Chapter 2

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After that little nightmare I had, I managed to collect myself, dispose of the bottles and get ready for school. Unlike most students, I kind of like school. Learning is actually fun. The only issue I have with it is the feeling of it. School makes me feel trapped. Asides from the incredulous amount of work we get, it gets frustrating trying to keep a good profile. I'm aware of my goody-two-shoes identity but it's hard to keep up with it. Luckily, I've kind of gotten the hang of being nice. Maybe doing it for sixteen years causes you to perfect it.

I dressed in my crop top and jeans, drying my hair and blow-drying it. I made my way down the stairs, the smell of pancakes enveloping me the moment I walked into the kitchen.

I smiled at our maid, Fey. "Hey, Fey! Those pancakes smell amazing." She turned to me and greeted me with a smile.

"G'morning Elle. Do you want some eggs with your pancakes?" I nodded and sat at our counter, pulling out a stool. Moments after, Fey placed a plate of delicious looking pancakes and scrambled eggs. I dug in right away and finished it in no time. I thanked our maid and asked if mom left for work already. "She just left, dear. Eddie'll drive you to school today." I nodded silently and proceeded to make my way to the door, bidding Fey goodbye.

Our driver stood outside, waiting for me. I smiled at him and greeted him good morning. He returned the greeting, opened the door for me and got in after. We drove to school in silence and in a couple of minutes, we arrived Brooke High. I thanked Eddie and made my way inside the campus. Smiling the whole way to my locker, I got my books inside and smiled a fond smile at my ukulele. When I closed my locker, Betty popped up from behind it, scaring me.

She giggled and hugged me. "Elle! I missed ya bud!" she exclaimed, full of energy.

I chuckled at her silliness and hugged her back. "I miss you too Betty. How many cups of coffee did you drink this morning?" I raised an eyebrow at her, a smirk forming on my lips.

"Maaaaybe," she said, looking elsewhere and smiling wide. I giggled at my friend's silliness and hooked my arm around hers, directing us to our homeroom.

When we arrive there, I see a guy sketching at the back. His sketch looked like a bird. I hummed in amusement and made my way to the front, spotting another friend of mine.

After talking for a while, I felt eyes on the back of my head. I turned around and caught the boy sketching looking at me. He held my gaze for a while until he looked away, looking uninterested. Well, that was...interesting. Shrugging it off, I continued to talk with Betty and Ben along with a bunch of other students.

Our teacher arrived moments later. He looked drowsy so I told my classmates to quiet down, some of them more or less listening. Mr. Jones smiled thankfully at me and sat at his desk. He dozed off almost immediately and the chit-chat returned. I shook my head and returned to my conversation with Betty. The bell rang in a little while and we scampered off to our classes, the boy who was sketching pushing past everyone without a care. Hm, how rude of him.

Politely pushing past everyone, I made my way to my next class.


I listened intently to Mr. Emil, occasionally taking down notes. I glanced at the boy behind me through my peripheral vision. Hm. He doesn't look half bad. Beneath his black hood, tousled strawberry-blonde hair messily stuck out. His fringe covers most of his blue-green eyes so I'm surprised he could see. A frown seems to have permanently found a spot on his pale face. I can barely see the piercing in his right ear. His feminine shoulders but slightly built structure is wrapped up in a black hoodie and jeans.

I snapped out of looking at the bored-looking boy and clicked my attention back at Mr. Emil. My head suddenly throbbed and I winced. I closed my eyes momentarily and rubbed my temples, trying to soothe my pulsing head. I opened my eyes and faced with pale eyes. I shook my head and just as soon as it appeared, it vanished. The events from my dream came rushing back and I closed my eyes once again, begging for whatever it was that was bothering me to go away.

I cracked my eyes open and looked around the room. No one seemed to be affected. I glanced at the hoodie-wearing boy beside me. He was just scribbling in his notebook. A breath that I didn't realize I was holding was released and I relaxed into my seat. Bothered, I excused myself to the bathroom. Once I got out the door, I rushed to the bathroom and washed my face.

Snap out of it Rachelle! You're seeing things. You're just shaken up, right. Yeah...I'm just shaken up. It was just a stupid nightmare, get your head straight.

