Chapter 8

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My heart clenched and my eyes shone with anger. I stared at the scene in front of me with jealousy shown in my eyes. The figures covered in powdered sugar played around with each other with giant, sunshine-filled grins spread across their faces. I pursed my lips and gritted my teeth together. I had the urge to...hurt one of them. The shorter one. The one with chestnut brown hair. The one who endured my annoying orders over and over again with a smile. The one who was nice to me. The one who was receiving a loving grin from the person I wanted to get my hands on. The person that I wanted was giving the person that I already hate so many loving signals that I could feel them from behind this window, peering into the fun-filled and warm cafe. I was so occupied with glaring at the two people on the other side of the glass that I didn't notice the black car that situated itself on the sidewalk of the cafe.

A honk made me jump and brought me out of my daze. I heavily sighed and walked to the car, getting in and slamming the door aggressively. Eddie jumped in the driver seat and took a glance at me through the tiny mirror above him. He decided to stay quiet, thankfully so and started to drive me home.

When I got home, I went straight to my bedroom and plopped onto my bed, my head buried deep within a pillow. I screamed, my screams being muffled by the fluffy pillow.

Woah there, girl. I know you like that Treck guy but what's with the tantrum?

I lifted my head and glared at my bed's head post.

Ohh. Yeah, I saw that too.

I groaned and banged my head on the pillow multiple times. Anger still coursed through my body and I wanted to take it out on something, anything. Anything.


Chloey perked up.

Hey, Rachelle. Don't we need Treck to carry out the plan?

I lifted my head and nodded slowly, anticipating what she was going to say next.

Well, we can't get him on our team if that...Tyler is in the picture.

I sat up slowly, holding onto a pillow. I stared at my door, raising an eyebrow. "What are you implying..?" I felt her grin in my head.

Let's start your plan with him!

My eyes widened. "...What?"

You get our hands on Treck! Let's make him our first...subject!

"First subject..? Why him?"

Because he wronged you! Isn't the point of our plan to put an end to those who did you wrong?

I stayed silent for a while until I nodded slowly.

See! Now, when will we execute the plan?

That got me thinking. "We're really going to do it...?"

Yes..! Now, come on. When will we execute the plan?

I sighed. "In a week..?"

Perfect! Coem on now, we have some planning to do.

I held my head in my hands. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. What the hell am I doing?


It's been a week since that day and to say that I was nervous was an understatement. I've been going to the cafe every day for the past week and I've witnessed every touch, conversation, and smiles shared Treck and Tyler had. The jealousy I felt grew and grew. I've been waiting for this day.

I walked into Warm Mugs casually. Tyler smiled at me kindly and I saw my drink all ready, sitting beside him. I smiled at him too but my hands itched to grip his throat and take away all the air in his lungs. I had a small backpack filled with a small notebook, ballpens, gloves, tissue paper...and a knife. It occasionally poked me when I moved around a lot but it won't compare to what I would be doing later.

I grabbed the cup and thanked Tyler, to which he responded with a slight nod. But instead of going straight to the corner I'm always at, I opened my mouth to speak to him. "Hey Tyler, do you want to hang out later? I'm planning to go to the woods later to go stargazing. I hear that there'll be a lot of fireflies later as well." I grinned to show that I was being friendly.

He looked kind of surprised that I would ask him. To be fair, I've never really talked to him before except for a couple of thank yous and coffee orders. It must be weird to him that I would ask him this so suddenly as if we do this all the time. "U-uh, sure I guess..? Uhm, not to be rude but...why are you asking me to..hang out? How about your friends..?" he stammered out. I pursed my lips into a thin line but soon bore a small smile.

"They're busy for the day." His mouth formed into an 'o' and he nodded, understanding. To be honest, they weren't busy. They just weren't my friends anymore. Everyone avoided and stayed away from me ever since rumor got out that I was crazy and shouted a nothing in the bathroom. Everyone got away from me and the people who I thought were my friends cut all ties with me. Especially Betty.

I smiled at him again. "So, you up for it?"

He fidgeted with the hem of his sweater for a while before he nodded. I grinned. "Alright! Let's go when you're done with work." He nodded and shyly smiled at me.

I walked to my corner and sat down to continue the book I recently picked up. Alright. Now I just have to endure the rest of this: Treck smiled warmly at Tyler as he picked up a cup that landed on the floor and handed it to him. Oh god, please let this end quickly.


Tyler timidly shuffled towards me and I jumped up, feigning excitement. I grinned hugely and ignored the tiny flicker of pain the knife inflicted when I bounced. I hooked my arm around his and pulled him out of the cafe, skipping to the woods.

At first, he was really flustered and faltered behind but he soon warmed up to me and we started talking about books, especially Notes from the Midnight Driver.

We looked like we were really friends and the atmosphere around us was relaxed and cool and for a second, I forgot my true intentions. But Chloey reminded me of the plan and I set my head on it.

