Chapter 1

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She walked into the building quickly as she was already late.

" Anu here."

She looked in the direction of voice and saw her friend Neha waving at her.

" Hey." Anu said smiling approaching her.

" Do you have any idea what time it is now?" Neha asked her angrily.

" It's quarter to 9." Anu replied.

" Yeah right, so when you should have been here?" She asked.

" 8:30." She replied looking down.

" For what?" Neha asked sternly.

" Because our new boss is arriving today." She replied smiling at her sheepishly.

Neha huffed shaking her head at her.

" Sorry yaar, but I came before he arrived right. So let's go to the hall now." Anu started walking dragging her friend.

" Where is Raj?" Anu asked.

" He is already there waiting for us." Her friend replied and they entered into the Hall where everyone are already there.

Anu, Raj and Neha became best friends since the day they started working together in this office.

" We are here.....hey Raj!" Anu greeted excitedly.

" Finally you both are here." Raj huffed.

" Guys do you know who is our new boss? I have heard that he is so handsome, hot and sexy and the most eligible bachelor in the country." Neha said with a dreamy look on her face.

" With that I have also heard that he is  the most arrogant and ruthless person in the stop with your dreamy looks and be careful with him." Raj says annoyed.

Soon the hall became silent indicating the arrival of their boss. Their present boss comes and talks about the company, his experience working with them and him selling his company to their new boss.

Anu smiles at her boss who is an old man in his 60's who doesn't have any heir to take over the company. Their company is neither a small one nor a famous one but It's a big company  running with good profits and providing employment opportunities to many people and she is one of them. So now he sold his company to this new boss as he want to take retirement and take rest for his  remaining life with his wife.

" So my dear staff please give a hearty welcome to your new boss." He announced smiling widely.

There enters the most handsome and  hottest billionaire from the doors and walks into the Hall while everyone started clapping and welcoming him.

Anu stood rooted in her place stunned and shocked seeing their new boss.

It's him.

No it can't be true.

" This is Mr. Siddharth Khurana and he will be your new boss from today as our company is legally and completely merged with Khurana's." Their boss announced happily.

Its him and he is my boss.

She is too shocked to react and stood there as if her whole body got paralysed while Neha is literally squealing looking at the hotness in front of her and Raj is getting irritated due to her screaming.

Their old boss is introducing every staff member to their new boss. Anu observed him from a far. He has  changed a lot. His demeanor is depicting arrogance and coldness as he didn't even smiled at anyone at least for once also.

Tears formed in her eyes looking at him after whole one year. She missed him, she missed his smile, his laughs, his teasing, his hugs, everything....she missed every inch of him very much.

Now what do I do?

Does he know that I work here?

How will I face him?

Will he recognise me?

Shall I take a turn and run from here?

It seemed a good idea to her. It's better to not to meet him now. But she had to meet some or the other day as he is her boss now and she can't escape it.

Her body is shaking and sweating as if she got a panic attack. She cannot meet him like this, so she thinks to prepare herself before meeting him but not so sudden.

She intakes a deep breath, turns to leave and starts moving more like tip toeing trying to go unnoticed.

Run Anu Run.

" Ananya."

She stopped in her tracks listening to her boss.

She slowly turned and saw that her old boss is standing there with her new boss looking at her.

Her breath hitched when she saw him looking at her but his face is neutral.

Seems like he didn't recognize me. Still.

" Yes Sir." She said slowly.

" Where are you going? Come here dear." He said smiling at her.

He had always liked her as his own kid. She took a deep breath and walked slowly towards them looking down.

" Mr. Khurana this is Ananya Agarwal, works in HR department." He introduced her to him.

All the while she is looking down at the floor as if it is the most beautiful thing in the world.


" Nice to meet you Ms. Agarwal." He said coldly to her.

She looked up hearing his voice and tears welled up in her eyes but his face didn't show any sign that he recognised her.

He knows that it's you.....idiot.

How do you know that?

One may forget the person they love but cannot forget the person who betrayed them.

Thanks for reminding me that I am a betrayer.

Oh! That you are!

Urghhh.....I hate my conscience........

" Nice to meet you too, Mr. Khurana." She said snapping out of her thoughts.

" So let's meet the other staff." Siddharth said and they moved to meet Neha, Raj and others.


" What was that?" Neha asked her eating her lunch.

" What?" Anu asked her confused.

Neha looked at Raj who sat beside her.

" Anu we saw all that." Raj said munching on his sandwich.

" What?" Again she asks sipping her coffee. Her head is aching badly and coffee always helps her with the ache.

Neha sighed loudly.

" One. When our new boss was introduced, your face paled as if you saw a ghost." Neha said and Anu got tensed.

" Two. You were sneaking out of the hall when everyone are meeting him." Raj declared.

" And Three. Mr. Khurana greeted and shook hands with all the staff except you, he just greeted you but didn't shake hands with you." Neha  said frowning.

" Oh." Came her brilliant reply.

She didn't observe that as she was a nervous wreck to meet him at that time.

She looked up and saw her friends looking concerned at her.

" Guys there is nothing wrong, I am perfectly fine ok." Anu tried to reply confidently.

" Then, What was all that?" Raj asked crossing his arms.

Anu sighed.

" I was hungry." She replied.

" Huh?" They both asked confused.

" Yes." Anu shrugged.

" For three questions your reply is only one! " Neha exclaimed.

" And that is you were hungry." Raj said in disbelief.

" Yeah guys, that's the reason I want to leave and eat something first." Anu lied.

" Hmm...ok. But what about the handshake?" Neha asked her raising her eyebrows.

" I don't know. You should ask him that.....Maybe he forgot or something." Anu shrugged again.

" Okay......if you say so." They said and continued eating and Anu sighed in relief.

Millions of thoughts are revolving around her mind right now and she is afraid her brain will explode. She just want to go home first, take medicine for the headache and sleep on her bed.

To be Continued..........

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