Den of Wolves

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"We've been walking for hour's"
Hans grumbled while dragging his feet behind Anna. The princess only shot him back an annoyed glare and continued forward. As Hans rolled his head back with exhaustion, his eyes drifted to the dark purple sky of dusk. The sun was setting already.
Knowing that darkness only brought danger Hans announced
"We should find shelter before it gets too dark" Anna, who thought he was just trying to find an excuse to stop rolled her eyes
"No! no! no! I'm not stopping for anything, if we travel through the night we will get there twice as fast." Just as those words left her lips Anna stopped, one stop short of the end of a cliff. Somewhere in the darkness, they had taken a wrong turn. Though this was a troubling matter Hans' mind was elsewhere. He looked around, listening for any suspicious activity then he continued to warn
"The wolves are sure to come this way if we stay out in the open like this"
Anna, silenced from softly scolding herself, turned deathly pale. Slowly, she looked back to her travel companion, showing the first hint of emotion in hours, other than determination.
"Did you say wolves?" She repeated worriedly, gripping tighter onto the sword strap that sat in the middle of her chest. At that moment, a howl sounded out from the distance. Both of them remained still and silent, taking in their surroundings. From behind Anna, a bush rustled and in a flash, Hans screamed out her name while he ran up and pushed her to the side. From the bush emerged a white wolf, it leapt into the air at its prey, and in turn, Hans called Anna to hand him his sword, but she was too late to react. By the time she had unsheathed the weapon, the beast was already on Hans. She was about to strike the creature but then more came from the trees and surounded her. Hans struggled against the wolf as it bit at his clothes and searched for a piece of flesh to dig its teeth into.
keeping the wolves at a distance by swinging the blade at them one by one, Anna tried getting to Hans but the animals made it impossible. thrashing on the ground, Hans tryed to get the upper hand of the large beast.
Its mouth stretched wide, dripping saliva onto his cheek. He gripped its neck, trying to get free from under it, bit his hands slipped, allowing the wolf to plunge its teeth into his shoulder. He let out an agonising scream as Anna looked at him in horror.
How were they going to come out of this? As Anna wracked her brain, putting aside her own safety she dashed through the wall of wolves and their teeth nipped at her clothes but she manage to get past.  Reaching Hans, she put her plan into action. First, she kicked the large wolf that was digging into his shoulder. The prince let out an agonising scream, feeling the fangs of the beast eject from his skin.
Anna had less than a couple of seconds to finish the escape plan before the wolves were upon them again. Hans stood to his feet, trying to pull Anna behind him, acting as somewhat of a shield, but this girl was not as helpless as he assumed.
Anna pulled back and gripped his hand
"What are you doing?" Hans yelled back at her
"I have a plan!" Anna replied.
Hans looked at her sceptically
"Well, if you don't do it now, then these wolves are going to push us off this cliff."
He gestured to the ledge that was growing ever nearer as they tried to keep their distance from the snarling animals.
Anna met Hans' nervous expression and said firmly
"That what I'm counting on."
With that, she pulled Hans right to the edge of the ledge, and they looked down into the all-consuming darkness bellow.
At that moment, Hans then overheard Anna speaking a soft prayer.
"Oh, I sure hope there is snow at the bottom,"
Finely, he had realized exactly what Annas plan was, and it was an understatement to say he was averse to it.
Anna pulled the wounded man forward.
And he yanked his arm back, but he was too weak to get free from her tight grip.
"Oh no no No! I am not jumping down there!"
Without even turning around or discussing their possible death, Anna assured
"Don't worry, I've done this before!" She finished her sentence mid-air jumping while still holding onto Hans' arm, forcing him to jump with her. They plummeted down into the darkness, screaming. For a moment, Anna silenced her scream when she realized that the high-pitched squeal was coming from Hans. She looked at him and met his eyes. He then stopped screaming and, while still in mid-air, gave her a look.
Both falling companions then looked back to the unseen ground and resumed screaming.
A moment later, they finally made contact with the ground, and just as Anna had hoped it was lined with a thick layer of snow.
Anna triumphantly emerged from the snow and said
"Wow, I'm so glad I was right, or this could have ended really badly,"
She waited but heard no response.
"Hans?" She called out warily. Her stomach dropped, struggling her way out of the snow she went onto her knees and felt around. The light from the moon was just bright enough for her to see at as arm's length but didn't give off enough light to see much further.
Anna scrambled around, searching for a piece of his clothes to pull him out of the snow. Then her fingers dipped into something, she could see that it was a dark liquid and when she rubbed it between her finger she could feel that it was slick and condensed. blood.