We soon made it to the woods and the sky was painted pink and orange hues. Perfect. It's going to be dark soon.

We entered the woods and wandered deep into it, into the densest part. It was really dark now and the crickets sang their songs along with the wind. Moonlight was our only source of light as it shone above us.

I stopped abruptly and coincidentally, the crickets stopped as well. Tyler turned around to face me and his smile faltered. "Uh, Rachelle? Are you coming..?"

I grinned maliciously and dropped my bag on the dirt covered ground. As I crouched down to open it, Tyler stood there with wide-open eyes. He took a step back in hesitance. "...Rachelle..? W-what are you doing..?"

Silence swallowed us whole as I took out the gloves and put them on and grabbed hold of the knife's handle. Tyler started to back away from me as I slowly pulled it out. As soon as he saw the blade shining as the moonlight reflected off it, he made a run for it, going deep into the woods. I dashed after him immediately, leaving my backpack on the ground.

And so the plan commences.



Why is this happening!? I did nothing wrong!

My ragged breathing filled the woods as I ran through it, avoiding trees and rocks lying around. Tears welled up in my eyes as I ran as fast as I could to escape Rachelle.

Why is she doing this? I didn't do anything wrong to her, did I? I sorted through all my thoughts, trying to find a reason as to why I was being chased by a psychopathic girl through the woods. I came up with nothing. I did nothing that would upset her or push her to do this, I think.

I swerved left, avoiding a tree root sticking out. I was getting tired since I ran at full momentum at the beginning and my abdomen started growing painful but I ignored it, the only thought in my mind being: I'm gonna die if I stop now.

Apparently, the world was against me today. I tripped on a rock and hit my head on a tree trunk. Hard.

I fell to the ground, holding my head in my hands. My eyes darted everywhere around me in panic. I was hyperventilating and could feel blood trickling down my head. I sat there against a tree, tired, scared, crying.

Footsteps sounded in front of me and I backed up into the tree, not allowing any space to be between me and the tree. Rachelle emerged from the shadows of the trees and in the dark, her eyes were glazed with a deadly aura. She panted but only slightly. The knife was clutched tightly in her hand as she slowly tramped towards me with heavy steps.

I shook my hand and held my arms tightly towards me, getting as far as I could from her. Once she was fully in front of me, she placed two fingers under my chin and forced me to look up at her. I trembled under her gaze as she brought the knife to my face and cut my cheek. I winced at the slight pain and tears started gliding down my cheeks. Her smile grew bigger.

"Shhhh. This will end soon, sweety." I bit my lip to prevent any sobs from escaping and shut my eyes tightly. I refuse to look at her.

This isn't the Rachelle I remember. Although I never tried to actually talk to her get to know her, I knew she was kind just from how she acted. She always smiled so kindly and warmly. She always emitted a nice aura. She always plastered on a warm demeanor. Where is the Rachelle I saw every time she entered those cafe doors?

She let go of my chin and took ahold of my wrist. I winced when she squeezed it. I cut last night and the cuts were still new and stung. I let a choked sob escape me as she rolled up my sleeves painfully slow. Fear coursed through my being and my heart rate increased more if that was humanly possible. My cuts were revealed to the breeze that swept through the dark woods and a shiver went down my spine at the feeling. Once Rachelle saw the cuts, she turned her head to me and smiled gleefully.

"Oh! Our little Tyler here is suicidal, isn't he?" I shook my head pathetically. She pressed the cold blade of the knife against the cuts and I gasped from the feeling. Her smile widened as she ran the tip down my wrist, creating a new cut. I allowed my sobs to escape now.

"Now, now. Don't you want this? To die? I'm helping you..!" I shook my head in denial. I don't want to die! Cutting just numbs me and... I've been getting better. Treck has made my days bearable and bright. He brings me joy now and I can go through my days without a negative thought. He's there for me and I want to be there for him. I don't want to leave him.

My scream pierced through the dense wood as Rachelle dug the knife deeper into my wrist. Blood streamed down my arm as she continued the cuts, over and over and over again. Blood stained my sweater as it soaked up the blood that continued to flow down my arms, more rapidly this time.

Rachelle sloppily and madly swiped at my wrist, that malicious smile still plastered on his face. Sobs freely escaped my mouth in a mess, screams mixing in the fray. Pain racked through me as she ran the knife across my wrist without mercy. I could feel myself getting lightheaded from the amount of blood I'm loosing.

My sobs and screams died down. I felt so tired. My eyelids felt heavy as I felt myself losing consciousness.

I guess I'm giving up.



I didn't stop even as Tyler closed his eyes. I only stopped when his breathing seized.

I listened for a heartbeat but I heard none. His breathing stopped and when I checked for his pulse, I felt nothing.

He was gone.

I smiled and placed the knife in his hand, making it look like he killed himself. Blood pooled around him and stained his sweater. He died from blood loss.

He's dead.

The deed is done.

Well done, Rachelle.



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