Forty: Forest Green

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Deadlox's POV:

A loud boom was heard over my head, shaking loose gravel onto my head. We had escaped into the tunnel system below the castle as soon as our connection cut out. Mu was at my side clinging to me, letting out shaky sobs. There a few other followers as well, and very few soldiers comforting the younger ones. I didn't recognize anyone, meaning I couldn't know if my friends were dead or alive.

Another loud boom, this time it resonated longer than the last. Mu clung tighter, letting out a loud cry. My entire body felt numb like time was slowing down. What was gonna happen to us?

"We have to keep moving," one crafter shouted over the sounds, getting a few nods.

"Move on ahead! We need to stay to make sure others made it out," I called to them, moving me and Mu to the side of the tunnel to let others pass. I stopped a soldier to leave them in charge, and they all left.

"Come in Ssun. Come in Ssun," I spoke into my intercom, hearing a burst of static in my ear. Letting out a sigh, I threw the piece onto the ground, deeming it useless. I heard Mu mumbling to himself but I blocked it out, feeling a rage swell in my chest. I wanted to go rip those Gods to shreds, or at least kill them in the slowest painful way.

I felt my skin changing, pain shooting into my back. I closed my eyes, steadying my breathing until the pain left. I couldn't let it out now, not in this confinement so close to Mu. I wouldn't be able to control it. I opened my eyes again and looked at Mu, seeing him leaning against the wall in silence. I tugged on his hand and began leading him towards where the others had gone. No one else was gonna come.


I froze, feeling Mu freeze as well. I turned slowly, seeing Seto yards back wearing a black cloak. He looked terrible, his white band was stained with dirt and he had bags under his eyes. When he got our attention he began crying, covering his face. I ran over, dropping Mu's hand to pull Seto into a hug. He couldn't stop crying, stuttering out apology after apology.

I tried my best to comfort him, looking at Mu panicked. He only began to panic himself, hyperventilating to the point of tears. I felt Seto calming down, arms going around me to return the hug. I ran my hand through his hair, smoothing it down and fixing it to make it less crazy. He pulled back and wiped his eyes, calming his breathing down.

"We need to fight," he finally spoke, "they won't stop until they get the demi-gods or until we're all dead. And since they're gone," he stopped talking, biting his lip. I nodded, understanding what he meant. I took Mu's hand again and lead both of them to the entrance of the tunnel that leads into the castle.

Slowing down, I glanced back to make sure the two were ok. Seto nodded and Mu put on a brave face. I then put on the door, hearing it creak open. I peeked out to see the empty hall, making me feel creeped out. I stepped out and helped the two out after me. Seto looked around, turning in a circle as he stared at the walls.

"They're near the gates. I noticed a force field over the castle," Seto commented. I nodded confirming it. "Ssun put it up."

"Then we don't have much time. Let's find the gods."

Ant's POV:

"We have to find the gods," Sparkles commented as he moved between the trees to keep cover. I followed behind, not answering. I was too focused on the black smoke ahead of me. I knew the smoke belonged to the god of dark, who I have never met before. Sparkles seemed unfazed by it, he almost was acting too confident the closer he got.

"Wait," I hissed, getting him to pause and look at me annoyed. "What's the plan?"

"The plan? Kill the gods."

"No you dipshit. How are we going to get close to them," I sneered. He rolled his eyes and walked closer to me, getting me to take a step back. He suddenly held out his hand,  getting me confused.

"Ever heard of the fusion myth?"

Yes I just did that

Wow I haven't updated in a while


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