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I'm half a man at best
With half an arrow in my chest
I miss everything we do
I'm half a heart without you

He's always believed that having a soulmate would be the most beautiful feeling one could experience. 
Not any more though.

In these few months he had spent with his soulmate, he had shed more tears than the past few years of his life and he's not sure if he should continue this way anymore. 

He didn't know if it was possible to just give up on the Soulmate bond and just walk away considering how empty he feels when he's away from Jeongguk. 

It's hard to give up on something once you realize how ideal it is...

Maybe he should just let the other walk away if that's what makes him happy. Jeongguk was able to go out of the building last time they visited the park and nothing seemed to pull him back into the apartment anymore.

Maybe he'll talk to the other tod-


The tears that rushed to make a show and the tingles that spread throughout his body were involuntary. Jeongguk's guilty face wasn't making anything easier either.

The two just stared into each other's eyes, one teary while one is filled with guilt.

It was Taehyung who first broke their eye-contact.
"Your breakfast is on the table." 

He was halfway on his way outside his library when Jeongguk said something that he never expected to hear from him any time soon.

"C-can we go outside? To the pack?"


The ravenette only nodded. "Together? We can also go to your favorite uh... color-snow shop-"


Jeongguk nodded once again. hoping that the other hadn't noticed his nervousness. The other's hazel eyes which were watching him intently was making him even more nervous and he wasn't sure if he could stay there any longer without blurting out something stupid.

The smile, even though small, that made it's way onto the silver-haired male's face did nothing to ease his guilt.
Jeongguk wondered if he even deserved to have the other around.

"I'll get ready by the time you finish your breakfast!"


Taehyung was beyond ecstatic as he stepped out of his apartment with a heavily clothed Jeongguk by his side, standing close to him just so he'd fit under the umbrella that the other held.

"It's too cold for ice-creams Gguk, let's get some hot chocolate and some Haeojingyo and a few packets of Kkotge seunaek and then go the park, okay? Let's get those from our cafe. Okay?"

Jeongguk agreed, biting into his lower lip nervously.

It wasn't long before the duo were at the park, finding a spot under one of those little huts the residents built to use during rainy days, munching on Crab Chips and the roasted squid, just watching the rain. While Taehyung felt calm and contented after the past few days, Jeongguk was having a hard time trying to decide what he was going to do.

"What happened, Gguk?" Taehyung's voice which was laced with worry startled him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He didn't answer, trying to think his decision through. But that only made his soulmate even more worried.


"I'm sorry!"


The ravenette sighed, letting his onyx eyes find the other's hazel ones. "For, uh... the trouble I caused when your friends came over, I-"

"That's okay!"

Jeongguk hated it! Hated how the other was always so kind to him, never expecting anything back but making sure that he got everything he would ever want and need, no matter what.

"You don't have to worry about it. Ggu-I can't believe that's what made you all aloof all these days!" Taehyung giggled, his eyes crinkling at the corner and Jeongguk tried to memorize it all, watching the other intently. "It's okay Ggukkie! I thought you were mad at me or something! You worried me!"

The guilt was eating him alive, yet he couldn't find the will to back away from what he had decided. Even if he fail in the end, atleast he'd feel content knowing that he tried.

"And Thankyou for everything that you've done for me-"

"You don't have to thank m-"

"No- Taehyung," He took the others lean hands into his own, trying his best to ignore the tingles that spread throughout his body. "Hear me out."

Making sure that the other's attention was on him, he began. "Thank you for taking me in even though I'm a stranger and for feeding me and taking care of me and keeping me with you even though I made you sad. A lot of times and I..." He gulped down the bump in his throat before continuing. "This means a lot to me. Thank you for everything that you have done for me. I don't really have anything to repay you with-"

"You don't have to-"

"Taehyung... Hear me out." The silver-head nodded. His heart felt warm knowing that the other acknowledged what he did for him and that all these meant a lot to him. "As I was saying, I don't really have anything to repay you." 

Jeongguk let go of the other's hand for a moment, trying to fish out something from the little pouch he tied around his waist, one of the things he came into this new world with, before taking out a rock sized, transparent stone before opening the silver-haired male's palm and placing it there.
"I uh... Found this in Silla. Just... Keep it."


"It'll look pretty once you polish it. I promise-"

"No! Gguk! Thank you!"

An involuntary smile made it's way onto the ravenette's lips which wobbled once he realized that he was about to break Taehyung's heart which cared for him deeply, maybe as much as his Yoongi hyung.


He didn't wait for Taehyung to process the word he had whispered out before letting go the other's hands and running away, letting his legs carry him forward, never once turning back to see the wide-eyed male who slowly realized why Jeongguk suddenly wanted to go out on his own while all these times he was the one who would drag the other out, just so he wouldn't feel bored inside his little apartment.

Jeongguk didn't realize he was crying as he pushed people aside, just running forward aimlessly, letting the rain wash away his tears.

His heart ached and he felt like he couldn't breath, yet he ran forward, ignoring the pain, eventually bumping into someone and falling on his behind.
He felt drained.

A familiar voice calling his name was the last thing he heard before he closed his eyes, slumping back onto the wet ground.


Your thoughts?

Okay... Since ya'll are not so keen on talking, I'll tell you a story.

So I had this friend.
I'm not sure we are anymore. We talk sometimes.

So we reconnected a while ago after separating at school. We weren't in a relationship or something. And we started talking a lot. Sometimes we'd flirt and sometimes we just talk about deep stuff. And one day we had this big fight and this person didn't seem like the person I got to know. They just took a complete 360 degree turn and I was left listening to them as the ranted while I wasn't able to explain my part. I was really sad and I blocked them on Instagram and I couldn't even open the app anymore or even hear that old friend's name. I was kinda traumatized. For months I told myself that I had caused everything until I decided to go back and ask for forgiveness. I was fool. Nothing was the same but they seemed to be calm and everything. But every time I talked to them I felt so weird. Like I wasn't supposed to talk to them. And then I talked to my Soulmate... My D-boy, who helped me get ahold of myself and I realized that all I did that day was ask this friend about something I heard and then they started with how annoying I was and everything. I asked them for explanations and this time cleared my part and they gave me the most shittiest explanation to exist!

We talk some times. About a lot of things. I would let them rant. But things aren't going to the same. I was hurt and will always be. I can forgive, but I won't forget.

Here's the thing, Moonchildren... Whatever the relationship is, if it's toxic... Cut it out. And even if one day you reconnect, make sure that you don't make the same mistakes you made once. Don't ever be too kind to anyone if they don't deserve it. That's only going to cause you pain.

I swear I had a better moral of the story... I just can't put it to words.

Take care of yourself, yeah?

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