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Staring at him, Sakshi kept thinking about how they ended up together by a single conversation while travelling as strangers. It was pure luck or she wouldn't have gotten such a mature and handsome guy as her boyfriend.


He hummed, not moving his eyes off his phone screen.

"Do you think I am pretty?"

He turned his head and observed how she had smiled nervously. He chuckled at her. "Of course, you are. My girlfriend is the prettiest of all."

She rolled her eyes but still, she let it go thinking that he was joking. She still was unsure. "Am I plain?"

His eyebrows raised and for a moment, he even glanced at her not-so-full boobs. He gulped while looking back at her and asked, "Why would you ask that? You look pretty to me just as you are."

Sakshi whimpered in embarrassment.

"Since the day I have introduced you to my friends, they have been talking in the school. They say that I don't deserve you. I am flat while you are tall and muscular. Boys so mature so like you are interested in curvy girls these days."

"Who said that?" He frowned. "Never mess up your mind with these stereotypes. Every guy has his own wishes and choices. Some go for physical appearance and some don't. I find you beautiful inside and out. Just the way you are."

He pushed back a strand behind her ear and smiled, "Besides, I am not so muscular and tall yet."

She shook her head smiling shyly. "But you look great and you are good at socializing. You even live in Delhi. You are kind and so sweet. They think of me as careless, stupid and arrogant of my brother's money."

"Sakshi, Don't think over it. They are immature and just jealous of you. Also, other people's thoughts can't change my mind? I will not just dump you at listening to them. Would I?"

She looked at him nervously.

"I don't know, Shrey. Will you?"

Will you?

Will you?

The question kept echoing in his mind as he sat quietly on the couch. Shrey didn't want to deny at how desperate he was to go back in time and change things. He wanted to delete these data from his life, tear off those papers from his destiny, erase those mistakes that he did recklessly.

He sighed.

Her face wasn't leaving his eyes. Wherever he looked, he would think of her and her words. How could it be possible of her being so empathetic and real? She had changed so much.

He clicked his tongue, disagreeing at himself.

Years ago, he hadn't properly waited for her to grow. She wasn't like this before. He misunderstood then. Sakshi was always this beautiful, this sweet inside from the beginning. Now, her character was enhanced perfectly.

He couldn't deny but wish for the same chance to come back. The chance to own her. Her heartbeats, her breaths, her mind, her heart—she was crazy for him. He wanted those feelings to return back to her heart.

He needed her care and love.

He remembered the days when she used to worry about being a clingy girlfriend. He smiled sadly. She was nowhere near that. She was cute and used to pamper him so much with gifts and special things she used to do before.

He admitted that he himself needed a mature company that time. He was high on planning and working on his career. That revengeful drama had distracted him badly. He was turned away from his moral values but he didn't have to so heartless towards her. Just because she was younger than him, he had tagged her as the spoilt-rich-brat.

A poor family might just get the treasure of their life in such a big amount, Shrey.

How wrong he was! He used to judge her all the time for shopping and spending her father's money. Now, who turned out to be the spoilt one. Who lent the money to show off his friendship, his arrogance?

Shrey touched his forehead, sighing slowly. He was going crazy, dwelling into the past. He needed to get over this guilt. He needed to remove this regretful feeling from his heart or he wouldn't be able to sleep from now on.

Sakshi had stolen his senses.

"Shrey," the voice echoed in the house. His eyes moved towards the entrance as came barging in his dear cousin. His mood went down immediately at seeing his happy face.

"Shrey," smiled Rishabh while walking towards him with some papers in his hands. "Bro, I did it. I found a proof."

Shrey's eyebrows raised, along with what his mother too came rushing in the drawing room. Rishabh looked at her. "Chachi, the couple had lied about buying their house, right. A witness is ready for explaining that. Days ago, Shrey must have shared this with an employee and he is stepping forward to help."

Shrey opened his mouth in shock. "Who?"

Rishabh sat down on the couch opposite to him and replied, "Faisal K Rehman, he was handling the recruitment in Noida's colleges."

Shrey recognized immediately. "Oh, yeah. But I don't remember telling. . . Wait!" Something clicked all of a sudden in his mind. "The day I was planning to submit half of the amount through cash to my friend, I had very limitedly told him about Vikas's ancestral home being a leverage."

Rishabh fisted the table. "The same scene he has recited to our lawyer. And one more thing, the proof that the couple was lying about it. . ."

He leaned and forwarded some photographs to Shrey who put aside his dinner plate and looked at the photos.

"What about these?" He narrowed his eyes. "Wait? Is this Vikas's relatives or something. . ."

Rishabh nodded proudly. "The scumbag had gotten his cousin lavishly married using your money. Gifted her off a luxury car and much more in dowry than any normal wedding. Even then the money wouldn't have been finished as the money God you became for him."

Shrey clenched his jaws while Rishabh showed more of the photos. "These are the hospital appointments of Vikas. He had a rod put inside his leg after he had recovered from a deadly accident. Half of the money went there for the pending bills. Rest is my instincts are telling me, they were about to use for leaving the city."

"Or maybe country," told Shrey while staring at the photos calmly.

