back to life

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Avni and Neil grew closer to each other throughout the functions... Soon everything was over and they were back to their home...
Their coaching had started again..
It was their first day in the new year..
Avni and Mitali were sitting on their seat when Neil entered in.. his eyes were searching for Avni..he looked at her and they exchanged smile.. Mitali did not see this...
Neil came and sat on the seat behind them...
The class started and Avni and Mitali were busy laughing... Where Neil sitting behind them was busy admiring Avni.. he smiled looking at her... Which did not go unnoticed by his friends Rohan and Ali.
Rohan and Ali decided not to say anything at that time...
The class was over and then everyone was standing out waiting for their conveyance.. when Neil came to Avni...
"You forgot your pen" Neil said.
"Oh! Thank you" Avni replied..
Neil smiled.
Mitali was busy staring him... Which Avni noticed... But she did not felt like earlier... She felt bad looking at her..
"Bye" Neil said..
Before Avni could reply bye... Mitali answered "bye Neil"
Neil left... Avni was quite upset since he did not even waited for her to say bye..
All of them left...

At avni's house.
She was lying on her bed and going through her phone.. when she received a message..
"Avni , can you please bring that cd of the function tomorrow..." Read the message of Neil.
"Okay, I have to come to your house tomorrow because Mumma has asked to give aunty I will bring it along" Avni replied.
"Okay, thank you" Neil messaged.
Avni did not reply anything..

Next day ... Avni went to mitali's house as she had to pick her ... After picking her ... Both of them went to Neil's house.
"Where r we?" Mitali asked.
"This is Neil's house" Avni replied.
"But what r we doing here"Mitali asked.
"I have some work." Avni answered
"But at Neil's house" Mitali continued.
"I will tell you everything" saying this Avni went towards the gate where Neil was already waiting.
"Hi " Neil said.
"Hello" Avni answered.
"So , here is your cd and give this to your mom" Avni continued.
"Mom is calling you in" Neil said.
"Not today" Avni answered..
"Haan Neil"
"Can we go to have icecream... Like if you do not mind coming" Neil said with hesitation.
"Hmmm... I do not but I have Mitali along with me.. so if you do not mind me taking her along" Avni asked.
"No. U can take her along" Neil said
Avni and Neil went to Mitali.
"Hi Mitali" neil said.
"Hii Neil" she answered.
"Mitali let's go to have some icecream" Avni said.
"Okay" she answered..
Mitali just wanted to be close to Neil.
They reached the icecream parlour.
"So what will you people have" Neil asked.
"Vanilla" Mitali said.
"Chocolate" Avni said.
"Okay then 2 chocolate and 1 vanilla" Neil ordered..
The icecream arrived... All 3 of them started eating. Avni was busy eating her icecream while Neil was staring her..
They finished it and then left for their class.

Precap: Neil in avni's school

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