5. Seven seconds in hell.

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Pulling up in front of Reese's house, thanks to his huge driveway, we could see all the lights on in his mansion of a home. Yeah, he lived on the nicer side of town, with his dad being a senator for our state. I would never imagine myself being the girl partying with the senator's son, but Reese didn't let the wealth his father had make him act like a twat. He was actually really likeable. It was a shame he chose to be friends with Matty.

"Woohoo, let's partayyyyy!" Naomi sang, already tipsy from the drinking she did beforehand.

Watching her stumble out of Oli's car in her five-inch heels and knee-length navy blue bodycon dress, I snorted in laughter while Oli rushed over to help her, impressively keeping his laughter in.

"Come on, Bee," he called out, getting me to join them.

While Naomi was more dressed up for this kind of scene, Oli was sporting a simple light-grey polo shirt, with a pair of blue jeans and sneakers. I was wearing very form-fitting black jeans with a pair of Toms and a red and white striped crop-top. My blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and I even went as far as to add a red bandana around my head as a headband. For me, that was a lot of effort.

Wrapping an arm around both of us, Oli squeezed in between us and led the way inside, smiling like the charmer he was when we walled through the front door.

I smiled at the people that greeted me when they recognized who I was. To be honest, a lot of people actually knew me, even though I wasn't necessarily a part of the in-crowd. There were the "populars", which were the usual popular kids in school—the cheerleaders, jocks, badboys, and rich kids. And then there were the more approachable populars—the ones that didn't really have a gift or talent that separated them from everyone else. They were just memorable, likable. That was where I fit in.

Honestly, I think people liked me because they knew I would always do something to entertain them, even if I wasn't trying to. They might catch me in a fight, mouthing off to a teacher, making some annoying priss cry her cheap mascara off, or telling jokes that made even the most uptight person laugh out loud. But, I was mainly known for the many creative ways I managed to upset their beloved Prince Matty.

"Bryce. What are you doing here?" Aimee, a sickeningly gorgeous redhead with legs for days questioned me in her skimpy green party dress. You probably guessed it, she's a part of the in-crowd. The infamous head-cheerleader didn't like me. Shocker!

"That's a pretty dumb question," I deadpanned, standing my ground while Oli and Naomi took a few steps back and stood behind me. "It's a party. Why don't you take a guess as to why I'd be here?"

Frowning, she put her hands on her hips and stepped closer to me. Oh look, her makeup was creasing, adding a few years to her age. What a shame.

"Well, excuse me if I couldn't tell you came to party, considering you're dressed like that. Geez, with a name like Bryce, you might want to try a little harder to show you're not a boy. It's not like your shape is helping us tell the difference," she snarked, causing a few people in the crowd around us to chuckle.


"I'm sorry, I don't remember asking the bitchy airhead for her opinion," I retorted, crossing my arms boredly.

"Well, nobody asked for the tomboy to show up so—"

"Actually, I did." Turning to my right, I saw Reese emerging from the crowd, his hands resting in his pockets as he came over, interrupting Aimee. "And, considering this is my party, could you please not run off my guests?"

Pouting, Aimee rolled her eyes and left. It wasn't like Reese was rude to her or anything. In fact, he was actually really nice. It probably had something to do with the fact that he and Aimee used to date years ago, and even though they broke up, I heard they were still somewhat friends.

"Thanks, even though I could have handled her," I said to him, noticing how his black eyes were on me.

Smirking, he replied, "I have no doubt you would have. Just didn't want to have to call an ambulance after you murdered her self-confidence."

Nodding my head, pleased, I smiled, "Ooo, that was a good response. I gotta admit, I liked it. Almost makes me want to jump your bones." Raising his eyebrows like he was surprised I said that, I added, "Dang. It's a shame you're still friends with Matty."

Groaning, he sighed, "Don't tease a man like that, Bryce. It's just cruel."

"Cruel is what I'm known for," I chuckled, turning my head to see where Oli and Naomi went off to once I realized they went ahead without me. "What the hell? Where did they go?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Reese, suggested, "Why don't we get a drink?"

