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So the years went by, I stayed the same

But she began to drift away, I was left alone
Still I waited for the day, when she'd say "I will always love you."

Prussia frowned slightly as he realized just how short-lived his happiness with Hungary had been. As he absentmindedly cleaned, more memories began to swim in his head. And they weren't exactly pleasant.

"Why won't you just grow up already?!" Hungary shouted, her face beet red with anger. Prussia gritted his teeth and tried to shove past her. "Will you just shut up Eliza?! Who cares if I'm immature, that's who I am! If you really loved me it wouldn't bother you!" he snapped in reply. Hungary grabbed him by the front of his shirt, growling.

"Well, news flash Prussia, I don't love you. You're a retarded, cocky, selfish, immature bast*** that only thinks about himself! I don't even know why I fell in love with you in the first place! Besides your looks, there is nothing to love about you!" Hungary said harshly, glaring at the albino. Prussia gaped at her, stunned into silence. How was he supposed to respond to something like that?! It wasn't true, was it?

"Eliza, I'm not..." Prussia's remark was interrupted as Hungary scoffed and shoved him away, grabbing her coat and pulling it on. "I'm going to go see Austria. Don't expect me to come back. Ever," she said. Picking up a packed suitcase that sat at the end of the stairs, she turned away and stomped out the door. Prussia stood frozen, his gaze fixed on the area his now-ex-girlfriend had been standing. He didn't even notice the tears when they began to fall.

"...I'm not selfish...a-and I can be mature..." Prussia murmured softly to no one, finishing his delayed reply. His shoulders began to shake and he buried his head in his hands, sobbing. Hungary's words repeated themselves over and over again in his ears, making his tears fall harder and faster. He felt so helpless and alone, a sensation he'd felt many times before and loathed. If Hungary had been here, she would have hugged him tightly and murmured comfortingly to him, trying to get him to stop crying. But Hungary was gone for good. He'd lost her to that prissy, stuck up brother of his: Austria.

"Austria," Prussia said under his breath, his voice dripping with grief. The love of his life had left him for his older brother...how pathetic.

Prussia's expression hardened and he growled a few choice names for his brother under his breath.

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