Anna frantically searched for the source but couldn't find anything. She dug down into the snow where it was coming from but to no avail. Panicking Anna yelled for Hans, hoping he would answer... but he didn't. Anna could feel her chest begin to seize up. She didn't want to be alone, not here in the darkness of night in the wilderness. She wasn't really fond of the guy, but she appreciated his company more than she had let on. Tears started to fill her eyes, and she yelled out his name again, but still, there was no reply. She began shaking with realization. She was going to be alone from now on, no one to talk to, no one to help. It made her inside turn. In one last feeble attempt, Anna screamed at the top of her lungs
What she heard next was a voice coming from behind the darkness and approaching her, It said
"Yikes, hush now, unless you're actually trying to attract more wolves, then please, keep going."
Anna opened her eyes to see the bruised and battered Hans standing before her. Instinctively, she rushed to her feet and held into him
"I thought I was alone, I thought you had died! Thank you, thank you for not being dead!" She spoke while smiling through tears. Hans was completely taken aback by this
"Well, I'm glad to see that you actually care,"
It was with that sentence that brought Anna back to reality.
She strengthened herself and wiped her nose like a child trying to be mature
"It's not that I cared, I just didn't want to be alone"
Hans smiled, slightly touched
"Alright, whatever you say." Then he collapsed to his knees. Anna took his hand off his shoulder and saw that the wound from before was still bleeding.
"We need to get to a safe place so I can tend to your wound." Hans shook his head
"I'll be fine," he said, collapsing on the princess. Anna had to find somewhere now. She gently placed him on the snow and ordered
"Stay here." Hans chuckled through his pain
"I'm not going anywhere,"
With that, Anna ran off. A few minutes later, she returned and asked
"You still conscious." There was a pause, but then Hans answered
"How could I not be, I was waiting for you in such anticipation." Anna rolled her eyes and smiled
"Good, cause I'm gonna need you to walk,"
Anna, through his arm over her shoulder and one step after the other they eventually got to a cave. Hans was surprised at how Anna found such a good place.
Once they were inside, Anna sat him down against the wall. She had to leave a few times to get firewood, but once they had all they needed and the fire was lit, Anna began treating Hans' wound.
As she did, not one of them uttered a word. The crackling fire was the only one that spoke, and even that was nothing more than a whisper. The former prince's shirt had been ripped so badly it couldn't be called a shirt and so Anna used it to bandage his wound.
Occasionally, he would wince in pain from whatever Anna's untrained hands were trying to do. It was then when Hans noticed something, Anna's shoulders were shaking. Her face was pulled in a tight expression as if she was clenching down her jaw, trying to prevent another emotion from seeping through.
Finally, he broke through the silence and said
"Is all the blood bothering you?"
Anna shook her head but remained silent. Worried, Hans gently placed his hand on her shoulder to still her tremblings.
"If it's not because of the blood, then why do you look terrified?" When the princess finished binding his shoulder, her eyes met his, and eventually she confessed.
"back there when you pushed me out of the way and that wolf jumped on you one thing was going through my head, that i was going to be the reason someone died" tears began to fill her eyes as she continued
"I don't know how I would have lived with myself, it's too terrible to think of." Hans then cut her off before she had the chance to say anything more
"Then don't think about it, it doesn't matter what could have happened, it didn't alright?" Hans gently wiped the tears from Annas' eyes. She looked so frail at that moment like the slightest breeze could cause her to crumble. For some reason something about seeing Anna cry filled Hans with a feeling, one that he couldn't quite place, he didn't know if he wanted to kiss her or just hold her in his arms and dry her tears.
Anna looked deep into Hans' eyes, her mind filling with questions. What was she feeling?
What was even happening?
What was she going to do about it? did she need to do anything.
Hans stretched out his arms and wrapped them around Anna. He pulled her to himself and placed her head onto his bare chest. They stayed like that a while, and Anna could hear his heartbeat. Calm and constant.
It made her feel as if nothing could harm her while she was in his arms.  likewise, Hans never wanted to let the girl in his arms go. He never wanted to make her cry ever again. His mind travelled back to when Anna was lying there, helpless and cold, asking for a kiss. Back then he had been a different person, he was heartless and cocksure, all he wanted was power but what he didn't know was that power doesn't give you loyalty, it doesn't give you friends. Or love. What Anna had over people, to make anyone feel like they knew her and could trust her, that was true power, one that Hans could never possess. That was when a question came into his mind, what if he had kissed her back then. What would have happened?
But he knew that even if he had kissed her it wouldn't have worked, back then he didn't love her, he didn't let himself...but now.
Now he wasn't so sure.
Time went, and the fire started to die, but the cinders somehow seemed to be hotter than when the fire was burning.
Hans lay down, keeping Anna pressed to his chest. Anna couldn't understand this.
She had been embraced by Kristoff, but this time, it was different. Something was different. Anna's feelings were all over the place, and the frustration of it caused her to cry again. She shook, and Hans hushed her sobs and brushed the back of her head.
"It's alright... everything is going to be alright," Hans cooed
That's it! Anna realized. She finely knew what her emotions were. She had misunderstood Hans, and she had misunderstood what she felt for him.
Knowing this, she could now fully surrender herself into his embrace...

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