Chapter 32

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Cadence P.O.V

I am happy that Josh stood up for me. Normally people do not do anything, but rather they join in to continue the bullying. That's just how society works most of the time. It's rather disappointing.

Josh and I walk back to our apartment and sit down. Josh puts on the playlist he created for me. I can't help but smile. Music always helps to calm my nerves. It's relaxing to me.

I smile and lay my head on Josh's chest. He plays with my hair gently as we listen to music. It feels nice. I like when he teases my hair.

'I feel so happy around Josh. I never thought anyone would ever make me feel this way. I always pushed people away before they could get close. I told myself that I didn't need anyone to be happy. I was fine and did things on my own. I never thought that another person could make me this happy. Now that I'm with Josh I never want to let him go.'

I smile at my thoughts and hum along softly to the music that's playing. I'm not asleep, but I'm in a resting state. Josh seems to be in the same. I always think better when I'm relaxed anyway.

'I don't know what I'd do without Josh. He's really the only person I talk to in The Oasis. He defends me from people who spread rumors. He is the only friend I have ever had and he is now my boyfriend. He is really the only thing I have to lose. I don't know what I would do without him here with me.'

"Sorry Hun, I have to go to the infirmary," he says softly.

I sit up and hug him, wishing that he didn't have to leave. He spends a good amount of time at the infirmary because he volunteers there. He spends the rest of his time with me.

"It's okay," I tell him, breaking the hug after a few moments.

He gives me a small peck on the lips before leaving the apartment. It is impossible for me not to smile about it. Josh just makes me so happy.

'It feels strange to be so close to someone after shutting people out for so long. I feel like I'm too close to Josh sometimes. Perhaps he wants more space and that's why he volunteers at the infirmary. I don't have anything to really keep me occupied while he's gone. All I do is miss him until he comes back. I really should find a hobby. I can't constantly cling to Josh. He'll think I'm clingy and start to resent me. I don't want that to happen.'

I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. I decide to head out on my own for once. The dock where Josh and I fell into the water sounds like a good place to me.

I walk onto the wooden dock and look down at the water. It is unnaturally blue. A small smile spreads across my face as I think of the time Josh and I had here. It was very nice and one of the first times I actually allowed myself to have fun.

'Josh helps me be more open. Without him, I would still be closed off in my shell.'

I decided that when I am alone that I can walk to the dock and spend my time by the water. It is relaxing and peaceful and one of the few places that I have a good memory. It is a nice place to spend my time at when Josh isn't around.

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