When The Time is Right

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"Hey Ash! How are you these days?"


That girl with short orange hair, tied in a high messy-styled ponytail. Her clear emerald eyes, fair skin, small lips, and her cheery smile that's plastered on her face. I'm happy to see my old friend on the wide smooth-surfaced screen.

"I'm fine. Glad to see you after a while," I said.

"Pi-ka!" A small yellow looking mouse chimed as it hopped onto my shoulder.

Me and Pikachu are at Professor Kukui's house as we prepare ourselves to go back to Pallet town. It was already late at night, me and Pikachu finished preparing for the flight on the next day.

At first, it was unexpecting. I didn't even know that Misty would call this late at night since she's always busy at the gym. But still, I'm glad that Misty called.

"How's the gym lately?" I asked as I grinned at her. My dark red eyes fixated on her eyes on the screen.

"Well...packed with lots of trainers." Misty shrugged. "It was sure exhausting so I wanted to see you. We haven't seen each other since last time, when me and Brock visited in Alola."

Something doesn't seem right. I saw that smile on her face faded. That smile turned into a frown. Her expression tells me that something is wrong. I don't know what it is, but I do know that there is something wrong since we traveled together before.

We know each other very well.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked in concern.

Misty blinked for a second as she quickly turned that frown into a wide grin.

"I-It's n-nothing!" Misty stuttered, her tone was higher than usual. "Just exhausted that's all. All that work inside the gym made me weary, I just need some company."

I nodded in response. She's probably exhausted, or just having problems with her family that I mustn't be involve. Maybe I shouldn't push that subject any further.

"Well I'm going back to Pallet town tomorrow."

"Really?" she asked. "That's wonderful! What time?"

"I'll let you know when I come back," I said, "Just wait for me and let's meet each other back in Pallet town."

"Okay, I will," Misty replied with a smile.

"PI-KAPIKA," Pikachu chimed again. That cheery voice from my partner always makes my day. Pikachu's happiness is my happiness.

Me and Misty bid farewell to each other as I turn off the screen afterwards.

I made my bed as I prepare the pillow and the blanket before I go to sleep. The couch I'm laying in is very cozy. Pikachu laid onto my belly as he fell asleep peacefully. Rotom is just on the table near me; asleep. Before I close my eyes, I looked up as I reminisce. The stars and the full moon at night shined bright at the night sky through the roof window. The stars are sure do look good tonight. Don't you think?

It feels like home.

Speaking of reminisce, all the memories in my journey here was wonderful. New Pokémon, new friends, new challenges and so on. I'm glad I'm here in the first place, I guess it's time to say goodbye. It was sad to let them go, but that's how it is. Those memories I have in here will always be in my remembrance.


I slowly opened my eyes as I see light. The light was exotic. I blocked the light with my hand. When my eyes are finally wide awake, I looked around my surroundings.

I was just sitting on a comfy seat. It was very comfortable I'd say. The red carpet floor, the red seats around me, the sunlight, the people as well. I felt myself elevated on my seat with the people in it as well.

I faced to the direction where the sunlight shone. I can see the blue sky with the clouds above. I can a flock of Pidgeot, followed by another flock of Fearow, and the other flying Pokémon in the sky. They looked happy; it was a pleasant sight.

I glanced at the sleeping Pokémon beside me. Pikachu is curled up on the seat, sleeping peacefully. Would it be bad if I wake him up? Nah! I should give Pikachu some time for himself.

After the airplane ride, I shook Pikachu, waking the Mouse Pokémon up. Pikachu slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me.


"Hey, buddy. We're back in Kanto!" I said excitedly.

Pikachu smiled and jumped onto my lap as he crawled onto my shoulder. I smiled as I grabbed my backpack and joined a long line of people as they go out of the plane.

I walked down to the stairs with Pikachu and stretched my arms and legs from that never-ending ride. It took almost forever. I was really antsy to go back home.

After a moment, I was greeted by an old man with a lab coat. The old man smiled and I grinned. I ran towards him as I avoided the crowd of people.

"Well well well..." the man began. "Long time Ash. How is my cousin Samson?"

"He's fine," I said, "Still the same as usual."

