Twenty-six: Bounded Souls

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Ssun's POV:

My eyes scanned the room, still hurting from the bright lights. Crainer was nice enough to put on my sunglasses for me since I still couldn't move. I started seeing hours ago and I wish I didn't. Luckily, most of tc is fine. Deadlox was said to be moving his fingers. Sky had finally woken up. Mu could whisper one word every day. We're all gaining different things and different paces. Jerome still hasn't moved. Neither has Kip.

But I couldn't see Seto.

"Our base has gotten bigger," Crainer was talking to keep the awkward silence away, "I had expanded a bit in the farm. Plus we moved up portals in that multiplayer server Hexxit. So instead of floor 5 we go to floor 10 once you're better."

I went to open my mouth but couldn't, I couldn't even move a pinkie. I'd rather move than see. He paused and looked around, sighing. "Still no Seto. The squid and his cat are helping around. Also that Blue haired one. I really need to learn names. It's getting to be-"

Crainer stopped talking as the hospital doors opened to reveal Seto, with someone behind him. He was a bit taller than Seto. Black hair with a crossed shirt like Sky's but without the amulet. His eyes... Black.

I swore my heart skipped a beat. It was a Demi god. Not the one who had me. Crainer noticed my panic and stood up, hand at his side were a weapon was. I noticed others moving closer to the injured, watching Seto and the Demi God intently.

Seto's POV:

It was stupid yes, but I wanted to show him the damage, even if he may not understand. I could see some crafters freaking out but I ignored them, walking to Syndi while the other followed. If he moved any further than 10 feet he'd feel a strain on his heart. If he moved any further I'd kill him.

"Dude what the hell," Syndi hissed, pointing at the Demi God, "you do know you have a shadow following you right?"

"Yes I know, he's unable to leave my side. I soul bound him," I explained, standing by Syndi to look at everyone. There was a heavy tension that could be cut with a knife. I saw the Demi God looking around, looking slightly confused.

"What are they doing," he questioned, taking a step closer to me. "They're afraid you'll hurt them again so they're protecting them," I explained.

"We call it cowardice."

"Well, you're only a coward when you leave friends to die to protect yourself," I sounded meaner than intended. He scoffed but looked back at everyone. Ballistic came our way with Stampy, a clipboard at hand.

"We have an update for you," Ballistic held up the board, "Sub and Ethan are up, since they only needed some sight and mobility. Bodil is still bedridden. Ghost can move but can't see. Cave and Swift still need sight and movement but are talking. Jerome's awake but won't do anything."

"He's grieving," Stampy explained, "Ballistic acted the same way when I returned back to base after the incident."

"Are you okay? I heard what happened with Solace," Ballistic looked worried. I shrugged.

"I wish I had him back. But I have friends to take of," I tried to make my voice calm but I couldn't hide the fact that I miss him. The Demi God looked at me curiously when the two left.

"You took him instead of me," I kept my voice low, "why didn't you take me?"

"He was there when I needed him," the Demi God has no sympathy, "the other had four and I needed one fast. You're aura was too strong at the moment for me to control so I took him."

"Well, you killed him."

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