Rishabh breathed slowly. "Possible."

Shrey's mother closed her eyes and made a silent prayer hopefully while sitting beside Rishabh. "Do you think this will. . ." She gulped when tears started filling her eyes.

Rishabh smiled at her while holding her hand. "Come on, Chachi. Stop crying. I have promised you that I won't let your son go behind the bars."

Shrey looked away flaring his nostrils, not really happy at being burdened by his cousin's big favor.

"The lawyer said that this would turn the directions of the case. All this time, this was about rape attempt. But now, it will lead to fraudulent acts that they did and even about the torture they did in the name of doing Justice for rape. When rape didn't happen, it is the first key that it wasn't the intention that's why it didn't happen."

Rishabh glanced at a lost Shrey and looked back at his Chachi. "The intention was to take back his money. That is it. Now, we can prove it easily."

"This is the last hearing. What if the proof of those footages of me entering the flat and neighbours barging in to attack me is what they might truly believe. What of me then?" asked Shrey while looking at his cousin.

Rishabh shook his head, looking in his eyes. "If you end up getting punished, I won't let that fraud couple go easily. I will get that lady raped for real in front of her husband before beating him to almost death," he spat while breathing hard.

Shrey scoffed at his anger humorlessly while his mother was stunned who immediately offered Rishabh some water.

"Shrey, please believe in God. Everything will be alright. Rishabh is doing his job perfectly and nothing will happen. The couple would be exposed. Have faith in God," she told him.

Looking at Rishabh, she thought about calming down his anger. "I just hope this case all ends up soon. My Shrey gets back freely and then, we will all celebrate the justice and also your wedding."

A soft smile came on Rishabh's lips as he looked at her. "I hope so." He glared back at Shrey and said, "But if God is trying to guide you and still you are the coward self, then no one can save you from trouble."

Shrey glared back at him and thought that he had nonetheless helped him. He couldn't just say something cruel to him when he hated him so much. But this wasn't the time. So, not wasting anytime he got up and left the room.

His mother sighed while shaking her head. Rishabh too kept quiet, until he remembered telling her.

"Dad has recovered. The doctor told that from now on, he's allowed to walk. I am afraid he will ask for going to the office and ask me about the case," he mentioned sorely.

His Chachi gulped. "It is better not to hide anything. I will be forever in your debt, Rishabh. Just save my son and I know, then only happiness will be left there in our account. Just save my son," she sobbed.

Rishabh put an arm around her, rubbing back slowly. "I will do it. I know this will work and we are searching for more. This week is the date. You just have to keep Shrey positive about it. There will be more of inquiry in the court, more embarrassing questions. If Shrey loses his temper there, we will all be damned."

Leaving the curtain, Shrey stepped back from the door, not eavesdropping anymore. This week, will be the turning point of his life. He could be a prisoner after this, or an innocent person. But he would have to prepare for the court room for sure. Because he couldn't lose his temper at questions again and attempt suicide.

He couldn't do that again. God saved him so he could save himself.

Turning around, he walked towards his room with still these words roaming in his mind.

We all will be damned.


"Damn, this man looks like a creep when he watches you like that. There is no love in his eyes," mentioned Aarush while observing him from his seat.

Sakshi smiled nonetheless.

"I don't care anymore. Bhai called early morning to give me this wonderful news." She glanced at the professor who was quietly sitting on his chair and was watching the students working as he had given them a case study to solve.

But for real, he was only staring at Sakshi most of the time. "What is it?" asked Aarush.

Sakshi smiled to herself. "His cousin, Mihir's parents came to my home last night. They had came to ask if I liked any of the brothers. Bhai, before Tau ji or Tai ji could say anything, told them about how young I was. Not mentally ready for this much responsibility. I want to stand and then, marry the person I love."

She fisted her hands and squealed in a whisper. "Like the best brother I have, he also mentioned that my choice is what he respects before anything. Right now, which is to continue on with my studies."

Aarush stared at her in shock. "Why can't I have a brother like that? I too need to give an ultimatum like that to someone so hopeful," he muttered while glancing at the lower row, staring at Aditi's back.

Sakshi's smile faded at seeing her sitting away from them. "I don't know why she is so angry at us when she clearly knows that I have my own problems than to make you fall for me and you have your own to not fall for her yet. It's not like we aren't trying to think about her. But what she did last night was too dramatic."

Aarush sighed heavily.

"At your words, I came. I came, okay. Up there to see her and talk about what was she going through. But how I would damn talk if she keeps herself locked in her room and starts distancing herself from us."

Sakshi shook her head. "It is all because of you. You broke her heart."

"When I break hearts, even a little amount of them is not left for people to dare show me so much attitude. I break the damn confidence of the person who dares to cross my way," told Aarush while rolling his eyes. "Or hurts my people," he said while glancing at the professor.

"Miss Rathore and Mr. Mehra, you both are staying back after the class for a detailed discussion with me, of this very intense subject you are whispering about and disturbing the whole class for it," he almost yelled while opening his crossed leg and putting the right one over his left.

