Twenty-four: Golden Castle

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Deadlox's POV:

I could hear them moving around me but I couldn't see them. My thoughts were flooded with worry. Is Mu okay? Is Sky okay? Do they know? Where is Seto? Is Sky okay? A hand touched mine, but I couldn't tell who it belonged to.

"Bodil's okay," Baki's voice came through, "he's awake and seeing and moving... He wants to get up and see you but he can't yet."

How's Sky? My throat felt like sandpaper, my tongue couldn't even form words. I know they must be worried about me, so why couldn't I worry about someone else other than my ex?

The hand left, making me escape from my thoughts. I felt alone again, like I was back in that Demi gods mind. Every time he used me I felt like a piece of my soul was torn from me. That was probably the case. Was one of us overused and killed?

Mu's POV:

My breathing was even, I felt lightheaded and cramped. I could move my fingers, but everything was closing around me. It felt like someone was holding me down. Holding... Strangling... Unable to breath... Unable to fight back... Unable to get out...

"Mu," Brotato's cracking voice broke through my thoughts, "Kk has been keeping me awake. We've been waiting for you to wake up for two days now." There was a pause as someone let out a wail. "Mu... They killed him..."

Who? Who? Who?

There was another long wail, louder this time. The room got quiet. I took slower breaths, trying to keep myself from being loud. The noises sounded animal. Jerome? Was he okay? Is Bajan okay? Even after all he's done. I don't want people dead.

Preston's POV:

The world slowed down around me as the nurse came up to us with a clipboard. We hadn't told Jerome or anyone else that Bajan was taken to a private location. I felt suffocated when she told us his soul never returned. Then I could barely think as I heard Jerome let out a wail.

Rob had to lead me to a chair to sit before I collapsed. Vikk was rocking back and forth as Lachlan tried to comfort him. A few other crafters were looking but I had blocked everyone out. Bajan was dead. There was no respawn for him. This only meant that his soul was shredded to bits when that thing had him. He wasn't able to come back. She said more but I didn't hear.

Another wail, louder. As if the others heard her. I heard Deadlox, next to us, suddenly scream in agony. Another, I think Bajan called him a fish once, started in as well. The hospital was a mess as nurses and crafters tried to calm them. More anesthesia. More medications.

Where's Seto?

Who's the other who fell?

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