"He'll never change." he chuckled. "I'm glad you're here."

I threw a fist in the air in excitement as my response.

"Come with me. You must be very exhausted from your ride," the man said.

"Let's go!"

I wouldn't use the term exhausted, but I am very tired and stiff from that long ride.

Professor Oak took us to his car. Well not exactly a car, but it sure does look like a car to me with four big wheels and another big wheel on the back of it. Silver-colored with no roof on top of it. There are other details on that particular car, but I don't even know what they're exactly called. They look like some sort of black poles or sticks on top as they support the car.

"Ash! Hop in!"

I grinned widely as I joined Professor Oak with Pikachu on my shoulder.

The destination back to Pallet town was long, yet a joyful one. I can see the tall trees as flying Pokémon fly above those trees, the wild pokémon from tall grasses, and the clear ponds with water type Pokémon in it as they enjoy themselves. I remembered my days back when I was on a journey in Kanto.

It was challenging, yet a memorable one.

"What happened here professor?" I asked.

"Well things are the same," Professor Oak answered.

I nodded. Then again I ask, "How's Gary?"

"Gary?" Professor Oak asked. "Ah! Gary. He is busy with research these days."

"I see," I said. "Too bad. I haven't seen him in a while now."

"Don't worry Ash, I'm sure you'll see him again," Professor Oak assured.

I nodded again. The rest of the ride went silent.


After the ride, I went down with Pikachu as I stand on the soft grass on my shoes. I'm finally home to Pallet town. The small, yet warm houses, the first few Pokémon that I'd encounter in here, the trees around the place and the only pond in here. But most of all...


It was good to be back here. I miss home. I miss everything in here, especially my old friends and family. I just stood there as I look around the place. I inhaled the fresh air of Pallet town. The smell of home.

"Would you like to go to my lab? I'm sure your old Pokémon would like to see you once in awhile."

I turned my gaze at my buddy on my shoulder.

"Hey Pikachu. Would you like to do that?" I asked.

"PIKA!" Pikachu responded cheerfully with his sound. I smiled at my Pokémon. Pikachu smiled back.

"Sounds good to us," I said.

"Great! Follow me," Professor Oak instructed.

Me and Pikachu followed Professor Oak's footsteps as he leads the path to the Lab. While we were walking, I felt anticipation in me. I couldn't help the feeling inside. Somehow, I was feeling nervous and excited at the same time. I felt something in my presence that I can't describe. Is it a surprise I sense?

Or maybe I expected too much surprises in my life.


I snapped out of my thoughts when Professor Oak and Pikachu had their eyes on me. We were right in front of the Lab's door.

"Are you all right Ash?" Professor Oak asked.

"I'm fine," I said. "Is there something inside the Lab?"

"Not at all," he replied and shrug. "Nothing special. You're just gonna meet your old Pokémon."

"Oh..." I trailed off.

As he turned the door knob, I felt the nerves and the anticipation in me. Why am I feeling like this? There is nothing anyways.

Professor Oak widened the door and the door creaked. The first sight I see is a pitched-black room inside. Why is it dark? Probably Professor Oak is not using the Lab and maybe the scientists are taking their day off from their work.

Looking at the inside creeped me. It's not like I'm afraid of the dark, but I don't like the presence I'm feeling. Is it the cool wind making me shiver with the anticipation? Or am I just overthinking with the nerves?

Maybe I should wait next for what's gonna happens. But why am I nervous? Every second, I can feel my heart thumping on my chest.

We stepped inside the Lab, surrounded in a veil of darkness. I can't see anything at all, I don't even know if Pikachu's with me. Speaking of Pikachu, I don't feel my partner's presence and that made me curious.

Where is Pikachu?

I can't see or hear professor. It was dead silent, I can't hear a single noise around me. It was so dark that I kept bumping into stuff, stuff that I can't identify in the dark It freaks me out, what is this?

Suddenly, I heard a flick of the switch as light fills up the pitch-black room. I quickly shut my eyes from the exposure of light in my eyes, trying to adjust. After a moment, I slowly open my eyes, my first sight made my jaw drop in shock.

