. Each time when you warned me for my mistakes and scolded me for my misdeeds, I ignored you. I didnt try to find you when you left this house. I was travelling in a wrong path completely forgetting my daughter and her mother. Now I have no one in my life. I am currently going through the same state you have suffered till your marriage. Loneliness. I know I deserve this for ignoring you. It's ok Vaigha. I will always pray for your happiness. I dont deserve to see my grandson's face. I should die like this."her dad stopped and tears started overflowing his cheeks.

"But can you atleast let me know what's his name?"he asked.

"Riyansh" it was Vaibhav who replied.
"Riyansh...."her father muttered smilingly.

"Dont cry. Not because I feel sympathy for you. But my mother didn't want to see you in tears till her last moment."Vaigha said making him surprised.

"Vaigha, let's go."Vaibhav held her hand and started walking outside.

They entered into the car and drove away while her father looked at them till they vanish from his sight. Tears over brimming his eyes.

Vaibhav parked the car infront of their house and she got out of the car first. He followed her and they entered inside together. They saw Riyansh playing with Anjali and Sanju while the others are also present in the hall.

Seeing his parents Riyan made a big sound while moving his hands in air. He was smiling. Vaigha rushed towards him and picked him in her arms. She kissed his face happily.

"Baby, did you miss us?" Vaibhav asked and Riyan touched his face with his fragile palm. Vaibhav kissed his son's hand.

"Bhabhi why are you looking so pale?"It was Amar who asked.
"Nothing."she smiled faintly.
"No bhabhi. He is right. Didn't your stupid husband take care of you?" Arjun asked.

Sanjana already wrapped her arms around Vaigha.
"Nothing guys. I am fine"Vaigha spoke.

"Bhabhi, did you cry?"Anjali asked.
"No I didn't."she replied.
"See she is ok. You guys don't worry."Vaibhav said.
"Bhabhi, tell us. Is anything bothering you? You are not looking well" Anjali insisted her to tell.

"Bhai, where did you bring her? Tell me before I punch you for making her cry."Krithika threatened Vaibhav and he was shocked.

"Why are you not believing me? See everyone is on my wife's side. Poor me."Vaibhav pouted.

Vaigha chuckled.
"I am perfectly ok. I want to take rest for sometime. That's all."Vaigha gave Riyan to Sanju's arms and went to her room.

Vaibhav followed her without looking back at his confused siblings. He saw his wife standing at the window while thinking. He stood beside her and hugged her from behind wrapping his hands around her waist. She turned to face him and rested her head on his chest.

"Are you ok Mrs?"he asked and she nodded.
"Did I hurt you by taking you to a place where you don't want to go?"he was worried.
"Dont think like that Vaibhav. You thought from the place of a father and you are right."she assured.
He kissed her forehead.

"Vaibhav, do you think that I am at fault by behaving so cruel with my dad? What do you think? Should I forgive him?"she asked confused.
He made her sit on bed and he knelt down infront of her placing his hands on her lap.

"You did what you felt right. No one can blame you for that until unless they suffered the same pain you went through during your days at that house. You might have relive through the memories that house have given you while visiting there again."

He cupped her face.

"Your father made you suffer a lot. So don't think that you hurted him. You didn't even do half of what he did with you."he assured.

"But Vaibhav. I felt to shout at him when he came infront of me again. My mom's face didn't leave my mind that time. And all bad memories flashed through my mind. But when I saw him crying, I don't know why I felt weak. Instead of the worst days, the good days of my life with my mom and dad together occupied my mind then. Why I am so confused in taking a decision? Why blood relationships are so complicated?"she moved her fingers through her hairs.

"He hurted you a lot in an amount no daughter can forgive him for that. But then also you are thinking that you might be wrong in behaving so cruel with him. It's because you are good at heart. You can never hate anyone completely Vaigha."he kissed her hand and smiled.

"Should I forgive him? He is alone there. I only believes you. Tell me what should I do?"she asked anxiously.

"Whatever you decide, that will be my decision too. Even if you decide to not forgive him, dont blame yourself for that. He didn't fulfill his duty as a father. So no one can say that you are at fault."

