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"I speak a different language but I still hear your call"

Humming an old tune to himself the silver head skipped his way towards his apartment. The horizon was beginning to charcoal, and the tune he was humming to slowly died on his lips as he hurried towards his apartment, noticing the changes in the sky. The slow pebbles of rain that fell down from the sky began to get heavier.

As expected the road was almost empty other than the few homeless men and women who watched him with beady eyes as he walked, their eyes burning into his body. An alley cat mewled in the distance. Every little sound was setting off goosebumps on his skin.

Taehyung cursed himself for not taking his friend Bogum's offer to drop him at his place. His flirting would have been better than having to pass this alley.

The sun had gone down almost completely and the street lights weren't as bright as they were supposed to be leaving him to stumble a bit on his way. A dog howled in the distance and a few barks and howls followed it, the wind was slowly picking up speed. He muttered to an old prayer his grandmother taught him as a kid when he used to live with her. It was a habit. Something that left him with a feeling of being watched over by a divine force.

It seemed like forever before he saw his little bakery in the distance, the warm lights illuminating it, making it look magical.
"Just a few more steps Tae." He muttered to himself, blinking his eyes a few times to get the water out of his eyes.
A little chuckle of joy left his cold and almost blueish lips, followed by a yelp as something or someone pulled him back by the hem of his coat.

A cold chuckle was all he heard as he shut his eyes closed as he hit the wet floor.

"What are you doing out here all alone, angel?" The gruff voice asked as he slowly opened his eyes. He expected one but three men stood over him, their faces were hidden by the darkness and the heavy rain. His first instinct was to get up and run but he knew that his heavy jacket and the heavy bags he had would weigh him down and one of the men had a knife with which he was toying as he watched the now pale silver head, not to mention the rain which was now pouring down on them heavily. He contemplated on hitting the three men with the bags and trying to escape, but well... He isn't that brave, not to mention, the three men were definitely taller and buffer than him and without a doubt a lot stronger.

Slowly, he crawled back away from them as they watched him with amusing smiles. His apartment was close by and maybe he could get some attention by screaming out for help. He opened his mouth for the same, but all that came out was a strangled noise as one of the men walked to him with a toothy grin. He smelt of something stale and alcohol and he tried not to gag but that was hard considering that the space between them was getting shorter.

"P-please." His voice was drowned by the merciless rain hitting the hard floor. "P-puh-lease."

His lips wobbled and tears rolled down his already wet cheeks getting masked by the rainwater that was now directly hitting his face.

Rough fingers grasped his chin and warm breath hit his lips as the man only neared.

"Sweet sweet angel," Sang the man, his stale breath making the baker almost puke. "What am I gonna do with you?"
The older man leaned in only to be pushed back by the shorter man who was now sobbing hysterically, loud screams leaving his mouth, as he called for his soulmate who he knew wouldn't probably hear him over the rain.

"There's no point in resisting sugar." The gruff voice chuckled as he pulled the other by his legs, towards him. "No-one's gonna come for you-"
He jerked forward, his hands momentarily leaving Taehyung's which was more than enough time for the smaller male to pull it away towards him.

"What th-" Blood splattered over the hard concrete only to be washed away by the rain.

Under the dim streetlight, he could make out a figure throwing fists at the other two men, leaving the one who touched him on the ground, unconscious, with a broken nose and probably a broken jaw too.

He should take this moment to run away, instead, he stayed frozen in his spot, mouth wide open as he watched the silhouette of a man throwing punch after punch at the still man. He could hear the sound of bones cracking and the faint groans of one of the men.

When the figure finally turned towards him, his breath hitched as the faint light poured over the familiar face. He had a slight cut on his lips and a few scratches on his face. Other than that he looked fine.

"H-how-" The question died down in his throat as the one whom he wished to be his Knight in Shining Armour actually turned out to be one.

"Taehyung..."He was caged between the strong arms of his soulmate who had pulled him into a hug, rocking them slightly.

"J-Jeonggukkie..." He didn't get a chance to hear if the other protested at the name or not as darkness consumed him, his eyes falling shut and body going limp in the arms of the one who was meant to hold him tight. Just like this.

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