"No Second Chances"

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Black...then shapes... then Anna sitting in front of him with her legs crossed dosing off.
Hans blinked away his drowsiness and shook his head seeing if this was real, looking down he realised he was tied to a chair, the ropes cut into his arms, they were so tight that if he struggled in the slightest he would get rope burn. In that case, Anna was most likely the one who tied him up.
Hans leaned his head back and felt a sharp pain in the back of his skull, then groaned.
"He's awake!" Kristoff called, having heard him. His voice startled Anna, and she jolted up to her feet pretending to have been awake the whole time. Hans just rolled his eyes. Anna circled around their prisoner with judging eyes. A minute passed in silence with her just analysing him. Eventually, he got bored and said, "sooooo?"
Anna stopped and replied, "soooooo?"
Hans sighed, and Anna continued, "sooooo?" She drew inches away from his face in hopes of intimidating him, but he just stared back at her blankly unamused then her eyes faltered.
Elsa pulled her sister back, realizing this wasn't going anywhere, and she gently brushed her to the side.
Elsa breathed in as if about to do the hardest thing in her life...approach the monster that tried to kill her sister.
"How did you get here, and how did you find us."
"Do I answer those in that order?" Hans responded snarkily, but the Queen didn't answer and wasn't going to until he talked.
Hans, realising he was the star speaker, gave in. "Okay... when you sent me back, my father was... let's just say, less than unhappy to see me." 
They looked at each other intensely without breaking eye contact, as if waging a war.
Hans continued, "My brothers were the first to welcome me home from the docks.
They took me and beat me to a pulp."
He smirked scornfully. "After that, they brought me to my father, and he..." Hans paused and then told Elsa "Pull my bangs back. "
She found this to be a strange request. His hair was quite long, and though it was pulled back into a ponytail, it still reached to the bottom of his shoulders. His bangs conceal an eye, and Elsa, seeing no problem with this request, did what he asked.
She reached out and brushed his hair back with the tips of her fingers. His face remained expressionless as Elsa turned away, trying not to show her horrified expression. As she did, she saw Anna, eyes wide, covering her open mouth.
"Your...eye," Anna uttered, Hans looked up at her. "Yes...it's gone." He said "my father gouged it out, not uttering a word to me before or after. then he and my brothers took me into the forest and left me there to die by wolves." He stared vacantly at Elsa
"You see, in my family, there are no second chances, there is no forgiveness, there is no mercy.
When you guys mess up, you get a tap on the hand. When I mess up, I get my eye gouged out. When you feel lonely, you have a sister to come alongside you and keep you company. I  sit by the bay and wish the water would swallow me up. When you failed, your family encouraged you to try again, but when I failed, my family left me in the forest to be fed to the wolves." He paused before continuing.
that was the family you sent me back to. I understand you wanted me to suffer for what I did to you and your sister, I know that what I did was unforgivable. But you have to admit, what you did by sending me back was cruel too...and you know it. "
Elsa's confidence faltered, and for the first time, she broke eye contact and looked away, almost ashamed.
Hans sighed, "But none of that matters now, I hurt you, so take my missing eye as you getting back at me." He paused,"back to the point. After I obviously survived travelling through the forest, I went aboard a ship.
They didn't recognise me. Most towns people associated me with two things, good looks and being a prince, but I was neither, I hadn't eaten for days, my eye was gone, and I was disowned. A few weeks later, I arrived in Arendelle, not my first choice of refuge but it was where the boat was going  and you know I'm not one to cast aside an opportunity  even if i don't like it." Hearing this, Elsa grew confused but listened on. "I figured that I could live here as a commoner. I've been living in the forest ever since, hunting for food and camping out. As for how I found you, I was kind of lurking around the castle for no real reason more than curiosity." Elsa pondered on that statement but let it slip by
"I saw you guys leaving through a hidden door, and I decided to follow you... And that leads us to where we are now." Hans had finished, and the three Arendellions were rendered speechless.
With a final huff and a wince from his restraints, Hans said "Could someone untie me now?"

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