My few friends: Misty, Brock, and Gary are here. My mom smiled as she held a box, wrapped in blue with yellow ribbon. Then I saw professor with Pikachu beside him, Pikachu chirped happily as he ran and jumped onto my arms.

"Is this for me?" I asked in awe.

"Well look around Ash!" Professor Oak said with a bright smile on his face.

I glanced around the place, looking at every decor they made. Colored-paper that's into triangular cuts hung onto the high ceiling of the Lab. My eyes wandered at the food displayed on the table. Several food displayed, various food I delight. Triangular sandwiches, filled with lettuce, tomato, cheese and some meat that I can't describe. Various berries displayed on a big-rounded bowl, filled with lots of unique berries from other regions. There were more food, but I don't really care how they look because all I think is FOOD.

But one thing caught my attention. A rounded three-layered cake, filled with thick chocolate filling on the top. On the edges, they are coated with chocolate as well. One more thing that makes the chocolate cake interesting is that it's added with crumpled Oran berries. Oran berries? The Oran berries on the very top the cake is positioned in the very middle, making it pleasant on the appearance.

Would it be weird if there were Oran berries on the chocolate cake? Well...let's give it a try.

My eyes flickered onto a big banner held in front of me that says: Welcome Home Ash!

Such mixed up emotions inside me, everything is breathtaking.

"You like it Ash?" Misty asked in a cheery tone as she looks at me.

I smiled at her and replied, "I love it."

I looked at all of the people gathered up and thanked them with all my heart.

"It was Misty's idea," my mom stated.

"Misty's?" I repeated in awe. I looked at my friend, smiling widely. "Thank you."

"You're welcome Ash," Misty replied. "Speaking of surprise...we got tons more! Close your eyes and we'll-"

"Shouldn't that wait for now?" My mom interrupted. "There are more things we can do before that."

"Oh..." Misty trailed off and shrug. "I guess so."

First thing happens is that my mom gave me a present. I examined the box for a moment, then I shaked its content inside. The box is as big as my two hands holding the box together, and the box was neither heavy nor light. It feels like a toy inside and that made me curious. I untied the ribbon, slowly tearing the wrapper to reveal a cardboard box.

I tore the tape that's sealed on, and opened the box.

My jaw dropped in shock at the sight of the inside.

A blue ring bracelet, curved smoothly on its edges. It was two inches thick, with a marble-shaped shiny stone on the center part, colored with the lightest colors with a symbol of a genetic kind in the middle of the stone. I lost for words. I was speechless to say. My jaw remained open, I wasn't surprised at all.

This Mega Ring.

If I have a Key Stone with a Mega Ring, which of my Pokémon could Mega Evolve with this? That's the only question inside my head.

"Professor Oak?" I said. "Why do I have this?"

"Ah!" Professor Oak responded. "I'll be right back!"

Professor Oak went out of the room, rushing himself. After a moment or two, he cane back with another present. This time, the present is rectangular in shape. It's wrapped with red wrapper and green ribbon to the finishing touch. I gave one more look at my first gift then I placed the gift aside. I shaked the content of the box once more, but this gift is lighter and wider than the last one.

Is it Christmas? I felt so blessed with two gifts!

I slowly tore the wrapper with the ribbon in it, excitedly rushing myself to see the gift. After tearing the wrapper, I quickly removed the tape that's sealed in the cardboard box and opened the box.

I was shocked, speechless and such mixed up emotions that keeps me up. It was a dark-glittered collar with a marble-shaped stone on the center of it. But this stone is much different than mine for it is like a sun-colored stone, mixed with warm colors and a symbol on it as similar as the Key Stone.

"What is this professor?" I asked as I turn my gaze to Professor Oak.

"That's a Charizardite Y," Professor Oak stated. "You can use that to Mega Evolve your Charizard."

"A Charizard Y?!" I repeated, making sure if I hear that right. "I am completely shock professor."

"Not even surprised?" Professor Oak asked.

"Not at all!" I responded. "I thought it was just surprise. Then when I received these gifts, I lost for words."

I was so happy that I cried. Tears of joy and the mixed up emotions, I was thankful. I wiped my tears away, and looked at everyone.

