Thirty-Three: Blue + Purple

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Seto's POV:

When I woke up, I only saw a giant yellow fuzz ball in front of me. The cats had moved to lay on either side of me while I slept, as if protecting me. I sat up, getting the two to look at me.

"It was... Nice that you let me stay and all." Oh Notch am I talking to animals??? "But I need to get back to my friends."

As soon as I started to moved from the bed, they followed. One grabbed my cloak once again while the other pushed. No use in fighting them, besides, no one was looking for me. I hesitantly followed them out of the room, across the giant room to a corridor.

The corridor opened to a round room, a fence blocking off a deep hole. Going to the edge and looking down. I saw rows and rows of books in a circular motion moving down and down as far as I could see. This collection must be in the millions. I watched as the two cats moved to a stairwell that ran the edges of it, going down.

I took a breath to calm down, forcing myself to follow them again. Maybe they're hybrids who want to help? Then why haven't they changed form? The two cats when down a few levels before stopping, one letting out a long meow and laying down. The other yawned and laid next to it.

Or they where lazy cats who I was stupid enough to follow.

I paused, frowning a bit and glanced around. I could head back up, leave the crazy cats and-

A book dropping with a thud stopped my thoughts. Spinning to face a hallway I created purple fire balls in both hands, ready to fire.

No ones POV:

Seto saw a figure, shadows hiding most features. They had a floor length black cloak trimmed white. He could see that they had blonde hair, but everything else was hidden behind the hood. The book was at their feet, forgotten.

The figure moved forward, revealing a crafter with red eyes. They look stunned to silence, and made no other move to walk closer. Seto let the flames die out, now only looking confused.

Finally the mysterious crafter moved first, stopping in front of Seto. Their shaking hands raised to cup Seto's face, tears welled in their eyes. Seto searched their face, trying to remember who they were.

"Oh how you've grown... my little sorcerer..." The figured whispered, shock filling Seto. He stood silent for a moment before tears starting streaming down his face. He took no time in hugging her, mumbling quietly. The sorceress rubbed his back, smiling as they whispered softly to him.

The two didn't notice the others in the room.

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