Chapter 2

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Cadence P.O.V

After we get on the large government vehicle Sandra and I sit together. I can tell that she is still very upset about having to leave everything she's ever known. I'm upset too, but I would never show that.

"How could you do that?" she whispers through her tears.

"They were only acting. I know they won't miss me," I tell her.

She looks appalled that I could ever speak in such a manner about our parents.

"How could you say that!?" she snaps, not loudly, but harshly.

"They never approved of my transition and they even said they would never want to see me again after I finished," I explain, seeing no reason to keep secrets from each other anymore.

She hits me upside the head and huffs angrily. She is fuming with rage and it seems like she is overflowing with emotion.

"Don't you get it, Cadence!? There is no transition! Whether you like it or not, you are a woman!" she whispers angrily.

It is at this point that I get up, taking the only available seat in the back corner. I am not going to deal with her attitude. She has been getting on my nerves for months now and I'm finally at my breaking point. I'm not going to take any talk like that from anyone, but especially not Sandra.

She glares at me while hugging her knees. I think part of her anger towards me is because I have the biological ability to have children while she does not. I would gladly give her my reproductive organs, but I cannot. It's unfortunate. 

It takes a couple hours to reach The Oasis. It looks like a giant glass semicircle covering a rather large town. I am not exactly eager, but I do not have a choice.

Soldiers force us out of the vehicle and into a single file line. I keep my backpack close and wait while the people in the front of the line are patted down and checked for weapons.

Finally, it is my turn. A soldier pats me down, searching for anything that could be considered a weapon. Luckily I don't have anything. The only thing that made me uncomfortable was when he got particularly close and was feeling my chest binder.

I was given the all clear and sent to have my bag checked. Luckily I managed to hide my hormone pills in my pocket by the time they started checking my bag. I had nothing else to hide.

They allow me to enter and I look around once I'm inside. It's not exactly how I pictured it. The sky is a bright blue, being a projection of some sort to make the artificial place seem more realistic.

Sandra slows down and walks beside me. We don't say anything to each other for a while. The tension between us has only grown since the drive.

'She knows that this transition is the only thing I've ever actually wanted. The fact that she is telling me that it will never happen is crushing. I am not going to forgive her for a while.'

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