"Hey Ash don't cry?" Gary patted my shoulder. "Most of all, it's a surprise for 'ya!"

"I know I know," I said. "How could I ever repay everything."

Professor Oak came closer to me and smiled. "You don't have to! We did all this just for you. I know you're always on the run, so we gave you the best surprise we can just for you. Misty planned this from the very start before the day you come back here. Good thing we handled ourselves and managed to do everything right on time!"

I smiled, wiping my tears that kept falling from my eyes. I looked at my partner, smiling at him with that cheerful smile.

"Pikapika!" Pikachu smiled cheerfully.

I looked at everyone and grinned. "This is the best!"

After the presents, all of my Pokémon joined, spreading happiness all over the place. We had a lot of fun. There were games, dances that I didn't expect, and a lot more. Professor Oak assisted me on putting Charizard's collar for the Charizard Y and I put on my Mega Ring, looking and overwhelmed at it. I still can't believe I have a Mega Ring since I had a Z-Power Ring back when I was in Alola. Back in Alola, my white Z-Ring upgraded into a black wrist-watched ring that is capable of putting certain kinds of Z-Crystals that aren't capable in the Z-Ring.

Guess I have to learn how to use Mega Evolution with Charizard huh? Well that's a good thing and a hard thing to.

After everything, it was finally time to eat. The food on the table are still warm, the smell of the food makes me crave. I ate a lot and I enjoyed the food I ate. After we ate, I was satisfied. I bag of digested food inside my belly, it was worth it.

After some time, night came. Misty and I went outside as we sat down on the soft grass near my house.

The both of us gazed upon the stars as we stargaze. The stars shined bright as always, and that makes me happy. Misty laid her head onto ny shoulder, looking at the stars. Pikachu went to my lap as he watch the stars as well.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Ash..." Misty cooed. I turned my direction onto hers as my eyes met onto her green orb eyes.

"Yeah," I replied, smiling at my friend warmly.

"This is the best day ever," Misty said, continued her gaze onto the stars.

"It is," I said, looking back at the stars as well. "Thank you again Misty."

"You're welcome!" Misty grinned.

Then we went silent and continued to look at the stars. It took a few minutes before Misty broke the silence with a long sigh with a frown on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked in concern.

"Ash, the reason why I planned this because..." she trailed off. There is something stuck with her that he couldn't speak out.

"Because what?" I asked.

"I'm leaving tonight," Misty answered.

"Something wrong with that?" I asked once more.

"I was suppose to leave in the morning because I'm going to Sinnoh," Misty continued. "But I can't just leave without seeing you. We promised each other that we'd see each other again. I begged my sisters and my parents to give me some more time before I go."

"But why are you going to Sinnoh?" I asked curiously. "What is wrong about that?"

Misty took a deep breathe and looked at me in a grimace. "Because my mother is ill. We needed to go to Sinnoh, in order to treat her. I didn't want to go, but I have to. I don't want to break our promise and I also want my mom to get better. I can't just do nothing about it, I needed to support her."

I looked at her and she wept. Her eyes were watery. When one tear slid down her cheek, I wiped the tear from her cheek. I gave her a smile, a smile that warm with concern. She looked at me, our eyes met once more.

"How long will it take?" I asked.

"I don't know." Misty shrugged. "I don't-"

Suddenly, her sisters approached us unexpectedly. Daisy, Lily, and Violet came with a smile on their faces.

"Misty, it's time to go," Daisy said.

"We're waiting for you," Lily added.

Misty frowned once more, looking down on her feet. I touched her hand and massaged it. Still giving that warm smile on my face as we stare at each other

"Hey," I cooed. "No matter how long you'll be, I'll wait for the day. The day you return to Kanto. Best wishes for you and your family, especially your mother."

"Will I see you again?" Misty asked.

I stood in silence and grinned. "You will Misty. I'll be waiting for you patiently."

The both of us stood up. Before she goes, she embraced me tightly in her arms. I was surprised at first, but I embraced her back. She didn't want to let go, she stood there and pulled me closer. Once we let go, she ran to her sisters and bid me farewell.

I frowned when she disappears out of sight. But, I know for sure that she'll come back someday.

I'll just have to wait.

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