The whole class laughed while Aarush glared at him. Sakshi only exchanged a glance with Aditi who had turned back to give her a blank look.

"Look like his relatives hasn't told him the good news yet," she muttered while stealing glances from the professor who had started collecting the papers from the students.

The bell rang immediately and students started standing up to leave the class. When Sakshi reached the lowest stair to hand her own paper, the professor managed to rub his finger along her whole palm. Her eyes stoned on him at such daring that she had almost started doubting herself if she was thinking too much.

The whole class left but Aarush didn't as he stood there beside Sakshi while staring at the professor who looked like someone had sucked all of his blood.

"If I am not giving your names to the principal, that means that I expect much from you both. As my students, that even two of toppers, you both need to respect the decorum and maintain discipline. Since my first day, you both haven't improved. What is going on?" asked Kabir while crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Are you guys underestimating me?"

Aarush rolled his eyes, breathing away while Sakshi met his eyes, only to narrow them.

"You need to stop this drama, especially in front of me," she told him. "You act like you are a damn professor which is only a way for you to check out girls and stare at them during classes," she spat angrily.

Aarush squeezed her hand to calm her down but Sakshi shook her head.

"You are our professor and be like that. If I catch you staring at me again, I will tell. . ."

The Professor chuckled softly, surprising them. "So I have become this villain to you that I am not even allowed to look at you."

He turned to Aarush and gave him a blank look. "I will look at your so over smart face when I'll complain to the Principal about your behavior. Trust me that it can possibly be not able to handled by you, the complaint. You would be needing approaches to change the comments in your character certificate, Aarush Mehra."

Aarush gritted his teeth and was about to say something when Kabir chuckled again and finally silencing.


Aarush didn't until Sakshi pleaded him with eyes as she herself wanted to warn the professor personally. But her best friend only left after warning the professor with his own glare.

He walked fiercely while banging the door so hard that it ended up being shut leaving both her and Kabir alone in such a big lecture hall.

"Idiot," Kabir smirked while looking back at Sakshi.

She couldn't deny him, thinking the same now that she felt suddenly alone and vulnerable, being alone with him. Still collecting her courage, she faced him confidently. "What is your problem, huh? Don't you know that my family has given the answer to yours?"

Kabir smirked slightly, stepping closer to her. "The answer. Like the fuck I care about them or your arrogant brother's words. I only care about yours."

Sakshi gasped and glared at him. "Don't you dare say a word about my brother," she warned.

Kabir scoffed and started walking more towards her, making her step back in anger. He continued until her breaths stopped as her back had touched the very first desk. Before she could move sideways, he put both his hands on either side of her head on the desk.

Sakshi widened her eyes, going through a flashback from the familiar dark street. Those hooligans, so bulky and blunt were ready to assault her if Shrey hadn't arrived. Her eyes moved on Kabir's face that was inching closer.

"You-You don't dare. . ."

"Dare what, Sakshi." Kabir hummed while moving his finger over her hand, moving it upwards over her arms slowly and sensually. He watched her gulping shakily.

"What is not there in me? Tell me," he whispered huskily. "A mind of a genius professor. A heart of a true lover. Traits of a perfect family man. Features to melt the heart in you. I know you are attracted to me. Then, what's stopping you from giving me a chance."

He held her other hand, and stared in her dark eyes. "What did I do wrong. . . yet?"

Sakshi shuddered, observing him shakily. "You lied to me. You hid your intentions from me. You could have approached me in a better way. Now, you aren't even behaving like a highly self-esteemed man," she told him sincerely.

Kabir's eyebrows straightened as he digested her words.

"Why is it that you don't understand it so easily? I am not ready. Four words, a single wish. If you like me, then at least respect me. By touching me forcefully, approaching me this way, you won't be able to win my heart ever." She blinked slowly.

"If you continue this, it will clearly prove that you don't want my heart but to own me so you can have the advantages of being a husband to me."

Kabir's lips parted as she smiled darkly at him.

"What do you think that I don't understand what lies in those eyes beneath these glasses? The lust that you are having for me," she whispered fearfully. "Do not forget, Kabir Nair. My brother can ruin lives of the people who dare hurt his family. Do not forget that you are hurting his sister. Do not forget that I have the same blood as his. I can ruin lives too."

She squeezed the very hand he was holding and smiled innocently, leaning closer to his face now that he had all his breaths lost.

"The difference is that my brother will do it physically. He will hit you at places that you will have to take another birth to get this much fine body." She pointed her finger right in the middle of his chest. "But I don't touch places. I will touch this heart."

"Will rip it apart, okay?" She whispered softly.

Kabir gulped while breathing slowly. "I haven't done anything to deserve your hatred. I am a fine guy, enough deserving for you. If you want me to wait, I will. But you will have to welcome the thought of marrying me in future, anyhow. . ."

She clicked her tongue, shaking her head.

"I will only marry the winner of my heart."

Smiling innocently, she stepped towards left a bit and walked away but not before giving him a last glance.

Just as she left the room, sanity left Kabir's mind as he clenched his jaws hard and flared his nostrils.

"I will be the winner of your so-called stone heart, Sakshi. In the end, I will be the winner."


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