"Sure," I sighed, a littled pissed my friends left me, but knowing I would find them later and all would be well.

I stuck to one beer, while Reese was a little more liberal with his alcohol. To be honest, I didn't like the taste of it, or what it did to my mind, so I rarely drank, and when I did, it was never more than two beers.

"Heyyyyy, havin' fun yet?" Reese slurred, grinning at me as he tried to pull me into a hug. It wasn't easy keeping him off of me, considering he was a clumsy drunk and was practically falling onto me.

"A little," I said, attempting to get him to lean on the counter of his kitchen instead of me.

When I succeeded, I let out a breath of relief, 'cause that boy was heavy. Looking up, I spotted Oli and Naomi in the corner, waving at me. Being petty, I glared at them as they started moving through the crowd in my direction.

"What the hell, guys? Why'd you ditch me?" I questioned, propping my hands onto my hips.

"Naomi had to use the bathroom, so I went with her to make sure she was safe," Oli explained, which pretty much disarmed my sour mood. Like, how could I be mad at them for that?

Sighing, I whined, "Dammit! That was a good answer! Now I can't do a revenge prank on you," making him laugh. Naomi was too busy gulping down another drink to hear me.

But, I guess Reese wasn't too drunk to remember he wanted to hit on me. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling my back against his front as he rested his head on my shoulder, smirking into my neck.

"Want to dance?" he asked, his breath tickling my skin.

When I turned around to face him, I could tell it startled him, how close our faces were, even though I was unphased. Oli and Naomi were used to this, Reese flirting with me while I entertained him some days, and others I just shot him down. If he was any other guy, I'd have kneed him in his man parts and took a picture of him crying on the ground, but this was Reese. We weren't friends, but in some ways, we kind of were. The reason we weren't was very clear to both of us, though.

And it was also the cause of Reese being yanked away from me as soon as his hands started to wander wayyyy below the southern border.

"Oh, hey, Matty!" Oli greeted, although he was more so laughing at the way Reese looked like he wanted to kill his bestfriend. Or, maybe it was the way Matty was looking at Reese like he just caught him with the enemy.

"Geez, Ellington," I complained, rolling my eyes. "Stop acting so protective. It's not like I'm going to taint your friend and give him cooties."

When his eyes blazed into mine, I took a step back from their intensity. Did he think I was trying to steal his friend or something, because let me tell you—Reese was great, but he wasn't that great.

"Just stay away from him," he growled, and I just loved the way everyone around us watched on like we were a tv show. Sarcasm. No one ever tried to intervene between a Bryce and Matty argument, especially not my friends. They loved the drama, I think.

Well, they were about to get some more.

Grinning cheekily, I replied, "Sure, but it's your friend that keeps coming on to me, so it sounds like maybe you two should have a talk."

Squinting his brown eyes at me, he turned to Reese, who looked so sad.

"A talk?" the cute Pakistani pouted. "But, I don't want to talk! Let's play a game!"

"Have fun," I quickly said, beginning to walk away. That was, until a strong arm grabbed me, halting my escape.

"Oi! Hands off!"

"Come on, CeCe. This'll be fun," Matty smirked, repulsing me to my core.

"No thanks. I'd rather hang out with people I actually like to be around, like my friends."

"But, they're already over there with Reese, setting up the game," he pointed out, to my dismay.

Yup, Oli and Naomi were sitting on the floor, in a section of the large living room that Reese was clearing out for us.

Holding in a cry of pain, I pulled Matty's arm from around me and sulked over to my so-called friends, sitting across from them on the other side of the black coffee table. Mouthing the word 'traitors' to them, they laughed before blowing me kisses.


Stupid loveable dorks.

Rolling my eyes playfully, I looked around at who was joining us and can I just say, this looked like something out of my nightmares. For one, Matty was here, sitting down on the couch behind me. Aimee, the airhead from earlier, sat down beside him and started whispering suggestive things to him that made me literally dry-heave. Reese was okay, and even when Cooper joined, I wasn't feeling tortured. It was only when Reese announced what game we were playing that I felt like dying.

"We're playing spin the bottle!" he shouted, looking pleased with his drunken self.

