Thirty-one: Purple + White

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Seto's POV:

Pulling out the jar of glowstone, I used a spell to shrink it down a size to fit in my bag. I hopped down from the ladder and made my way to another shelf, getting down a jar of paint. I stared at it for a moment, watching the yellow paint shift as I moved it.

I missed him, I'd hate to admit. Solace and me weren't really stable with our relationship. We'd get along sure, but we argued and he'd leave for a bit. Then come back like nothing happened. But right now I needed him. We all needed someone.

Getting the last of ingredients, I teleported to the Sky Base World, arriving in front of the gates. Two soldiers were guarding, and upon seeing me, moved out of the way. The air was heavy with tension, making me suddenly worry,

I made my way to where meetings are usually held. It's a large room with an long oval table in the middle. One wall was a blank white, while the other three has doored corridors leading to various areas of the castle.

Sky was at the head, facing the white wall. Deadlox was by him, leaning in and whispering to him. My grip tightened on my bag, thoughts flashing back to when we were a team. He'd only it near Sky when he was... I finally caught Deadlox's attention, making him clear his throat and move back into his seat.

"Mu's under a sleep spell. And your two Demi gods are missing," Sky spoke, not looking at me. I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise. Not only for the fact that we have two dangerous power wielding Demi gods gone, but the tone Sky used scared me. Last time I remembered him using that voice was when he made me leave, then banishing Bajan and Jerome. Deadlox wouldn't look at me.

"Why aren't you-"

"I sent four squads out already. Jerome, Ssun, Syndi, and Ballistic are leading them." Neither still wouldn't look at me.

'I should have sensed it,' I thought to myself. I looked at the white wall, expecting a patrol to call in.

The white wall just wasn't a wall. It was a new tech machine Ssun installed in. Every important crafter could call. Roosters, Creatures, their split offs. Armies on other worlds. They held meetings when trying to deal with new recruits or even a major problem.

This was one.

"Have you called-"

"They won't listen," Sky hissed, "they don't know what happened and think it's all childish."

"Then I'll go speak to them."

"We need you here," Deadlox finally spoke up. I glanced at the two, making him shrink back.

"Doesn't look like it." I took a step back, "you didn't contact me immediately, Sky. And you broke a promise, Deadlox."

"You're the only one who knows-"

"Find another sorcerer."

I turned my back to them, first feeling guilt, then rage. If I'm not welcomed, I won't stay.

Ant's POV:

Pulling the cuffs, I let out a growl when they wouldn't break. I may not have strength, but this was ridiculous. This sorcerers spell was really preventing my powers. The other was across from me, trying to start a fire. I don't know where I was, the trees were dark and close knitted together. Finding a fallen one to burn was easy.

"Aren't you from the nether? Don't you know fire," I sneered, getting a glare from him.

"It's been weeks without my powers."

"Well hurry up I'm cold."

"Are you're from the Ather? You are cold hearted things," he hissed, using the same tone I used. I snapped up, deciding to just glare at him.

He's a rude, useless, destructive, hot tempered, ill-mannered-

"Well you're cold hearted, snappy, rude as well, also way more ill-mannered than me-"

"Don't read my thoughts."

"It's a habit."

The fire finally sparked to life, getting him to relax his shoulders and sit cross legged opposite of me. He then pulled  a pair of red-

"You need glasses?" I scoffed.

"They're used to let me see things others can't." He put them back on and looked at me, "nope. No difference. I still see a cute asshole in front of me."

"Fuck you."

"I think it should be the other way around."

"I will rib your heart out and feed it to my pets."

"A goldfish?"


"Wow I'm soooo scared," he put his hands up, "they would never beat my pets."


"Ghasts." He flashed a smile before laughing, "face it. I'm better than you. So when I beat you, maybe I'll keep you alive for fun."

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