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 "All I know is that you make me smile"

His hazel eyes fluttered open and a small yawn left his pretty pink lips.

It was still raining but not as strong as it was the previous night and he sighed happily. He had the weirdest dream last night and he felt physically drained somehow and little rain only meant little mess to clean up and just enough water for the plants.

With a tired, yet happy sigh, he sat up in his place. His bed somehow felt uncomfortable and woah woah woah-
He squinted his eyes at the bed- his bed.

It was empty.

With a scrunched-up face, he remained on the floor as he absent-mindedly stared at his bed where he was supposed to be and where he was as he remembered last night. Sleeping.

Did he roll down?

"Weird." He muttered as he got up groaning as his limbs cracked loudly, almost synchronizing with an extra pair of groans that he didn't notice at first.
It was the gasp that got his attention and he snapped towards its source almost breaking his own neck.

He wanted to scream as the other male, a handsome man with the most perfect face he's ever seen in his entire life with Greek god-like features and towering height hurriedly got up in his place, panicking a little.
Taehyung didn't know if he should be proud and flattered that this handsome man with some weird charm that seemed to pull him closer towards the other like a moth to a flame, is in his room- bedroom or if he should be worried that this same handsome but hella strong, considering the muscles that bulged out of his cotton shirt and hella tall man is in his room- bedroom with things that could potentially kill him.

Silence engulfed the room as their eyes met and both froze as what seemed like little tremors wracked their bodies. Taehyung was close to drooling.

It was the loud rumble of the distant thunder that broke them off of the trance and both screamed; Taehyung a high-pitched one and the other a startled one as memories of the past night rushed through their minds.

"Y-you!" The intruder pointed a long finger at the other with a wild expression as Taehyung looked a little dazed, trying to figure out something he already knew.
The chiseled face and sharp jaws and the smooth long raven locks and the whole Robin Hood costume was doing it for Taehyung who let out an embarrassingly dreamy sigh.

He even has a nice voice.

The room slowly but suddenly began to spin and with a contented smile, the silver-haired male once again closed his eyes, letting darkness evade his vision.


Jeongguk was scared.
Jeongguk was scared and hungry.
Jeongguk was scared and hungry and confused.
Jeongguk was scared and hungry and confused an-

"Aargh!" A frustrated growl left his pale lips as the pretty man passed out with a dumb smile.
Pretty man who attacked him with a book and knocked him right out!
But for reasons unknown he just couldn't be angry at him.

It's been days, months, years he didn't know. All he knew was that he wasn't dead... Or maybe he was. He's not sure. He just knew that his hyung wasn't with him and that he was on his own.

Cautiously he walked towards the other man and nudged him with his foot, jerking it away as he felt a strong buzz run through his veins.

What was that?

...It felt good.

He nudged him again and a childish giggle bubbled past his lips as he repeated it over and over again until he got bored.

Maybe this place was safe.
He wasn't gonna let his guard down though.
Not after he almost got eaten by a hippopotamus and almost burned his tushy while running from an angry dragon all in a span of one day.

Though, this place somehow felt homely.
He was debating on whether it's best to escape this place with weird antiques...after taking a few of them of course or if he should just wait for the pretty man-fairy and get help from him. By the looks of it, he seemed physically incapable of fighting even though yesterday proved it wrong (but Jeongguk wasn't used to getting knocked out like that so he likes to believe that it was just a dream) but Jeongguk believes that since he isn't (ahem) strong he's supposed to be wise which means he can just find a way for him to go back to his hyung!

Or maybe... It's because he didn't want to leave this place just yet... Something was holding him back from doing so.

Might as well wait for the fairy to wake up.
He thought to himself.

And so he waited, sitting down on the carpeted floor, a little uncomfortable for some reason.
His ears somehow felt numb.

A sad sigh left his lips.

His hyung would've known how to fix it.

Whistling an old tune that his hyung used to hum when he couldn't sleep as a child, he scanned the room that he was in until his eyes fell on the figure laying on the floor, his arms bent uncomfortably. He had a dopey smile on his face, yet he looked pretty.
Like a fairy.
But he was too big to be one.
Yet, smaller than himself.

Maybe... Maybe this is how fairies are. Maybe they aren't as small as people say.

A small smile crawled up his lips without even him knowing and it felt weird as it widened, spreading his cheeks as it feels like it's been so long since he last smiled. He didn't know why he was smiling. He just had to and that's what he did.

He was planning on staying awake the entire time until the fairy woke up, yet the exhaustion of having traveled through different dimensions in a small amount of time caught up to him and unwillingly his eyes fluttered close, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I assure you that they're gonna have a proper conversation in the next chapter.

Thanks to everyone supporting this story. It means a lot.
Thank you!

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