Chapter 11

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She looked at him wierdly confusion clear on her face when he jumped up from his seat.

" Sir, are you okay?" She asked him entering into the room.

Siddharth quickly composed himself and acted coolly.

" Yeah." He said without looking at her and sat back on his chair.

" Your coffee." She kept it on the table.

He looked at her who is looking as if she is lifting some weight on her shoulders and like she didn't sleep for days.

" Where were you?" He asked in monotone.

" I was on leave Sir." She replied blankly.

" I know but why you needed leave?" He asked.

"I was not well." She said.

" tell me the truth." He said coldly.

" What truth?" She asked panicked.

" About your leave." He said and she gulped.

" Your friends said that you had no viral fever but their expressions gave away that they were lying." He said working on his laptop.

" Idiots." She cursed her friends under her breath.

" What?" He frowned.

" Nothing Sir.....but what I did on my leave is none of your concern." She said rudely composing herself making him clench his jaw.

"I am your boss and you are my employee so it is my concern Damm it." He shouted banging the table making her flinch.

" Sir do you need anything else?" She asked him ignoring his outburst.

" When I ask you something learn to answer first." He said gritting his teeth.

" Ok Sir.....but I don't share my personal matters with my boss." She said bluntly.

" Leave." He muttered angrily.

" What Sir?" She asked him.

" I said leave Damm it." He yelled at her and she went out of his cabin without saying anything.


Raj and Neha are staring at Anu who sat at her desk with blank face and doing her work. Firstly they were shocked looking at her dishelved state and secondly they were worried as she was behaving distant towards them since she came back from her leave.

She didn't talk to them, she didn't smile at them, she didn't laugh with them, she didn't even replied when they asked her what happened and she didn't even eat lunch with them today.

Siddharth stood near the window and glanced at his staff. He saw Raj and Neha standing and watching Anu with worried and confused faces. He then looked at Anu who is staring blankly at the screen in front of her.

He frowned and thought that she never talked to him so rudely as she did today. He got a call and he attended the call going back to his seat.


" Ms. Agarwal."

Anu heard and swiftly turned to see Siddharth stood behind her with his poker face. All heads turned towards them and she stood up from her seat with questioning look.

" I have a meeting in a hotel and you are assisting me for it, come with me." He ordered arrogantly and stormed away from there.

She sighed taking her purse and phone. She grudgingly went outside the building and saw Siddharth standing there talking on his phone.

" Make quick, we don't have whole day." Sid said getting into the car when he saw she was standing like a statue.

She glared at him and opened the door of the passenger seat of his huge car.

" Sit at the back." His cold voice came and she reluctantly sat beside him at the back.

He was doing some work on his laptop while she just sat quietly staring outside the window. He occasionally stealed glances at her while doing his work but she just sat there deep in her thoughts.

When the car came to halt, she looked up and saw that they were in front of a huge mansion.

" Where are we?" She asked looking at the mansion in awe.

" My home." He said and got out of his car.

" Wait! Why?" She asked panicked getting out of the car.

" I need to get some files for the meeting." He said simply and walked towards his house.

He looked back at her who just stood there nervously fidgetting with her chain.

" Are you coming or not?" He asked her.

" No! I will wait here only." She said.

" Ok." He frowned at her nervousness and went inside.

She leaned on to the car and let out a relieved sigh. She turned to her right and stood awestruck with the beauty of the garden in front of her.

Siddharth went to his room and searched for the files he needed. He found them and when he turned to leave, he saw something through his window which made him stare at the scene.

Anu was sitting in the middle of the garden, kneeling down and admiring the pink roses in front of her. Sid saw her closing her eyes and sniffing the fragnance of the flowers. She smiled closing her eyes enjoying the fragnance and automatically a smile made its way onto his face.

On the other hand, Siddharth's mother got out of her car and while walking inside the house she saw a girl sitting in the garden with her back facing her. She frowned but thought that she looks beautiful even from the backside.

She smiled and walked towards the girl.

" Who are you?" She asked.

Anu stood up quickly and snapped her head towards the voice.

Both of them freezed in their places looking at each other.

" Ananya!" His mother whispered in shock while Anu stood there looking down nervously.

" What are you doing here?" She asked her still in shock.

" I.....umm.....I actually....." Anu stutters.

" Ma."

They heard Siddharth and turned to their left to see him frowning at them.
Both looked at each other panicked and then at him.

" Do you both know each other?" Sid asked frowning.

" No! " Both said quickly at the same time which made his frown deepen.

" Then what were you both talking?" Sid asked coming near them.

" I was just asking her, what is she doing in our garden." His mom answered.

" Oh.....she is my PA, she is waiting for me while I went inside and got some files." He said to her.

His mom's head snapped towards Anu in disbelief when she heard that she is his PA while Anu looked at her and then looked down quickly panicking.

" Come let's go for the meeting." He said to Anu and went towards the car.

She followed him silently without looking back at his mother who stood there still stunned and they drove away.


Once they stepped inside the hotel, all the eyes were on them.....Well not on them but just on Siddharth because.......

One... He is the famous Siddharth Khurana, the CEO of Khurana Industries.
Two... Who will not look when such a devilishly handsome, hot, sexy man walks in.
Third... He has that aura of authority and power around him which grabs all the attention.

All the staff and managers welcomed him with respect and fear while all the girls present in the hotel including hotel female staff are eyeing him like they want to jump on him.

She got angry at them who are looking at him like he is some dish and they want to eat him instantly.

One side she is fuming and on the other side one of the female staff stood near him asking some pleasantries. She is smiling seductively at him, battling her eye lashes at him and stood too close to him too much to Anu's liking.

Doesn't these girls have little shame and self respect?

Anu swiftly got between them pushing her away a little and stood there glaring at that girl with disgust who looked bewildered and embarrassed at the same time.

Siddharth looked surprised at Anu by her actions and smiled inwardly at her jealousy. Anu looked at him who now was smirking at her smugly and she glared at him for not pushing that girl away. Siddharth raised his brows at her glaring while she rolled her eyes at him. He narrowed his eyes at her who in turn narrowed her eyes at him. He rolled his eyes and stood  crossing his arms looking ahead while she shook her head at him and also crossed her arms looking straight. They looked at each other and swiftly looked away again huffing at each other.

With all their antics they didn't observe the delegates and other hotel staff looking at them amused and surprised at their actions who were waiting for the meeting.

When they finally saw that everyone are looking at them like they are watching some entertainment show, they composed themselves. Sid cleared his throat and started greeting delegates while Anu just smiled nervously at them.

Anu was stunned to see how Sid was speaking with authority and confidence which makes no room for losing this deal. It was already clear that those people should accept the deal wih no choice as they were agreeing on everything he is saying.

To say Anu is mesmerized is an understatement. She just sat there staring and admiring him. Whatever he does and speaks depicts style, confidence, arrogance and finalty.

After finishing the meeting they went back to their office silently with their own thoughts running in their minds.


To be Continued..........

So Siddharth's mother and Anu know each other. But how?

Stay tuned........

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