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The first thing Eclipsepaw noticed was warmth. It was something she had not felt in quite some time, and she was immediately on alert. Hushed voices sounded from a little bit ahead of her, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Cave walls surrounded her, and there were two cats speaking at the entrance to the small cave. They turned to look at her, as if they sensed that she was awake. 

One was a dark grey tabby tom with white paws, and the other was a fluffy black and white tom. 

They approached her nest. The black and white tom was silent while his companion sat down in front of her. He carried himself with an air of authority, and his amber eyes were kind. 

"My name is North. I'm the leader of this group on the mountains. We brought you here after you were injured by the bear. Can you tell me your name?"

"Eclipse. My name is Eclipse." She shivered as she shed her clan name, feeling as if a new part of her life had just begun. 

The black and white tom spoke next. "I'm Hollow," he rumbled. "I'm the healer. It's a good thing you remembered your name. You hit that tree pretty hard, but luckily it seems you only got out with some bruises and scrapes. You're going to be sore for a couple of days, but otherwise fine. But let me know if you experience memory loss or hallucinations."

Eclipse blinked in surprise. This was new to her. It seemed as if Hollow knew much more than the clan healers. She almost wanted to learn more, but being a healer was not her calling. She preferred hunting and combat. 

"Thank you for helping me," she meowed. She wanted to say more, but wasn't sure what.

North examined her, his eyes thoughtful. "Would you like to stay with us? You seem too young to be on your own."

Her breath caught in her chest. It had been so long since she had belonged to something. She longed to have friends and family again, like Snowrunner and Avalanchepaw. Her heart ached; it had been a while since she had thought of them. She hoped they were doing well. 

Eclipse nodded. North stood, and beckoned her to follow him out of the cave. 

Outside, the world was bright and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Once they did, she noticed several cats sitting in the snow. Most of them had their fur puffed up against the cold, and ice clung to some of them.

Were they waiting out here

"Friends!" North announced. "Today, we welcome a new member to our group. Meet Eclipse!"

A chorus of hellos and welcomes filled the air. 

Eclipse looked around in disbelief. It amazed her that so many cats were excited to meet her. Not one of them looked at her with distrust, or expected her to save them. They looked genuinely happy to meet a new friend. 

So, she stood, raising her tail in greeting. "Hello, everyone! It's so nice to meet you all!"

And she meant it. 

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