I sighed and leaned against the sink. I closed my eyes once again but instead of opening them to my reflection in the mirror, a little girl was staring at me with big, gray eyes. She smiled as I backed away from the mirror, fear in my eyes. I hit something as I back away and it isn't a bathroom stall. I gasped as I looked up, the little girl watching me with amusement. A grin spreads across her as she holds me up by the shoulders, my trembling form in her hands. Even when she stood below me, I felt weak and petrified. I felt so small compared to her. My legs were sure to collapse if it wasn't for her tight grip on my shoulders. She forced me to bend so she could reach my face. I audibly gulped and felt my eyes grow wider when she came closer to me. Leaning extremely close to my face, she whispered.

"This isn't a dream anymore Rachelle."

I whimpered helplessly. She pushed me down by the shoulders so she could stand above me. She smiled and made a shushing motion, pressing her finger to her pale lips.

"No one has to know. Well, I won't let you tell them. You won't say anything, okay? You can't. This is just between us. Do you promise?"

She stuck out her pinky innocently. Horrified, I wrapped my trembling pinky around hers, sealing the promise.

What the hell am I doing?!

She smiled a menacing smile and patted my head.

"Good girl. Now, to make sure you keep your promise, sleep."

When the words came out of her mouth, I fell to the tiled bathroom floor, unconscious and unaware of the spine-chilling laugh the little girl uttered.


I woke up to someone shaking me vigorously. My eyes fluttered open to a worried girl in glasses. I think her name was Sally. A relieved sigh escaped her lips and she smiled carefully at me. "Thank goodness you're awake. Are you okay?" She helped me up and I held my throbbing head. Smiling thankfully, I nodded at her. She seemed reassured after that and excused herself to go to one of the stalls, finishing her business.

I waddled my way out of the bathroom and tried to remember the events prior to me waking up in the most uncomfortable place I have ever slept on. The more I pushed myself to remember, the more my head throbbed. The only thing I remember is going to the bathroom and splashing my face with water. After that, it was all fuzzy. The next thing I know, I'm being woken up by someone after lying on a filthy bathroom floor after god knows how long. I furrowed my eyebrows and went back to the calculus classroom to go retrieve my things.

I glanced at the clock at the front of the classroom as I collected my things. I have 40 minutes left to eat. I sprinted to the cafeteria, making a quick stop at my locker to drop off my things.

I spot Betty at our table talking to a girl who I believe is named Jennifer. I grabbed lunch at the front, thanking the lunch lady. I made my way to our table and sat down. I glanced at the clock and realized that I only had 30 minutes left to eat and get to the music room.


I started scarfing down the food and gave Betty and Jennifer a wave in the middle of chewing on whatever they put in this. They giggled at my state and cheered me on.

"Chug, chug, chug!" Betty yelled, laughing at my attempt to swallow a very dry mashed potato. Jennifer soon followed in laughing at me then asked a question with her western like accent.

"What's the rush? There's still a couple of minutes before the bell rings. I'm afraid that you'll choke, dear" I swallowed down a piece of something that tasted like spaghetti. I wiped my lips with the back of my hand and smiled at her.

"I'm going to help Ms. Silvia set up everything for class. I volunteer to help her, like an assistant." She looked at me with disbelief, looking like I told her that I was going to walk a tightrope across two buildings holding an elephant.

She clicked her tongue and shook her head, an amused smile playing at her lips. "I swear Rachelle, you can be too nice sometimes," she paused to squint at me. "Scratch that. You're always nice." I chuckled and glanced at the clock. 15 minutes until the bell rings. I got up and threw away my trash and returned the tray to the front.

I rushed to the music room and find Ms. Silvia lining up chairs for everyone. I knocked on the open door to signal my arrival and she turned to me and smiled, greeting me and pointing to a bunch of music sheets. I nodded and proceeded to place the pieces of paper on stands in front of the chairs.

When I finished, my attention turned to a flute. Weirdly enough, my head started to throb and a tune came into my ears. It was eerie and definitely being played on a flute. The change of notes created an eerie but sad tune. I spaced out, lulled in by the sound of the flute.

The melody was abruptly stopped by a high pitched note. I reflectively covered my ears and screamed, the sound deafening me. I was taken out of my fit by two hands on my shoulders. The eyes of a worried Ms. Silvia stared into mine. I felt something wet on my cheeks and found that I was crying. Ms. Silvia sat me down on a chair and told me to sit tight, telling me that she would inform my parents.

When she left, a ghostly silence filled the room and I looked around, paranoia filling me. I hugged my body tight and bit the insides of my cheeks.

I'm scared.


[Hey guys! Yes, I finally updated, all questions are answered in my random book. Thank you for waiting.]

Have a great day~


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