Fourty-Three: Blank Slate

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Ant's POV:

I woke up with a heavy blanket over me, my head throbbing from a headache. I couldn't remember what had happened, but all I know is that my mind feels hollow; like something is missing.

Sitting up, I look around and see that I'm in a bare room, a window to my left. I must be in a section of the castle that wasn't destroyed. I started to get out of the bed, but my legs suddenly gave out and sent me tumbling onto the floor. Hissing, I pushed myself onto my arms, looking back at my legs, seeing them laying useless behind him.

A sudden sickness washed over me. I couldn't feel my legs.

"Fuck..." I looked around and saw a door half cracked open, a mirror visible. I needed to know what I looked like. I crawled over to the door, grabbing the handle and pulling myself up. I got a quick glance in the mirror, I didn't look any different but something was off.

I got a better grip on the counter, hoisting myself up until I could lean over and really look at my reflection. I almost wished I didn't.

My eyes weren't void. They were like the other crafters, but a dark brown almost black. I was... human.

Seto's POV:

"This is all my fault," Deadlox mumbled out again, getting Bodil to look at me worried. We all moved back into the base to try and clean it up. Most followers had left when they learned Sky was gone, most stayed in hopes we'd bring him back. His closer friends were no where to be found. Mithzan had dragged the smalls away long ago.

"Deadlox you did nothing wrong," Mu's voice was over a whisper, probably hiding his own grief. Ssun was close to him. I walked away from the group to go see Kip who was being questioned by Stampy.

"When will Ballistic be back? I thought he'd be back with you," Stampy pestered, not notching how Kip stayed silent. I felt myself flinch, knowing the truth. Ballistic was probably not coming back, not while this mysterious person was in charge.

"He... had to help some followers," Kip lied through his teeth, "but he told me that he does miss you. He'll be back soon..."

"That's like him... putting followers first," Stampy mumbled, ears going flat, "he has always wanted to be better than Sky... guess he gets his chance now."

Before Kip could protest Stampy walked off, unclipping the necklace around his neck and putting it in his pocket.

"Why is lying so harder now a days," Kip asked me, but I could only shrug.

"It's good that he doesn't know. I'll send someone out to get him. Or to get intel."

Kip nodded, looking down at his feet. He closed his eyes, chuckling dryly.

"How ironic. If everyone was alive this would sound like old times. You taking control. Sky getting annoyed. Bajan arguing. Ssun stepping in," Kip had tears in his eyes, not bothering to wipe them away, "I'm going to go find Crainer and Kermit."

I went to speak but Kip walked off, leaving me alone. Yeah... just like old times. Slowly dissolving apart.

No one's POV:

"This is taking too long," a shadow hissed, circling another. The other sealed the mirror closed, cutting off their view of the mortal realm.

"Then what do you propose Herobrine?" The shadow paused at the question, forming the god.

"We release the pure souls. Cause some mayhem."

"They'd react different that what we theorize. They need to be developed more," Notch snapped, glancing to the jars of souls. Herobrine scoffed, using a levitation spell to bring one close, one of pure red.

"How about we truly execute some? To keep entertainment."

"Why not release your demi god," Notch questioned, getting Herobrine to growl. He dropped the jar, letting it crash to the ground, but not breaking.

"He was too affected by yours."

"It'd destroy mine worse."

Now, Herobrine grinned.

"If the two work together. We can eliminate the rest."

"I like how you think."

When should I end this book?

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