Three: Red

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???'s POV:

Everyone seemed to stare at me when me and my friend walked through the golden doors. Of course I stared back, it was only polite. My friend nudged me and I walked in, taking a seat near the astronaut.

"Right," a boy in a purple cloak sighed, "where was I."

"If I may interrupt," I cut in, crossing my arms. I felt my friend nudge me again, but I ignored it. "What the hell did you call us in?"

"If you weren't late you would know," brunet mumbled under his breath. I lean in, narrowing my eyes. There was a tense moment of silence before the sorcerer spoke up.

"We're here cause the end of the world is drawing near and we caused it," the purple cloaked one yelled, slamming his hands on his desk, getting the astronaut to jump.

"How do you know we caused it and not you," I asked, getting the brunet to spring up.

"How about you shut you mouth and listen!"

I bit my tongue, keeping my eyes on him as the sunglass wearing freak pushed him back into his seat.

"When the eight break. It will cause a quake. So powerful and strong. A war between light and dark will prolong," the purple cloaked one said calmly, "who knows a team of eight besides us?"

I was about to comment, but my friend tapped my hand, quietly telling me to shut up. I watched as others looked around, and the fish count on his fingers.

"I know there's still some unresolved tension," the guy continued, looking between all of us, "but if we're to keep this light and dark from merging. We agree to stop fighting and work together to solve a problem."

"What do you think this light and dark is? One of us," The astronaut spoke up quietly.

"No Mu, I-," before the purple guy spoke again I stood up.

"How do you know."

The room got dead silent. The brunet's ice cold glare was digging into me but I ignored it, asking again.

"How do you know Seto?"

Seto hesitated, but walked to me until he was inches in my face.

"Want to know why? Do you have the patience to listen to it all or are you going to interrupt again?"

I scoffed, but made a hand motion to make him continue. Seto backed away again, keeping his eyes locked onto me.

"There's an old tale that the God of Light created us humans; but we had no purpose, no emotion, nothing to different us. So, he gave us an aura that would give us a personality," he paused, but I didn't interrupt, "a gold was to represent a pure soul. And red one to represent a strong soul. So on, so forth."

"Something happened, "he then turned to face the others, who now listened in, "the God of Dark got jealous of us. So he used part of his soul to make his own human. This one, was pure white.

When the God of Light heard this, he made his own. But this one was pure black," Seto concluded. There was a silence, before Mu spoke up.

"Why opposite," he spoke quietly.

"I don't have an answer," Seto sighed, "but if we are the eight. There's going to be a grey line drawn and we're going to be caught in it."

Gods? Auras? Demi-gods? A war? I scoffed to myself, turning and walking to the door.

"Where are you going Bajan," the brunet sneered. I paused, turning just slightly to see that he had stood up.

"Home. I'm not getting caught up in fairy tales," I spoke coldly, turning back and leaving.

Hmmm... Thoughts?

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