Chapter 37

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Josh P.O.V

Sandra and I left her house and went to the infirmary. We both know that it's risky, but we both love Cadence and are willing to risk our own safety for his happiness.

'I've been a horrible partner and I will try anything in my power to make up for the awful things I've done. Cadence deserves better.'

The doctors in the infirmary know me and trust me enough to let me have a key card. It allows me to have access to any room in the infirmary. Hopefully, we are not caught.

Most doctors assume that Sandra is a patient that I am caring for. She doesn't look very sick, but that doesn't mean that she isn't injured internally. Plus when women come in and look fine most staff members naturally assume that they are pregnant.

I wait until the coast is clear to use my key card to get into the medication room. I search for a few moments before finding several bottles labeled as testosterone. That is a good sign.

I slip a few bottles into my pocket and sigh, exiting and locking the room once more. Sandra looks worried as I walk out, seeing many other doctors walk by. She seems to stand out. Luckily no one has questioned her yet.

We are almost out of the infirmary when a doctor that I am not too familiar with blocks our way.

"Josh, who is this?" she asks, no real tone being in her voice.

"This is Sandra, she was just leaving," I tell her quickly.

"Why is she here?" she continues.

I am about to tell another lie when Sandra cuts in. "I was just looking for my brother. He and Josh are close friends and I was just asking Josh if he knew where he was. I'm sorry if I've caused any inconvenience, I was just leaving."

The doctor looks pleased and allows Sandra to leave. Unfortunately, she glares at me and snaps for me to get back to work. It looks like I won't be off the hook so easily.

After a while, I am finally allowed to leave. I can finally relax and get back to Cadence. Sandra waited for me outside of the infirmary.

"We have to tell Cadence the truth," she says softly, hugging herself.

I can tell that even she does not want to. We lied to Cadence and abused his trust. He might never forgive us.

"No," I say flatly, "we tell him what Mayor Greene did; that he switched the pills and played both of us in his sick little game. We have the testosterone and can gain his trust back afterward," I tell her.

She gives me a worried look as we walk. This is yet again another lie. I hate to lie to the one I love, but I'm doing it for his own good.

'I've only lied to protect him. I agreed to have a child so he could transition afterward. Mayor Greene originally said he would allow it. Only now have I realized that he is a lying rat that cannot be trusted. I'm going to keep Cadence safe at any cost.'

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