"Ughhh," I groaned, cradling my face in my hands while praying to God above that the bottle would never land on me.

"The kiss has to be on the lips and last at least seven seconds. Everytime it doesn't land on you, you have to take a sip of your drink," he added on, no doubt making up the rules as he went. "Repeats are allowed, but if you're a guy and it lands on a dude, I won't make you kiss...unless of course you swing that way, then go for it! But ladies," he continued, winking at us. "If it lands on another girl, well, thanks for the free show."

You cheeky Neanderthal.

Chucking a small pillow at him, I laughed so hard when he couldn't dodge it and it knocked him off balance, causing him to fall on Cooper's lap, who quickly shoved him off and onto the ground.

"Okay, is that all the rules?" Matty asked impatiently.

"Yeah," Reese said, rubbing his sore butt as he stood up and sat down beside Cooper instead of on him. "I'll go first."

The first handful of rounds went by, most of which were filled with people I didn't know from school sucking face and spinning the bottle. When it was Cooper's turn, I watched as the bottle slowed until stopping on my curly-headed friend. She practically clapped in delight.

One thing you should know about Naomi was, she had a deep appreciation for the male species, one in particular being Cooper Prince. All throughout highschool, she talked about how much of a "fine piece of tail" he was and how she wouldn't mind "licking his chocolate abs", among other things. 

Getting up from his seat, Cooper smiled at her, which I appreciated for some reason. Cupping her face with one hand, he used it to guide their lips together, and if it wasn't my best friend, I probably would've been sickened, but this was actually really cute. They went a little bit past the seven second requirement, but when he broke the kiss, I could see the blissful daze on my smiling, intoxicated friend.


Then, it was Oli's turn. I was expecting to have to take another sip of my beer that I'd barely made a dent in with my cheating sips, until the bottle landed on me.

With wide eyes, I looked at Oli who was surprised as well.

"Oops," he chuckled, to which I did as well before crawling over to him.

"Let's just get it over with, bestie," I teased, making him laugh again.

That's when I kissed him, and can I just say how AWKWARD it was. Neither one of us was into it, considering it was like kissing a sibling, only not that bad. The kiss itself wasn't even terrible, Oli was a pretty good kisser, it's just...he was Oli, so I couldn't enjoy it.

The face we both wore when we pulled away showed how much neither of us wanted to have to do that again. It actually made us laugh, seeing the other's reaction. Yup, nothing but good ol' friendship there.

When that was over, I was back to sipping my drink as more rounds went on. One resulted in Aimee and Reese making out, while others were filled with random people I didn't know locking lips. It wasn't until I felt a heavy body press into mine, that I realized it was Matty's turn and he was really drunk. Come to think of it, I don't remember the bottle ever landing on him this whole game. The only time he went was when it was his turn last time and judging by the scent of his drink, he wasn't sipping on a weak beer like me.

Matty Ellington was wasted, people.

"My turn!" he announced way too loudly in my ear, causing me to flinch away.

Round and round that bottle spun, and as it slowed down, I could feel my heart beat quicken. That was, until it passed me and I felt a great sense of relief. Sadly, that lasted about two seconds, because when I opened my eyes and looked, I saw that stupid green bottle pointing directly at me.

"Oh, come on!" I complained, feeling like the world hated me.

"Why so eager to kiss me, CeCe?" Matty grinned in my face, already moving to the floor where I was. The idiot didn't even realize I was complaining. He thought I was asking him to hurry up and kiss me.

Glaring at him, I scooted back while he moved closer.

"Pucker up, Bryce," he said, his gaze falling to my lips.

You know the saying, seven minutes in heaven? Yeah, well, this was going to be seven seconds in hell. Hellington, to be exact.

Hehehe, don't you just love a good pun?

Anyway, this is it for the teaser. Just five chapters, and it's a shame because chapter six is pretty funny, if you ask me 🙃.

I've been really enjoying writing this story, so I decided to give you all a taste. Who knows, more chapters could be released sooner than you think 😉.  But, on a more serious note:

What did you think of the first few chapters?

Would you continue reading?

Any characters you like?

Any you don't?

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