"Did you forgive him for hurting your sister?"she asked suddenly.
He thought for a while.
"May be or may be not. I don't know. It will depend upon what Anjali decides."

"But you have easily forgiven Kishore. He even asked me to kill our baby. Then also."she said confusingly and he smiled.

"Mrs, let me remind you. It was not me, it was you who insisted me to forgive him when I was so angry at him. Then you said that he had so many insecurities in his life from childhood onwards that made him lose his mind. He behaved like that only because of his jealousy towards me. Dont you remember the day when you gave such a long lecture infront of me?"he asked and she bit her lips.

He slowly pecked her lips. She blushed.
"You are so confused because you don't know how Anjali and others behave if you forgive him. You don't want to hurt your family for your father anymore."

"Infact you don't want anyone around you to be hurted. You asked me to forgive Kishore because you felt sympathy for him after hearing his side. You didn't want to hurt uncle and aunty and you wanted to return their son to them. You were so angry with your father till we goes there. But when he cried, suddenly your heart melted and your mother's memories started haunting you. Am I right?"

She didnt respond instead looked at him without blinking her eyes.
"Dont think about how others react. Just ask your heart and do what you feel to do. No one will hate you for that."he assured.

"And believe me I will be always with you despite of what you decide."he kissed her cheeks.

"You are right Vaibhav. I know what to do. But before that I need to talk with Anjali and your siblings. Then I will let you know about my decision."she said and he smiled.

" don't be sad."he tugged her few hair strands behind her ear.

She stood up and they hugged together. They pulled apart hearing Riyansh's giggling near the door. They are shocked to see their siblings at door along with Riyansh.

"Here comes our mood spoilers."Vaibhav whispered making her chuckle.

"We heard what you said."Krithika glared at him.
"Leave it. It's surprise time. Let's see whether we can get back our bhabhi to her happy mood."Anjali dragged Vaigha outside while Vaibhav picked Riyansh in his arms.
Amar and Arjun insisted them to walk with them. They reached the hall where a table has been arranged with a beautiful cake placed on the centre. They were surprised.

"Whats this?"Vaigha asked in wonder.
"For you, our sweet bhabhi." Amar said side hugging her.

"My dear Mrs. I am really sorry. Belated birthday wishes from your husband" Vaibhav hugged his wife and she glared back at him.

"Today is not my birthday"she said and everyone laughed.

Vaibhav scratched the back side of his neck and Riyansh touched his nose.
"Riyu, your pappa is going to be finished soon." Arjun said pulling Riyansh's cheeks.

"Bhabhi, bhai. Dont over think. Today marks 2 years after our bhabhi entered into our life. So we decided to celebrate and surprise her." Anjali said kissing Vaigha.

Sanjana too hugged her happily making her wonder.
"Wow...I didnt think about it."she said.
"Every day is a celebration after you came to our life."Amar and Krithika hugged her.

"I own the first piece of this cake because I am the one who hitted you with car two years ago making your arrival to our home so fast. Otherwise you should have waited until your husband gains the courage to tell the truth to us."Arjun hugged her and Vaibhav pouted.

"So this is what you were doing from morning."she smiled and hugged them together.

"Now my turn to kiss my wife."Vaibhav was about to go to her when the twins stopped him.
"You are not allowed. Wait until your chance comes."Arjun said.
"I will kiss my son. No one can stop me."Vaibhav kissed the baby when others bursted into a laugh.

Sanjana handed over a big paper to Vaigha. She opened it and saw the painting of Riyansh done beautifully by Sanju. She kissed Sanju's forehead.
"Thank you my elder baby."

"Come bhabhi let's cut the cake."Krithika dragged her towards the table. She held Vaibhav's hand and cut the cake along with their son. She fed the first piece to Arjun and gave the remaining portions to others. Riyansh was the one who was most happy. His face is completely filled with cake and she kissed her son. Vaibhav and Vaigha fed each other.

Vaibhav held her hand and pecked her forehead secretly.
"Love you Mrs."he whispered into her ears. She smiled.
He was about to kiss her cheek when Riyan suddenly covered his father's mouth. He pouted and the others chuckled. Vaigha and Vaibhav togetherly kissed their son. Siblings joined and they all hugged together posing for a selfie.

A complete happy family!!!

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