Twenty-nine: Cloudy Blue

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???'s POV:

I traced my finger through the cracked wall for the a thousandth time. There was no weak point, no way out. How the hell was Rage gonna get me out-

I heard the door open, glancing over I saw the other walking back in, Seto right behind.

Almost every day he was allowed out to explore. Maybe it was because he was from that stuck up snobby place or because he offered. Rage told me to stay so I'm following orders.

"Tomorrow I'm taking you out," he suddenly spoke up, getting my attention, "whether you like it or not. I have someone else to take you. Maybe you'll see why fighting is wrong."

I scoffed at his words, looking back at the wall. I heard a sigh and a door closing. As soon as I knew he was gone I looked at the other, glaring. He wasn't looking at me, he was messing with something in his hands. Speaking of his hands, they weren't chained behind his back, they were just cuffed, but a chain was leading to the wall.

"Why the change," I sneered, getting him to glance up. He didn't look mad, or annoyed. I couldn't place what he was feeling.

"They trust me," he spoke with confidence, "I'll be let out. Before you."

Mu's POV:

My hands were shaking, no, my entire body was shaking. Seto was giving me a look, and so was Deadlox. Neither were happy, but I wouldn't let them stop me.

"You sure? He hasn't been the friendliest," Seto spoke up. Deadlox nodded his head. I shook my head and swallowed down my fear.

The others wouldn't be nice to him. The best way to make someone not fear you, or not kill you, is to show them kindness first. I'm positive this will work.

Seto nodded and started walking to the cells, I looked at Deadlox again and followed Seto. Heart growing heavy with each step. Knowing I'll be near one of them, who killed Mitch, who possessed us, is a lot to take in. I'm surprised Seto hasn't broke down.

He walked down the stairs to the cells where they were held, pausing and glancing back to make sure I was still there. I nodded, giving him a reassuring smile. Seto turned, looking into the cell.

"You're being released."

???'s POV:

The soldiers here were loud and annoying. The smaller one leading me was nervous and quiet. He kept glancing around and back at me, expecting everyone to jump at him. I wasn't interested in hurting him, I'd rather have a fight.

"I need to... Go do something," he had paused to talk to me, throwing me off guard, "so you can... Walk around... Bye!"

He ran off, making me even more confused. Wasn't he supposed to watch me? I glanced around to see people doing their own thing, no one looking my way. Rolling my eyes, I started walking around, looking at the things around me.

Looking around gets boring after a few hours.

Now I was in an alley, leaning against on of the walls. I had my eyes closed, trying to use any sort of power. I could see various colors and sizes, representing the soldiers. My hearing picked up the quietest sounds. I focused on that the most, seeing if I could-

"Please... Get away..."

I immediately snapped my attention to the voice, seeing a faint light blue aura. It wasn't far from here. It seemed pinned, by a grey aura that had specks of blue and gold.

"You left me to die!"

"Please just go away!"

Something snapped in me; opening my eyes, I started walking towards the two auras. The taller aura was starting to sound violent, while the smaller got weaker and weaker. I turned a corner, glancing into an alley.

The blue aura, the one who has a soul bound with me, was backed against the wall, hands up in defense. The taller one didn't look angry, but I could sense it.

"Just come back with me."

"I don't want to!"

"I'm not giving you a choice!"

The guy started to raise his hand, but suddenly was slammed against the other wall. I didn't realize I lifted my hand, or use my powers. The smaller one was watching me, eyes wide. I suddenly felt a strain, pain surging through me; strong enough to blind me. I saw a puff of purple smoke before passing out.

Wow long chapter

Soooooo *puts hands on my chin* can you guess who they are?

*slides onto a table and sticks m leggy in the air while Talk Dirty to Me plays in the background*

Talk sparkant to me

*table breaks*

Me requests holds up while me back gives out

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